Masters Theses
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Masters' Theses Index
Archives copies of Truman State University theses may be used only in the Special Collections reading room. If you wish to check out a thesis, there are copies in the General Collection, located under the call number LB 1900 K6 [thesis number]. Theses are also listed in the Library’s Catalog.
Truman Masters theses from 1997 forward are available online in PDF format through ProQuest’s Dissertations & Theses. You may view the first 24 pages, purchase a copy or download the complete thesis. Please note: free access to online full text is restricted to use on the Truman network.
Thesis | Author | Title | Year |
1 | Phillips, Paul Norton | History of the Chillicothe Business College, Chillicothe, Missouri | 1948 |
2 | Medlin, Carmaleta Harrison | Socialization of Medicine in England Since 1900 | 1949 |
3 | Wheatcroft, George Richard | Reinhold Niebuhr’s Philosophy of History | 1949 |
4 | Brantner, Alpha | Typewriting Ability Acquired and Used by Students of the 1948 Summer Session of the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1949 |
5 | Farmer, Ruby Webber | Teacher’s Handbook of Gregg Shorthand | 1949 |
6 | Mittler, Charlotte W. | Field Survey of the Social Science Teachers in Northeast Missouri Relative to Academic Preparation, Subject Areas Taught and Extra-Class Activities Sponsored | 1949 |
7 | Tedlock, Randall Welden | Compilation of Occupations Requiring Typewriting Skill | 1949 |
8 | Leach, George W. | Frequency of use of Mimeograph Operations by Business | 1950 |
9 | Kopfer, Esther | Missourians in the Oregon Settlement | 1950 |
10 | Pfaff, Robert Marvin | Original Experiences of Missourians in the Gold Rush During the Years of 1849 and 1850 | 1950 |
11 | Light, Melvin | History of Attempts to Equalize Negro Higher Education in the State of Missouri Since 1935 | 1950 |
12 | Waggoner, David Elliot | Growth of Presbyterian Churches, Kirksville Presbytery, Missouri Synod, 1820-1950 | 1950 |
13 | Mangiaracina, John | Investigation of the Physical Mechanisms of the Remington, Royal, Underwood and Smith-Corona Standard Typewriters | 1950 |
14 | Goranson, Venna C. | Comparative Study of the Stroke Count in Context Material as Written in the Simplified Gregg and in Thomas Shorthand | 1950 |
15 | Morlan, Melvin R. | Development of the Missouri State Prescribed Social Science Curriculum for the Secondary Schools | 1950 |
16 | Collett, H. Gordon | Historical Panorama of Dramatic Music in the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1951 |
17 | Sticht, Ernst Ludwig | General Von Steuben’s Part in the American Revolution | 1951 |
18 | Blowers, Gladys Millsap | Exceptions and Inconsistencies in Gregg Shorthand Simplified | 1951 |
19 | Volmert, George H. | Consideration of Some Tests Available to Industrial Personnel Directors | 1951 |
20 | Mabee, Charles Ray | Short Study of Some of the Work of William Jennings Bryan to Promote World Peace While Serving as Secretary of State to President Woodrow Wilson | 1951 |
21 | O’Dell, Opal Margaret | Development in the Middle West of a Small Town: Lamoni, Iowa, 1847-1851 | 1951 |
22 | Gorby, Rubijohn | Why Business Teachers and Clerical Workers Differ in their Typewriter Preferences | 1951 |
23 | Moyer, Rex L. | “Erutrevo”: an Overture for Band | 1952 |
24 | Conyers, Arleen Saucke | A History of the Growth and Development of the Kirksville Osteopathic Hospital | 1952 |
25 | Probasco, Milton Arden | Concerto Grosso for Four Trombones and Band | 1952 |
26 | Bogue, William Warren | Status of the Negro in Missouri as Determined by Law, 1719-1875 | 1952 |
27 | Croarkin, Eugene J. | Study of the Jewel Tea Company, Inc. | 1952 |
28 | Erickson, Lewis Olie | Approach to Music Reading | 1952 |
29 | Froman, Gilbert E. | Outline of the Chronological Developments of Christian Hymnody | 1952 |
30 | Henderson, Robert Lee | Survey of Business Education in the Public Secondary Schools of Northeast Missouri, 1951-52 | 1952 |
31 | Little, Norman M. | History of the Building of the Chicago and Alton Railroad in Missouri from 1837 to 1879 | 1952 |
32 | McFarling, Bertha M. | Characteristics of Outstanding Colleges in the Preparation of Business Teachers | 1952 |
33 | Rockwell, Benjamin Bissell | Bank Charges on Checks and Deposits in the State of Missouri | 1952 |
34 | Smith, Marjorie | History of Business Education at the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1952 |
35 | Snyder, Cleme | Catalog of Adding, Calculating, and Bookkeeping Machines | 1952 |
36 | Waddill, George W. | Local Color Elements in the Poetry of Nine Representative Midwestern Writers | 1952 |
37 | Edralin, Maria S. | Spelling Problems Peculiar to Philippine Students | 1953 |
38 | Hackamack, Pauline Stewart | American-British Relations, 1939-1941 | 1953 |
39 | Johnson, Alphe Carlton | Inquiry into the Movement to Establish Self-Government in the British Caribbean Area, 1973-1948 | 1953 |
40 | Abernethy, Richard B. | Uses Made by High School Graduates of Typewriting Ability Acquired in Fremont High School, Fremont, Iowa | 1953 |
41 | Bailey, Eutopia O. | The Small Town in 20th Century Missouri Fiction, 1900-1950 | 1953 |
42 | Cleveland, Harold W. | Germelshausen: a Symphonic Poem for Band | 1953 |
43 | Dizon, Erlinda Silao | Problems in the Teaching of English to Tagalog Students | 1953 |
44 | Donaldson, Robert A. | La Belle Helene–Offenbach; A Bandstration for Symphonic Band | 1953 |
45 | Gingrich, Lucille | Follow-up Study of Former Students of Buchanan High School, Troy, Missouri, with Respect to Typewriting, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, and General Business | 1953 |
46 | Gleason, Kenneth | Elementary Trumpet Method | 1953 |
47 | Hayes, Ben E. | Study of Plans for Preparation of Business Teachers in Missouri Colleges | 1953 |
48 | Itakura, Betty Michiko | Study of Students from Hawaii in Forty-three Mainland Colleges and Universities | 1953 |
49 | Kennedy, Lola Straw | Comparison of Typewriting Practices Recommended in Typewriting Textbooks, Printers’ Style Manuals and Office Reference Manuals | 1953 |
50 | Pableo, Donato B. | Economics Curriculum for Philippine Institutions of Higher Learning Based Upon Recent Surveys of Socio-Economic Conditions | 1953 |
51 | Scott, Loyal E. | Uses Made by High School Graduates of Knowledge Gained in Typewriting Classes in Shipman, Brighton, and Medora Community High Schools in Illinois | 1953 |
52 | Shatto, Dorothy C. | Uses Made by High School Graduates of the Knowledge Gained in Typewriting Classes in the Galt, Missouri High School | 1953 |
53 | Shockley, Kenneth S. | Status of Business Education in the Negro Secondary Schools of Missouri | 1953 |
54 | Spears, Charles | Project Method Applied to Teaching Secretarial Practice at Savannah, Missouri High School | 1953 |
55 | Waldeck, Ruth Patterson | Aids, Devices, and Enrichment Materials for Teaching Gregg Shorthand and Transcription | 1953 |
56 | Webber, Addison E. | “Opus in Moods”: an Original Composition for Symphonic Band | 1953 |
57 | Bowers, Orville E. | Survey of the Use of Biographical Material in Teaching the Social Studies and English in the High Schools of Northeast Missouri, 1951-1952 | 1954 |
58 | Hendrex, James | Milwaukee Road Through Missouri | 1954 |
59 | Seibold, Ralph M. | Developments in the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College in the Areas of Student Distributions, Faculty Preparation, and the Graduate Program, 1937-1952 | 1954 |
60 | Babbitt, Geneva | A Search of Writings and Opinions on Left-handedness to Discover Possible Implications and Aid for Left-handed Students of Shorthand and Other Office Skills | 1954 |
61 | Cole, W.V. | Development of Osteopathic Research and Education | 1954 |
62 | Dobbins, Joseph N. | A Survey of Business Education in the Public Secondary Schools of Northwest Missouri, 1953-54 | 1954 |
63 | Eoff, Charles L. | Pecos Valley and Northeastern Railway During the Territorial Period in New Mexico 1889-1912 | 1954 |
64 | Evans, George Richard | History of the Missouri State Highway Patrol and its Accomplishments, 1931-1953 | 1954 |
65 | Goodin, Katherine Kleiss | The Early Life of General John Joseph Pershing, 1860-1881 | 1954 |
66 | Lintner, Eva R. | Mr. Santa’s Toy Shop; an Operetta for Lower Grades | 1954 |
67 | Peterson, William A. | A Suggested Intramural Sports Program for the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1954 |
68 | Richerson, William W. | A Recreation Survey of Kirksville, Missouri | 1954 |
69 | Spainhower, John A. | An Exact Reproduction of Journalistic Reports of Football Activity of Interscholastic Football Programs of Kirksville High School for the Years 1913 through 1953 | 1954 |
70 | Tompkins, LoVina Taylor | Legal History of the Procedures for the Care and Correction of Juvenile Delinquents in Missouri | 1954 |
71 | West, Roy N. | Audio-Visual Materials in Music Education | 1954 |
72 | Workman, George | A History of Intercollegiate Athletics at the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri | 1954 |
73 | Young, Jerry G. | History of the Athletics in the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Association, 1924-1954 | 1954 |
74 | Gardner, C. Hugh | The Impact of a Local Radio Station on the Advertising Practices in Kirksville, Missouri | 1955 |
75 | Cox, Edward Franklin | “Atoms and Molecules”; a Three-Movement Composition for a High School Band | 1955 |
76 | Al-Hakkak, Hassan J. | A Comparative Study of Accounting and Business Practices in the United States and Iraq | 1955 |
77 | Swetnam, Hazel Mae Malone | A History of the Building of the Quincy-Kansas City Branch of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad in Missouri, 1869-1900 | 1955 |
78 | Tomoyose, Eiichiro | The Development of the Educational System of Okinawa, 1879 to 1954 | 1955 |
79 | Hulse, Laura Ruth | An Annotated Compilation of Motivating Devices in the Teaching of Typewriting | 1955 |
80 | Sims, Willard | A History of Boys’ Interscholastic Basketball at the Kirksville Senior High School, 1916-1955 | 1955 |
81 | Crow, Robert F. | Mozart Clarinet Concerto, K-622, Arranged for Symphonic Winds | 1955 |
82 | Dant, Francis | Early History of Professional Football in the United States | 1955 |
83 | Gares, Vera Mae | Business-Education Day in Hammond, Indiana | 1955 |
84 | Hobbs, John Marion | The Development of Singing Schools | 1955 |
85 | Houser, Violet | A Teaching Unit on the Industrial Development, History, and Commercial Aspects of North Kansas City, Missouri | 1955 |
86 | Lie, Kwan Hi | The Development of Money and Banking in Korea | 1955 |
87 | Mook, Mary Ann | A Suggested Program for Majors in Women’s Physical Education at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1955 |
88 | Pak, Chan Hyun | Comparative Study of the Congress of the United States and the Korean National Assembly | 1955 |
89 | Neilson, James W. (Warren) | Missouri Congressional Opinion and the War with Spain | 1955 |
90 | Richardson, James W. | “Suite in Minor Mode” for Band | 1955 |
91 | Tietsort, Eldon W. | A Comparative Study of Time and Money Spent on Physical Education and Academic Subjects in High Schools of Northeast Missouri | 1955 |
92 | Webb, Robert K. | Methods and Procedures of Successful High School Bands | 1955 |
93 | Burrows, Earl A. | An Annotated Compilation of Writings on Motivating Devices in the Teaching of Bookkeeping | 1956 |
94 | Cafer, Glenn Ezra | A Study of the Basic Tactical, Educative, and Motor Skill Methods in the Teaching of Adolescent Basketball | 1956 |
95 | Cunningham, Eleanor Ruth | Study of Some Factors Influencing Parents and Students in Their Selection of the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College for the Formal Higher Education of the Student | 1956 |
96 | Dabney, LaVerne E. | A Survey of the Recreational Activities of the Penal Institutions of the Middle West with a Suggested Program for the Missouri State Penitentiary, Jefferson City, Missouri | 1956 |
97 | Dant, Robert | A Survey of Recreational Facilities in Granite City, Illinois | 1956 |
98 | Estes, Mary Margaret | A Club Program to Meet the Recreational Needs and Interests of the Kirksville Junior High School Students | 1956 |
99 | Greenley, Grace Hortense | Typing a Thesis | 1956 |
100 | Henner, Dale Eugene | Survey of the Professional Experiences and Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals of Northeast Missouri State Teachers College Alumni of Physical Education, 1935-1955 | 1956 |
101 | Holmes, William J. | A Survey of the Extracurricular Duties of Male Physical Education Teachers in Selected High Schools of the State of Missouri | 1956 |
102 | Mitchell, Frank Sylvester | The Development of Facilities for the Education of Negroes in Kansas, 1860-1950 | 1956 |
103 | Moore, Bradley Brooks | “Overture 1955”; an Original Composition for Symphonic Band | 1956 |
104 | Richardson, Noah Patrick | A Study of the Administrative Practices in Correspondence Work of a Selected Group of State Teachers Colleges and the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1956 |
105 | Ryle, Walter Harrington IV | The Political Career of Don Santiago Vidaurri | 1956 |
106 | Urberger, Robert Charles | An Analysis of Coaching in Relation to Teaching Duties in Some High Schools of Missouri | 1956 |
107 | Yeoham, Velma H. | The Legal Development of the Mental Hygiene Program in Missouri | 1956 |
108 | Hill, Eloise H. | Langston Hughes: Versatile Spokesman for His Race | 1957 |
109 | Baker, Earl Henry (Not in Archives, 10/84, HPER looking for copy) | A Survey of Interscholastic Football: Scouting Methods Used by Selected Missouri High School Coaches | 1957 |
110 | Melegrito, Gregorio G. | A Survey of the Socio-Economic Offerings of American Secondary Technical Schools with a Critical Analysis of Their Usability in Philippine Secondary Technical Schools | 1957 |
111 | Brick, Irwin | Some Problems in the Teaching of Selected Percussion Instruments | 1957 |
112 | James, Eugene Le Roy | The History of Lead Mining in Southeastern Missouri | 1957 |
113 | Boyer, Richard E. | A Historical and Constitutional Study of the British War Cabinet, 1916-1919 | 1957 |
114 | McClaskey, Bertha Belle | An Annotated Compilation of Aids, Devices, and Enrichment Materials for the Instruction of Economics in the Secondary School | 1957 |
115 | Brown, Charlotte Ann | Suite for B-Flat Cornet, G.P. Telemann: a Bandstration | 1957 |
116 | Wall, Richard A. | Selected Debussy Preludes: Arranged for Augmented Woodwind Ensemble | 1957 |
117 | Bartlett, Geraldine B. | A Study of Bookkeeping Practices in Selected Independent Retail Establishments of Kirksville | 1957 |
118 | Maxey, Donald Hayes | A Suggested Program for Majors in Men’s Physical Education at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1957 |
119 | Melvin, Frank A. | An Evaluation of Audio-Visual Aids for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, with a Study of Their Use in Ninety-six AAA Missouri Secondary Schools | 1957 |
120 | Glore, James LeRoy | A Survey of Injuries Sustained by the St. Louis McKinley High School Football and Basketball Teams in the 1956-1957 Seasons | 1957 |
121 | Yano, Fumiko | Coleridge’s Criticism of His Contemporaries | 1957 |
122 | Sanders, James Wesley | A Survey of Opinions of Athletic Trainers Concerning the Anatomy, Etiology, Prognosis, Prevention and Treating of Acrolema (Shin Splints) | 1957 |
123 | Fischer, Donna Lamb | The Historical Development and Operation of the Rural Extension Clinic Program of the Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery | 1957 |
124 | Laird, Pressly Alvin | The Origin, Development, and Decline of the Office of Sheriff in the State of Missouri | 1957 |
125 | Bradshaw, Olen Gene | Annotated Compilation of Motivating Devices to be Used in the Teaching of High School Secretarial Practice | 1957 |
126 | Anastasoff, George P. | A Comparison of Techniques of Football’s Center, Guard, and Tackle as Revealed in Coaching Literature | 1957 |
127 | Rogers, Merrill James | Guide to Public Relations in Physical Education | 1957 |
128 | Murphy, Janys Ann | Theme of Death in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson | 1958 |
129 | Nishijo, Theodore Michito | A Study of the Operation of Martial Law in the Territory of Hawaii, 1941-1945 | 1958 |
130 | Talay, Seniha Altinkalem | Symbols in Hawthorne’s Fiction | 1958 |
131 | Markidou, Ariadne Nik | Lord Byron and the Drama of the Greek Liberation | 1958 |
132 | Chaudhari, Haider Ali | Modern Banking and Economic Development of Pakistan | 1958 |
133 | Bradbury, Danny Dean | The Guadalcanal Island Phase of the Solomon Islands Campaign, World War II | 1958 |
134 | Raquiza, Praxedes F. | A Suggested Program of Philippine Physical Education for Girls in the Secondary Schools | 1958 |
135 | Dawkins, Forest Eugene | An Examination of Twenty-Six Volumes of the Missouri Reports to Discover Cases Illustrative of Business Law as Taught in High Schools | 1958 |
136 | Hernando, Priscila M. | The Social World in Selected Works of John Steinbeck | 1958 |
137 | Moore, Jackie R. | Two Selections from Bach for Symphonic Band: (1) Sheep May Safely Graze; (2) Choral Fantasia | 1958 |
138 | Gleason, King W. | Bach Suite for Band; Arranged for Symphonic Band | 1958 |
139 | Smith, Martha Browning | Prelude and Fugue in D Minor. Bach for Symphonic Band | 1958 |
140 | Ward, Travis Clifford | Status and Offerings of Industrial Arts Courses in the Junior High Schools of Missouri | 1958 |
141 | Meehan, Michael J. | Audio-Visual Aids and Materials Used in Industrial Arts Courses in Selected Public Secondary Schools of Missouri | 1958 |
142 | Philpott, Kenneth Gordon | Practices of Discussing Labor-Management Relations in High School Industrial Education Classes | 1958 |
143 | Siehl, James William | A Study of the Possible Relationship Between Scholastic Attainment and Basketball Team Success in a Small Missouri High School | 1958 |
144 | Mach, Raymond Frank | The History of the Development of the Outdoor Athletic Facilities of Marshall, Missouri, High School | 1958 |
145 | Bolin, Jerry | The History and Development of the Missouri State High School Activities Association | 1958 |
146 | Barnett, Jane L. | Status of Girls’ Interscholastic Athletics in Iowa | 1958 |
147 | Moore, Betty Jean | Some Primary Factors That Should Be Considered in Developing a Method of Teaching Vocal Music in the High School | 1958 |
148 | Wade, Maxine T. | An Analysis of Health Records of the Kirksville, Missouri, Public Schools and Their Implications for a Kirksville Senior High School Health Program | 1958 |
149 | Schromm, Richard Anthony | A Survey of Basketball Scouting Procedures in Ninety-Five Selected Large Class Missouri High Schools | 1958 |
150 | Vinluan, Alicia Sison | Handbook for Class Piano Instruction | 1958 |
151 | Mach, Stanley John | The System of Accrediting and Rating of Officials of High School Athletic Contests in Missouri | 1958 |
152 | Loncaric, Melvin Louis | An Analysis of Athletic Insurance Programs of Some High Schools of the Midwest | 1958 |
153 | Knode, Phyllis Byrd | A Compilation of Selected Warm-Up Exercises and Lead-Up Games in Team Sports for Girls in Secondary Schools | 1958 |
154 | Moore, Jerry R. | Agrarian Discontent in Missouri, 1920 to 1933 | 1958 |
155 | Francis, Richard Merrick | “Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Band”; A Three-movement Composition for Soloist and Band | 1958 |
156 | Davis, Billy Dale | Suite for Band and Chorus Based on Two Spirituals | 1958 |
157 | Meador, Charles G. | A Projected Program in Boys’ Physical Education for the New Senior High School of Fort Madison, Iowa | 1958 |
158 | Streb, Arthur L. | History of the Missouri Recreation Association | 1958 |
159 | Mengwasser, Leonard Joseph | Motivating Factors in Teaching High School Football Skills | 1958 |
160 | Brown, Robert O. | A History of the Gem City Business College, Quincy, Illinois | 1958 |
161 | Akbiyik, Ozen | Ernest Hemingway: The Moral Victory of His Characters | 1958 |
162 | Hahn, Earl Christian Jr. | The Fauna of Northeast Missouri: A Survey | 1958 |
163 | Motley, Robert J. | Current Practices of the Business Department In Publishing the High School Newspaper | 1958 |
164 | Simmons, Bill M. | A Proposed Supervisory Program in Physical Education for the Elementary Schools of Grundy County, Missouri | 1958 |
165 | Hafner, Conrad Taylor | A Compilation of Words and Phrases to be Avoided in Current Business Correspondence | 1958 |
166 | Kiss, Katie Gonnerman | The Rediscovery of Herman Melville, 1920-1955 | 1958 |
167 | Sinha, Pradhan Bimlanand | Modification of American Philosophy of Physical Education for Secondary Schools in India | 1959 |
168 | Miura, Tokuhiro | Images and Symbols in W.B. Yeats’ Poetry | 1959 |
169 | Gotto, Ralph F. | Briefings and Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court Regarding Sherman Antitrust Law Regulation of Professional Football and Baseball | 1959 |
170 | Roskos, Nancy Lee B. | Symbolism in the Short Novels of Herman Melville | 1959 |
171 | Hoskins, Charles E. | A Study of the Juvenile Laws in Various Sections of the United States | 1959 |
172 | Scriven, M. Jolene | A Study to Determine the Professional Status of the Executive Secretary in Selected Businesses in the Kansas City, Missouri, Area | 1959 |
173 | Perry, Thomas Parker | A Critical Study of the Use of Coincidence in Thomas Hardy’s Novels of His Major Period | 1959 |
174 | Swisher, Mettie L. | Senatorial Career of John Brooks Henderson | 1959 |
175 | Capp, Robert Eugene | A Comparison of Drafting Techniques and Practices as Taught in Selected High Schools in Missouri With Those Practices Found in Selected Industrial Concerns | 1959 |
176 | Franklin, Estol Paul | Accidents and Their Causes in Selected Industrial Arts Shops of Southeast Iowa | 1959 |
177 | McClaskey, Martha Jones | Concepts of the Divine in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson | 1959 |
178 | Mitch, Joseph Leon | A Study of the Planned Business Program in the Secondary School | 1959 |
179 | Adams, Alvin Porter | Instructional Procedures for Teaching Industrial Arts General Shop | 1959 |
180 | Martin, Clifford Dean | The Value of Industrial Arts Courses to the Graduates of the Brashear, Missouri, High School | 1959 |
181 | Flaspohler, Richard E. | Public Reaction to the Selective Service Act of 1940 | 1959 |
182 | Houtchens, Wade Williams | An Examination of “A Great Nail”: Sandburg’s Prescription for an American Morality | 1959 |
183 | Mann, Jack F. | A Follow-Up Study of the Graduates of Northeast Missouri State Teachers College with Majors in Industrial Education, 1938 to 1958 inclusive. | 1959 |
184 | Bradley, Robert J. | An Investigation of the Office Machines Courses in Selected Senior Colleges | 1959 |
185 | Bagley, Ronald E. | A History of the Industrial Arts Department at the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1959 |
186 | Gibson, Reva Joyce | An Annotated Compilation of Aids, Devices, and Resource Materials for Teaching Business English in the Secondary School | 1959 |
187 | Dry, Berenice S. | Expressed Opinions of Mark Twain on Government and Politicians | 1959 |
188 | McClaskey, Billy Keith | Suggested Information Topics and Teaching Methods and Aids for Presenting Related Information in the Industrial Arts General Shop Course | 1959 |
189 | Howry, Lillian B. | Supplementary Dictation Material for Gregg Shorthand Simplified, Functional Method, Second Edition | 1959 |
190 | Scriven, Donald D. | The Training in Advertising of Selected Businessmen in the Greater Kansas City Area | 1959 |
191 | Dwyer, Gerald Joseph | A Study of the Problems of Teaching Health in Selected High Schools of Missouri | 1959 |
192 | Hurley, Richard Anthony | The Origin and Development of Lincoln Bible Institute, Lincoln, Illinois, 1944-1959 | 1959 |
193 | Blankenship, Karl Richard | A Study of the Educational Facilities for the Exceptional Child in the Public School Systems of the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College District with Implications for the Field of Social Studies, 1958-1959 | 1959 |
194 | Sparks, Donald Eugene | An Analysis of the Physical Education Programs in Fifteen High Schools of St. Louis and St. Louis County, Missouri, using the LaPorte Scorecard | 1959 |
195 | Perrin, William Ervin | An Analysis of the Pole Vault | 1959 |
196 | Atkins, Gerald E. | A Study of Junior Achievement, Incorporated | 1959 |
197 | Lutz, Larry Lee | Current Practices and Procedures of Selected Foundries | 1959 |
198 | Churchwell, Thomas Everett | The Founding, Growth, and Decline of the German Religious Colony at Bethel, Missouri | 1959 |
199 | Burris, James Herschel | Monroe Overture | 1959 |
200 | Romine, Robert Lee | MacDowell Suite | 1959 |
201 | Sparks, Wesley | Bach Suite for Band: Arranged for Full Band | 1959 |
202 | Maitland, Berniece Mercer | A Follow-up Study of the Master of Arts in Business Education Graduates of the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri | 1960 |
203 | Hayashi, Kyoko | The Concept of Friendship in the Poems of Emily Dickinson | 1960 |
204 | Shveiger, Raya | “Tradition and Innovation” A Study of Form in the Sonnets of E.E. Cummings | 1960 |
205 | Zbornak, Gary Wayne Anthony | A Survey of Recreational Facilities in Ottumwa, Iowa | 1960 |
206 | Casper, Vincent F. | Original Creativeness, Patents, and the Industrial Arts Teacher of Missouri | 1960 |
207 | Cochran, Carl C. | Student Teachers’ Training Activities in Industrial Arts for Off-Campus Programs of Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1960 |
208 | Hageman, Edro Dean | A Field Survey of the Changes in the Academic Preparation of Social Science Teachers of Northeast Missouri, 1949-1959 | 1960 |
209 | Park, Un Sung | A Study of United States Aid to the Republic of Korea in the Establishment of Basic Public Utilities, 1945-1958 | 1960 |
210 | Kivanc, Nes’e | The Myths in the Poetry of John Keats | 1960 |
211 | Carter, Billy Doyle | Cost and Finance of Intercollegiate Athletics in the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Association Conference Colleges, 1958-59 | 1960 |
212 | Whalen, Paul | Secondary School Safety Instruction Through Health and Physical Education | 1960 |
213 | Cleaver, Lyda Jeanne | An Analysis and Classification of Recurring Problems in the Teaching of Shorthand in the Secondary Schools of Northeast Missouri | 1960 |
214 | Bell, Richard Lavern | “Reformation Symphony”, Fourth Movement (Chorale), Mendelssohn; Arranged for Symphonic Band | 1960 |
215 | McCollum, Howard Warner | Correlation of Kirksville, Missouri, High School Track Records with Physical Conditioning | 1960 |
216 | Carlson, Marcene Ross | The Application of the Principles of Child Growth and Development in the Selection of a Beginning Piano Instruction Book | 1960 |
217 | Nevins, James R. | A Survey of Business Education in the Public Secondary Schools of Northeast Missouri, 1959-60 | 1960 |
218 | Sharp, Harold M. | A History of Agency, Iowa–an Indian Outpost on the American Frontier | 1960 |
219 | Stanley, Bert Edward | Fantasy on Two Folk Songs | 1960 |
220 | Croft, Willie Wayne | Opinions of Selected Industrial Arts Teachers Concerning Desirable Content for a General Shop Instructional Guide | 1960 |
221 | Loughery, Billy Don | Influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau on American Physical Education and School Athletics | 1960 |
222 | Loughery, Lora Doone | A Survey of Current Grading Practices in First-Year Shorthand in the Secondary School | 1960 |
223 | Kimmel, Coy Keith | A Compilation of Three-Dimensional Aids Useful in Teaching Applied Electricity | 1960 |
224 | Harding, Alfred Dwain | Western College, A Chapter in Northeast Missouri’s Educational History | 1960 |
225 | Doctorian, David | American Public Reaction to the Anglo-American Destroyer-Base Exchange of 1940 | 1960 |
226 | Stevenson, Cecil Berturm | Secondary School Athletic Injury Procedures in Selected Missouri Systems | 1960 |
227 | Pedego, Lucile | A Training Course for Church Choir Director in the High School Adult Education Program | 1960 |
228 | Brookhart, Richard Lee | An Annotated Compilation of Aids, Devices, and Resource Materials for Teaching Business Arithmetic in the Secondary School | 1960 |
229 | Wilson, Orlan P. | A Survey of Business Education in the Public Secondary Schools in Central Missouri, 1959-60 | 1960 |
230 | Bender, Edward William | A Proposed Program of Athletic Public Relations for Secondary Schools | 1960 |
231 | Sharp, Robert Lamont | An Analysis of Related Information Contained in References Listed in the Industrial Arts General Shop Course Guide for Missouri | 1960 |
232 | Moore, Anna L. | A Study of the Background of the Reorganized School Districts of Chariton County | 1960 |
233 | Barnett, Richard | The Characterization of MacBeth: A Study of MacBeth’s Personality | 1960 |
234 | Clime, Max Edward | Relationship of a Standard Achievement Score to Achievement in Industrial Arts | 1961 |
235 | Bowling, Donald Gene | A Survey of the Existing Practices and Procedures in the Teaching of the Allied Arts | 1961 |
236 | Harrison, Janet E. | The Poetry of James Kirkup: With Especial Reference to His Use of Imagery | 1961 |
237 | Jadon, Samira Y. | Saladin and the Crusaders in Palestine | 1961 |
238 | Koprivica, Paul Schuerman | Effectiveness of Industrial Arts at John Burroughs Private School | 1961 |
239 | Losey, Marvin Lee | A Study of Physical Conditions and Major Equipment in the Industrial Arts Shops of Northeast Missouri | 1961 |
240 | Rabago-Martinez, Alberto | Don Juan en el Teatro Espanol | 1961 |
241 | Schif, Alvin G. | A Study of the Professional Growth of Athletic Coaches in the Class “L” High Schools in the State of Missouri | 1961 |
242 | Joseph, Vasanth Devadath | A Study of the Relationship of Levels of Language to Action and Symbol in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick | 1961 |
243 | Banning, Ermil C. | A Field Survey of the Social Studies Teachers in Iowa High Schools of 200 to 399 Relative to the Academic Preparation, the Subject Areas Taught, and the Extra-class Activities Sponsored (School Year, 1960-61) | 1961 |
244 | Brandon, Max Edgar | The Views and Principles of J.W. Lusby in the Founding of Kentucky Christian College, Grayson, Kentucky, 1901-1937 | 1961 |
245 | Breen, John Lawrence | A Comparative Study of Industrial Arts in the State of Missouri for 1944-45 and 1958-59 | 1961 |
246 | Douglas, Robert William | A Compilation of Games and Activities in the Elementary Schools of Clinton, Iowa | 1961 |
247 | Hafner, Sherman Reed | A Study of Boys’ Physical Education Tests in the High Schools of the Mississippi Valley Division of the Illinois Education Association | 1961 |
248 | Huff, Arthur S. | A Study of the Electrical Wiring Systems Used in Current School Shop Construction | 1961 |
249 | Kirkpatrick, Elvis J. | Suggested Units of Instruction for the Power and Transportation Area of the General Shop | 1961 |
250 | Mozingo, Don Allen | “The Seasons” April-June-September, by Peter Ilyitch Tschaikowsky: an Arrangement for High School Band | 1961 |
251 | Martin, Wayne Leon | The History, Operation and Recreational Potential of Swan Lake, Missouri, National Wildlife Refuge | 1961 |
252 | Miller, Dwight Merrick | An Historical Study of the Changing Attitude of England Toward Germany from 1933 to 1939 | 1961 |
253 | Squires, Elmer Gene | The Development and Evaluation of a Suggested Device for Centering Round Stock | 1961 |
254 | Srnka, Alfred H. | A Study of Selected Tests as Indices for the Development of a System of Speech Improvement for Kindergarten Children of the Kirksville Public School | 1961 |
255 | Tipton, William Eli | Principles, Services, and Adjustments of Automatic Headlight Controls | 1961 |
256 | Christensen, Lawrence Oland | The Brannan Plan in Congress | 1961 |
257 | Durden, Virginia | A Follow-up Survey of the Forty-Three High Ability Secondary Students Who Attended the 1961 Cooperative College-School Science Program at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1962 |
258 | Hall, Beverly Shepherd | Grand Chorus, Op. 84, Alexandre Guilmant: an Arrangement for Symphonic Wind Ensemble | 1962 |
259 | Hickey, Jerald E. | A Study of Fifty-One Cases of Juvenile Delinquency in Des Moines, Iowa, for the year 1960 | 1962 |
260 | Hoffmann, Klaus-Dieter | Problems in the Teaching of Structural Grammar | 1962 |
261 | Horn, Wally Eugene | A Study of the Industrial-Arts Teacher and the Industrial Arts Teacher-Athletic Coach Combination in the State of Iowa | 1962 |
262 | Koscielski, John David | An Analysis of Growth and Development of Quincy Junior High School Boys | 1962 |
263 | Perrin, Jack M. | Adapting the Wing-T Offense to High School Instruction | 1962 |
264 | Peterson, Ruth Darlene | An Investigation of Academic Music Courses in the Public Secondary Schools of Missouri | 1962 |
265 | Pitney, Ben E. | Some Factors Affecting the Hiring and Dismissal of High School Basketball Coaches in Illinois | 1962 |
266 | Potter, John Arthur | A Study of the Vocational Rehabilitation at the Iowa State Penitentiary, Fort Madison, Iowa | 1962 |
267 | Sadler, Joe V. | An Experimental Study to Determine the Value of Assignment Sheets as a Supplement to the Textbook in Teaching High School Mechanical Drawing | 1962 |
268 | Sorg, Jesse Charles | Survey of Physical Fitness | 1962 |
269 | Woods, Charles Andrew | A Suggested Fire Prevention and Control Program for Industrial Arts Shops | 1962 |
270 | Dixon, Jack David | Opinions Concerning the Organization of an Industrial Education Awards Program for the State of Missouri | 1962 |
271 | Epperson, James Phillip | Reproduction Processes and Media Used in Industry and Their Effects on Drafting Practices | 1962 |
272 | Exline, Dan | An Analysis of the Employment of Weight Resistance Exercises in the Development of the Distance Runner | 1962 |
273 | Farnsworth, Joseph Earl | Subversive Activities of the German-American Bund, 1937-1941 | 1963 |
274 | Forbes, Joseph Donaldson | Utilization of Aluminum in Industrial Arts Metal Courses | 1963 |
275 | Grannis, Gary E. | Graphic Arts Facilities and Curricula of Selected Teacher Training Institutions | 1963 |
276 | Gunnell, Denzel Dale | “The Seasons”:July-October-February, by Peter Ilyitch Tschaikowsky; an Arrangement for High School Band | 1963 |
277 | Kephart, Eva Holley | Paradox of Mark Twain: A Study of the Conflicting Ideas in Twain’s Late Years | 1963 |
278 | Landis, Thomas Donald | A History of Monroe County, Iowa, As a Coal Mining Center | 1963 |
279 | Lutz, Rollin Joseph | Suggested Instructional Materials for Collegiate Baseball Phases | 1963 |
280 | Morrison, Walter Raleigh | Survey of Social Science Teacher Preparation in the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools | 1963 |
281 | Onerheim, Bernard Orius | Trombone Instructional Materials for Beginning Students in Elementary School | 1963 |
282 | Roberts, Dee LaVern | The British Peace Movement During the 1930’s | 1963 |
283 | Rosauer, Harold T. | An Experimental Investigation of the Classification Devices Used for Grouping Students in Physical Education Classes | 1963 |
284 | Schnelle, William A. | Pollution in Forest Lake as Indicated by Coliform and Enterococcus Populations | 1963 |
285 | Shoemake, Donald R. | Duties and Responsibilities of Missouri Class “L” High School Athletic Directors | 1963 |
286 | Songster, Thomas Bernard | Physical Fitness Test Norms for College Men | 1963 |
287 | Uralman, Engin M. | United States Senatorial Reactions to Mexican-American Relations, 1911-1917 | 1963 |
288 | Walton, Henry F. | The History and Development of the North Central Missouri Conference | 1963 |
289 | White, Robert George | Distribution and Ecology of Select Stream Fishes of Harrison County | 1963 |
290 | Wilson, Morris Duke | A Study of School-Related Expenditures by Students of Six Selected Midwestern Senior High Schools | 1963 |
291 | Arscott, Kenneth Alan | The Origins and Implementation of the Truman Doctrine of 1947-48 | 1963 |
292 | Fong, Helen Pui-king | The Historical Development of Chinese Education, 1945-1963 | 1964 |
293 | Ku, Joseph King-hap | An Historical Sketch of the Agricultural Communization of Red China, 1949-63 | 1964 |
294 | Matthews, Thomas Jack | Life and Professional Contributions of Donald Burrows Faurot to Intercollegiate Football and Athletics | 1964 |
295 | Sykes, Madelene McEuen | Mark Twain’s Portrayal of Women | 1964 |
296 | Thomas, Ronnie Lee | Sonata in D Major for Cello and Piano, by George Philipp Telemann; an Arrangement for Trombone and Band | 1964 |
297 | MacBain, Judith Anne | At Last to Be Identified: A Study of the Self as Expressed in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson | 1964 |
298 | Spain, Donald Francis | Fossiliferous Plants of the Pennsylvanian Period from a Selected Area in Macon County, Missouri | 1964 |
299 | Brenizer, Larry Carl | Need for and Interest in an Area Vocational-Technical School for Five Counties in Northeast Missouri: companion study | 1964 |
300 | Brown, Merle Dean | Analysis and Comparison of Selected Electronic Training Aids | 1964 |
301 | Butler, Harry LaVern | Criteria Concerning Design and Function of Toolholders for General Metal Hand Tools with Suggested Application of the Findings | 1964 |
302 | Crawford, Hollis Dean | A Survey of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Grundy County, Missouri | 1964 |
303 | Crouthers, Joseph B. | Survey of Physical Education Programs in Secondary Schools of Greater Kansas City, Mo. | 1964 |
304 | Evans, James Hays | Fill Correlations of Limestone Caverns, Meramec State Park, Sullivan, Franklin County, Missouri | 1964 |
305 | Grohe, Gary | Effectiveness of Vocational-Industrial Training at Fort Madison High School with Implications for Future Program Development | 1964 |
306 | Lee, Beverly | Gymnastics for Girls | 1964 |
307 | McNabb, Virginia Rae Keethler | Biological Succession of Net Plankton in the McNabb Pond in Schuyler County, Missouri | 1964 |
308 | Merrell, Jerry Lee | Some Issues of Industrial Education in the United States, 1917 to 1935 | 1964 |
309 | Prescott, Roger L. | The Evolution of Basketball from 1891 to 1964 | 1964 |
310 | Richardson, Ross C. | Occupational Hazards of Industrial Welding and Their Implications to School Shop Welding Facilities and Practices. | 1964 |
311 | Seaman, Richard Lee | Blood Imagery in Shakespearean Tragedy | 1964 |
312 | Stuhlman, Herbert Lynn | Investigation into the Background and Possible Causes of Knee Injuries in Athletics | 1964 |
313 | Ulin, Howard Lloyd | A Great Books Seminar: a Proposal for the Gifted Student | 1964 |
314 | Unkrich, D. Richard | Need for and Interest in an Area Vocational School to Serve the Northeast Missouri Counties of Adair and Macon: companion study | 1964 |
315 | Whitacre, William K. | Effect of Mental Practice on the Acquisition of a Certain Motor Skill | 1964 |
316 | Mock, Orin | Observations on the Life History of the House Shrew (Suncus Murinus Linaeus) | 1965 |
317 | Nelson, James P. | An Experimental Investigation of a Program of Isometric Exercises for Developing Upper Body Muscular Strength | 1965 |
318 | Peckham, Barbara Ann | “A Lantern Light from Deeper in the Barn…” A Study of the Ideas, Deeds, and Style of Robert Frost | 1965 |
319 | Baskett, Donald Leroy | Protest in the Middle-Border Short Stories of Hamlin Garland | 1965 |
320 | McCarl, Robert E. | Relation of Units Taken and Marks Earned in High School Drafting Courses to Achievement in Beginning Drafting Courses at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1965 |
321 | Owen, Roy Lee | Physical Education Backgrounds of Male Freshmen at Five Midwestern Colleges | 1965 |
322 | Schroeder, Walter Junior | Recommended Drafting Practices for Drawings to be Microfilmed | 1965 |
323 | Seaman, Venna Fae | The Dramatic Effect of the Short Speeches in Three Shakespearean Tragedies: Julius Caesar, Hamlet, and Othello | 1965 |
324 | Smay, Stanley Lyle | Teaching Industrial Arts to Seventh Grade Slow Learners in the Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Illinois | 1965 |
325 | Whorton, Mary T. | Mark Twain and the Naturalism of Stephen Crane | 1965 |
326 | Sultzman, Carolyn Louise | Opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt in Missouri, 1935-1936 | 1965 |
327 | Moore, Marjorie W. | The Evolution of Language Textbooks in the United States, 1840-1960 | 1965 |
328 | Streeter, John J. | The Evolution of Boxing Through the Heavyweight Division, 1719-1965 | 1965 |
329 | Bailey, Edwin Wayne | Gymnastics Apparatus: An Effective Method of Improving Upper Body Fitness | 1965 |
330 | Bare, Donald R. | The Distribution of Certain Available Trace Elements Within Four Areas of Differing Pheasant Population Densities in Central Illinois | 1965 |
331 | Boleach, Larry Wayne | Physical Fitness Test Norms for North Shelby High School | 1965 |
332 | Collins, Larry E. | A Study of Free and Inexpensive Aid Materials for Metalworking Classes | 1965 |
333 | Garmer, Robert Lee | Industrial Arts for the Educable Mentally Handicapped | 1965 |
334 | Griffith, Phillip E. | Practices of School Shops and Industries with Regards to Suggested Color Standards and Recommendations | 1965 |
335 | Howell, Stacey F., Jr. | An Investigation of a Possible Overpopulation of Bluegill Sunfish in a Farm Pond, Adair County, Missouri | 1965 |
336 | Kendall, Billy Lee | Elementary Industrial Arts Programs: Teaching Methods, Tools, and Materials | 1965 |
337 | Kreisman, Donald Mayer | Pelecypod Distribution in Selected Rivers and Streams of Jefferson County, Missouri | 1965 |
338 | Malone, Guy Leo | Organization, Administration, and Supervision of High School Physical Education Demonstrations in Raytown, Missouri | 1965 |
339 | Marquardt, Jimmy Lee | Shop Accidents and Safety Programs in Selected Schools of Missouri, 1964-65 | 1965 |
340 | Packham, Glenn A. | Solo Song Performance and Interpretation | 1965 |
341 | Richardson, Wayne Irva | A Guide to Public Relations for Industrial Education in the Secondary School | 1965 |
342 | Robison, Robert A. | A Comparative Study to Determine Content for a Vocational Auto-Mechanics Course | 1965 |
343 | Stark, Ronald Mills | Survey of Fall Football Practice Injuries for the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1965 |
344 | Wells, Russell Douglas | Solutions for the Elimination of Discipline Problems in the Industrial Arts Classroom and Laboratory | 1965 |
345 | Wilson, William Everett | Predictive Value of Selected Guidance Tests to Success in Junior High Industrial Arts Courses | 1965 |
346 | Anderson, Orville Wesley, Jr. (2 copies) | A History of the Rock Island Centennial Bridge and Toll Scandal | 1965 |
347 | Lynch, Claude Marshall | Identification and Distribution of the Stream Fish of Bollinger County, Missouri | 1965 |
348 | Shinn, Sheila | Story of a World’s Fair: St. Louis, 1904 | 1965 |
348.5 | Horace, Thomas Vincent | The History of the Union Electric Taum Sauk pumped-storage hydro-electric power development up to October 9, 1963 | 1965 |
349 | Bishop, Tom | A Study of the Language Arts Program Guides Developed by Selected Missouri High Schools | 1965 |
350 | Hingst, Richard George | Burlington, Iowa, and its Railroad | 1966 |
351 | Howing, Frederick C. | France, Algeria, and the Army, 1954-1962: A Study in Civil-Military Relations | 1966 |
352 | Marquardt, Donald Glen | An Experimental Study Concerning the Performance of Wood Adhesives When Used by High School Industrial Arts Students | 1966 |
353 | Meyer, David Frederick | Distribution of Anisoptera (Dragonfly) Nymphs in Adair County, Missouri 1965 | 1966 |
354 | Stoops, Nancy Lee | Study of Adaptive Physical Education Programs in Certain Iowa Public Schools | 1966 |
355 | Aeschliman, Warren Woodson | A History of the Mineral Water Bowl Game | 1966 |
356 | Augspurger, Roger Lee | The Contribution of Certain Band Activities to Five Aims of Music Education | 1966 |
357 | Baxter, James E. | Suggested Units of Instruction for Industrial Arts Electricity-Electronics | 1966 |
358 | Brightwell, Robert Meriwether | Abolitionist Sentiment in Northeast Missouri | 1966 |
359 | Clawson, Barry Lee | Relation of Units Taken and Marks Earned in High School and Beginning College Drafting Courses to Achievement in Advanced College Drafting Courses at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College | 1966 |
360 | Darrah, Robert L. | The History of the Lemosa League: an Interscholastic Athletic Conference in Southeastern Iowa | 1966 |
361 | Daw, Harry A. | A Survey of the Academic Preparation and Teaching Duties of Male Physical Educators and Varsity Athletic Coaches in Selected High Schools of Missouri | 1966 |
362 | Dillinger, Robert G. | Double Concerto Grosso for Band with Two Solo Quartets | 1966 |
363 | Grayes, James H. | A Survey of the Social Science Curricula of Seventeen Junior Colleges of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools | 1966 |
364 | Howard, Dean L. | An Analysis and Comparison of Electricity as Taught in High School Science Courses With That Taught in High School Industrial Arts Courses | 1966 |
365 | Jacobs, David Hugh | An Investigative Study of Physical Education Programs on the Primary and Secondary School Levels in England | 1966 |
366 | Karel, David G. | A Study of Certain Aspects of the General ED Course The Arts and Man, 1964-65 | 1966 |
367 | Karl, John Anthony | A History of the Saint Louis Turn-Verein Societies, 1848 to 1948 | 1966 |
368 | Kauzlarich, Jerold John | Employment Information Concerning Draftsmen, Including Some Technical and Related Drafting Skills Data as Rated by Industry in Southeastern Iowa | 1966 |
369 | Klein, Garry Elwood | The Aztec Pueblo: an Anasazi Society in Northwestern New Mexico | 1966 |
370 | Lemon, Philip Frank | An Analysis of Teaching Techniques Used in Developing a Safe Environment in the Industrial Arts Classroom | 1966 |
371 | Likes, Raymond Everett | A Study of Attitudes and Behavior with Suggested Applications of the Findings for Industrial Arts Classes | 1966 |
372 | Littrell, Ross E. | A Study to Determine the Equipment and Facilities Necessary for Power Mechanics Instruction | 1966 |
373 | Lucas, John C. | History of Osage River Power Project | 1966 |
374 | Mallette, Eugene D. | A Study of the Unified Arts Program as it Exists in the Public Schools | 1966 |
375 | Mason, Ronald Eugene | The Algae Populations in Selected Contaminated Areas of the Little Blue River in Jackson County, Missouri | 1966 |
376 | Miles, Michael David | The “Allied Arts” Course in Missouri Public Secondary School | 1966 |
377 | Myers, Ronald Eugene | The Earlham Academy: a Quaker-founded Institution in Iowa | 1966 |
378 | Willis, Richard Neil | A Follow-up Study of Former Cooperative Occupational Education Students of the Excelsior Springs, Missouri High School | 1966 |
379 | Wilson, Karen S. | The Effects of Ability Grouping Upon Learning Volleyball Skills | 1966 |
380 | Craig, Carol Ann | The Effects of Gymnastic Apparatus Upon the Physical Fitness of Fifth and Sixth Grade Girls | 1967 |
381 | Evans, Larry C. | Harry S. Truman’s 1940 Senatorial Primary Campaign | 1967 |
382 | Hemesath, Greg Philip | The Winnebagoes at Fort Atkinson | 1967 |
383 | Lynch, James L. | Effect of Gibberellic A Acid Upon the Growth of White Mice | 1967 |
384 | Sandjari, Keyvan | A Study of the Oil Nationalization and the Formation of a Consortium in Iran | 1967 |
385 | Schimmelpfennig, Jerry D. | A Comparison of Weight Training and Isometric Exercises in an Athletic Power Development Program | 1967 |
386 | Shanafelt, Jeffery Lyle | The Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact of 1939: a Study of the Diplomacy of the 30’s | 1967 |
387 | Sireno, Peter J. | An Evaluation of the Business Administration Department at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College Based on a Survey of the 1960-66 Business Administration Graduates | 1967 |
388 | Thompson, Clayton K. | The Performance of Coated Abrasives Under Controlled Working Conditions | 1967 |
389 | Watkins, E. Maureen | Mark Twain’s Religion | 1967 |
390 | Willis, Marlene Anne | A Phase of United States Constiutional Development: The U.S. Supreme Court Searches for a Definition of Obscenity | 1967 |
391 | Abbott, Duane O. | A Study of Eye Protection Programs in Selected Iowa Public High Schools | 1967 |
392 | Bodishbaugh, John Edward | Pollution Investigation of Fox River, Illinois; a Study of Selected Algal Populations as Indicators of Water Pollution | 1967 |
393 | Bryant, Kenneth Dean | A Testing and Analysis of Synthetic Wood Finishes to Aid in Determining the Types of Finishes Desirable for Use in Today’s Woodworking Laboratory | 1967 |
394 | Fenno, Cheryl Barnwell | Interpretations of Allegory in Book One of the Faerie Queene | 1967 |
395 | Freels, Mervyn D. | Teaching the Industrial Arts to the Educable Mentally Handicapped | 1967 |
396 | Jones, Dal Patrick | Some Factors to be Considered when Initiating Mass Production in an Industrial Arts Program | 1967 |
397 | Kleffmann, Kirby L. | Comparison of Achievement of Students Who Had Taken and Those Had Not Taken High School Drafting When Enrolled in Engineering Drawing at Muscatine Community College | 1967 |
398 | Lo, Albert Shiu-kau | Chiang Kai-Shek’s Ten-Year Struggle for Power: Difficulties and Challenges, 1926-1936 | 1967 |
399 | Lo, Selina Sau-kuen | China and Soviet Russia, 1920-1927: a Study in the Relations Between the Kuomintang and the Comintern | 1967 |
400 | Mitch, Bonnie Skinner | The County School Unit Battle in Missouri, 1921-22 | 1967 |
401 | Ratliff, Jonean | An Evaluation of Music Offerings in the Public Junior Colleges of Missouri, 1966-67 | 1967 |
402 | Sadler, Jon Robert | The Value of Study Guides as a Supplement to the Textbook in Teaching Drafting | 1967 |
403 | Schoonover, Charlotte Rigg | An Analysis of the Stark-Pendergast Relationship | 1967 |
404 | Shuman, Mary Elsie | An Analysis of Various Selected Factors Affecting the Promotion of 925 Elementary School Pupils from Kindergarten Through Sixth Grade in East Chicago, Indiana | 1967 |
405 | Sitz, Herbert Emil | The Rock Island, Illinois, Arsenal: Its History and Services to the Government of the United States, Especially During World War II | 1967 |
406 | Truitt, Dona White | Conscience in the Writings of Mark Twain | 1967 |
407 | Winecup, Micheal B. | The Tacna-Arica Plebescite of 1925-1926: Its Background, the Attempt Itself, and the Settlement of the Tacna-Arica Dispute | 1967 |
408 | Wolff, Larry D. | An Investigation of the Qualifications and Status of Iowa Industrial Arts Teachers | 1967 |
409 | Kennedy, Caroline | Factors Limiting the Selection of Subject Matter in Tenth Grade Composition1956-1965 | 1967 |
410 | Gardner, Norma Louise Partin | A Study of Certain Aspects of the Music and Art Curricula in Missouri Public Junior Colleges | 1967 |
411 | Schweitzer, Sandra S. | The Curriculum and the Textbooks of English Composition in the Secondary Schools of the United States: 1900-1960 | 1967 |
412 | Alt, Betty Sowers | Madame Roland in History | 1967 |
413 | Ashburn, Russell Lee | Electrical Reduction of Nitrate in Very Dilute Solutions | 1968 |
414 | Beckert, John Earl | A Field Study of Mammal Distribution in Scotland County, Missouri | 1968 |
415 | Langan, Daniel C. | Eamon de Valera and the Irish Struggle for Independence | 1968 |
416 | Mitchell, Louise G. | The Effects of Various Remedial Procedures on the Reading Problems of Selected Freshmen at Parsons College | 1968 |
417 | Sheffield, Frederick Charles | The Origin and Development of Lincoln Library, Springfield, Illinois | 1968 |
418 | Stratton, Paul M. | Effects of Eye Safety Law on Industrial Arts Programs in Utah Public Schools | 1968 |
419 | Daniels, Stephen Emery | Coal Mining in Northeast Missouri, 1850-1920 | 1968 |
420 | Davenport, Jimmy W. | An Annotated Compilation of Selected Resource Materials for Teaching Sociology in Secondary School | 1968 |
421 | Deiling, Aletta Ruth | Music for Educable Mentally Retarded Children: Its Materials and Teaching Techniques | 1968 |
422 | Ferguson, Betty L. | The Development and Operation in Adair County, Missouri, of the Federal Relief Programs Relating to Youth, 1933-1943 | 1968 |
423 | Hayes, Donald J. | A Descriptive Study of the Boys’ Physical Education Programs in the Mississippi Valley Conference: 1967-1968 | 1968 |
424 | James, Clyde H. | Related Units of Instruction for College Level Metalworking Courses | 1968 |
425 | Kropf, David A. | Censorship of Classroom Literature in Missouri Secondary Schools | 1968 |
426 | Milder, Charles Joseph | Relationship of Job Opportunities to Vocational Education Offered in Area XV School District of Iowa | 1968 |
427 | Nichols, William Andrew | An Evaluation of the Predictive Validity of the Toledo Chemistry Placement Examination at Northeast Missouri State College | 1968 |
428 | Ott, Gerald | Preparation for Teaching the English Language: a Study of Eight Method Books | 1968 |
429 | Shapiro, Edward S. | The Nongraded Concept: Implications for Secondary English | 1968 |
430 | Willis, Harold Wayne | A Study of the Concepts and Units of Instruction Employed in the Teaching of Power Machanics | 1968 |
431 | Winkler, Phillip Blair | The Role of the Church Leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Financial Development and Settlement of Nauvoo, Illinois | 1968 |
432 | Wishmeyer, Gary Ray | An Analysis of Developmental Techniques Concerning the Teaching of the Snare Drum | 1968 |
448x | Stephens, William Mark | Gardner-Denver and La Grange, Missouri: La Grange and the Economic Life of La Grange, Missouri, Through Gardner-Denver Enterprises 1905-1969 | 1969 |
433 | Adams, Lee Merton | Perceptions of High School Instruction in Composition Held by Freshmen at Northeast Missouri State College | 1969 |
434 | Butler, Jerry Edward | A Study Concerning the Purchasing, Storing, and Issuing of Materials for Industrial Education Courses in the Secondary Schools of Illinois | 1969 |
435 | Crawford, Richard D. | The Distribution and Abundance of the Mammals of Adair County, Missouri | 1969 |
436 | Cronin, David L. | A Consideration of Selected Factors Involved in Securing a Balanced, Functional Social Studies Program for Central Junior High School, Newton, Iowa | 1969 |
437 | Cunningham, Joseph Milton | A Study of the Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Worker Apprenticeship Training Program in the State of Missouri | 1969 |
438 | Davis, Nelma Louise | Preparation for Teaching Literature: A Study of Current Methods Books | 1969 |
439 | Hamm, Donald E. | An Historical Study of Subversive Organizations in Viet-Nam, 1925-1968 | 1969 |
440 | Joseph, Timothy Wacht | The Effects of Large Populations of Waterfowl on the Ecology of Waters of Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge, as Indicated by the Chemical and Algal Alterations | 1969 |
441 | Kushner, Linda | Social and Political Criticism in the Writings of B. Belinsky, N. Dobrolyubov and D. Pisarev | 1969 |
442 | Lane, Ronald Lavern | An Experimental Study Concerning the Feasibility of Using Polyethylene Glycol as a Wood Stabilizer When Using Dried Wood | 1969 |
443 | Norton, Charles William | A Study of the Legal Aspects of the Mexican Expropriation of Foreign-Held Oil Lands 1917-1943 | 1969 |
444 | Petre, James E. | A History of Manufacturing Industries in Kirksville, Missouri, Prior to 1920 | 1969 |
445 | Schnucker, Anna Mae | Study to Establish an Order of Difficulty Among the Chorale Preludes of the Christmas Portion of J.S. Bach’s Orgelbuchlein | 1969 |
446 | Severson, William | Brazil, 1922-1930: A Study of the Eight-Year Period Prior to the 1930 Revolution | 1969 |
447 | Shanholtzer, Dale A. | An Analysis of Instructional Content, Methods, Media, and Legislation Pertaining to Model Rocketry | 1969 |
448 | Simiele, Robert M. | Trio for Violin, Cello, and Piano | 1969 |
449 | Tuttle, Ronald H. | A Comparative Study to Determine Content for a Vocational Building Trades Course | 1969 |
450 | Wheeler, Forrest James | Contemporary Design Fundamentals and Methods for Project Design in an Industrial Arts Woodworking Course | 1969 |
451 | Adkins, Dave M. | An Investigation of the Effect of Isometric Training, Weight Training, and General Exercise on Dipping, Chinning, Dipping Strength, and Chinning Strength | 1970 |
452 | Calvin, Wilmer K. | Preparation for Teaching Composition: A Study of Current Methods Books | 1970 |
453 | Fowler, Terry John | Romulo S. Naon, ABC Mediation and the Growth of Pan-Americanism | 1970 |
454 | Gardner, Jeanne Elizabeth | The Search for Goodness in the Fiction of John Updike | 1970 |
455 | Grandia, Robert C. | An Analysis of the Course Content for the Drafting Programs of the Minnesota Area Vocational-Technical Schools | 1970 |
456 | Hodson, Nancy Lou | The Relationship Between Dynamic Balance and Motor Ability | 1970 |
457 | Holman, Wendell E. | The Construction and Validation of an Advanced Placement Examination of General Drafting | 1970 |
458 | Jones, John Haskell | The Cardiorespiratory Response to Exercise Comparing a Pre-Selected and Matched Group of Sedentary Smokers and Non-smokers | 1970 |
459 | Lundgren, Richard W. | The Middle East Crisis: An Original Simulation | 1970 |
460 | Miller, Joseph R. | An Analysis and Evaluation of Instructional Units for Driver and Safety Instruction on the Secondary School Level | 1970 |
461 | Molendorp, Wilbur D. | A Field Survey of the Teaching of Economics in the State of Iowa (School Year 1969-70) | 1970 |
462 | Moyer, John Irving | An Experimental Comparison of Laboratory Manual Versus Study Guide Instruction of a Ninth Grade Electricity Course | 1970 |
463 | Murray, Harry E. | Medi-Cath: New Design of Urethral Catheter for the Treatment of Urethritis in the Male Patient | 1970 |
464 | Pao, Jean Yih-shu | Yuan Shih-K’ai’s Rise to Power–1885-1916 | 1970 |
465 | Ten Eyck, Paul R. | A Study Concerning the Storing, Maintaining, Issuing and Inventorying of Hand Tools in the State of Illinois | 1970 |
466 | Tipton, Earl Dean | Foundry Facilities, Equipment, and Safety Programs of Selected High Schools in Missouri, 1969-1970 | 1970 |
467 | Weber, Jack E. | A Study of Selected Performance and Pedagogical Problems Involved in Teaching the Oboe on the Secondary Level | 1970 |
468 | Wood, Kenneth A. | Myxamoebic Competition and Cellular Slime Mold Populations | 1970 |
469 | Armstrong, George Peter | A Survey of Recreation Facilities Reflecting Cardio-Vascular-Pulmonary Management and Prophylaxis Program Potential for Kirksville, Mo. | 1970 |
470 | Bullock, Roger Glee | A History and Description of Community Colleges in the State of Iowa with an Evaluation of Music Offerings During the 1970-71 Academic Year | 1970 |
471 | Dorrell, Larry D. | John Knox and Religious Toleration | 1970 |
472 | Goben, Anita B. | Existentialism and Tragic Theory | 1970 |
473 | Gross, John W. | The Epistolary Motivations of Herzog | 1971 |
474 | Gunier, Wilbur J. | Ecological Behavior and Homing Ability of the Gray Bat (Myotis Grisescens) with a Review of Banding Techniques | 1971 |
475 | Hollenberg, Gary N. | Thomas Becon’s Writings on Marriage and Baptism as an Example of Anti-Papal Sentiment in the English Reformation | 1971 |
476 | Kivett, V. Keith | Dermal Gland Influence on the Reproductive Behavior in the Least Shrew (Cryptotis Parva) | 1971 |
477 | Ligon, Richard A. | A Study of Selected Areas Generally Considered to be Essential for the Improvement of Intonation and Tuning Within the Framework of the Secondary Band | 1971 |
478 | Mettes, Mark Adrian | James Baldwin, the Man, as Reflected in his Novels | 1971 |
479 | Muskovin, Jack E. | The Ethical Philosophy and the Morality in the Collected Poems of Weldon Kees | 1971 |
480 | Newland, John Edward | A Study of German Policy Toward Non-Intervention During the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 | 1971 |
481 | Ornes, W. Harold | The Efficiency of the Kirksville Sewage Treatment Plants for the Period 1965 Through March, 1971 | 1971 |
482 | Owen, Helen | Ruskin College, 1900-1903 | 1971 |
483 | Peavler, Dorothy K. | An Evaluation of the Educational Aspects of the School Lunch Program in Selected Northeast Missouri Schools | 1971 |
484 | Roach, Ruth Marcella | The Iowa Poetry Day Association and its Work in the Schools of Iowa | 1971 |
485 | Russo, Raymond J. | A Study on the Effect of Varying Flour Particle Size on the Rate of Egg Cannibalism in Tribolium Castaneum | 1971 |
486 | Shrout, Mildred Ray | A History of Culver-Stockton College, 1937-1956 | 1971 |
487 | Siglin, David L. | The Evaluation of Organic Pollution at Spring Lake, Missouri, During Fall and Winter | 1971 |
488 | Sitthinuntana, Payau | The Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Anuran Metamorphosis | 1971 |
489 | Smith, Charles Edward | The Underground Railroad in Iowa | 1971 |
490 | Watt, Finis Leon | Electrophoretic Serum Protein Patterns of the Genus Peromyscuc from Selected Areas of the Swan Lake Zone | 1971 |
491 | Andrews, William R. | Communist Activities in the South Vietnamese Village, 1960-64 | 1971 |
492 | Cottey, Patricia Ann | “A Path that Wanted Walkin”: A Study of the Walking Motif in the Poetry of Robert Frost | 1972 |
493 | Cox, Theodore L. | Levels of Mercury in Fish from Adair County | 1972 |
494 | Domian, Donna Vignovich | Elizabeth I on Progress: The 1575 Kenilworth Entertainment | 1972 |
495 | Drish, Ruth | Representative Views of the Nature, Place, and Function of the Woman in Tudor England | 1972 |
496 | Hockett, Vernon J. | The Role of the Clarinet Choir as a Performance Ensemble with Emphasis on its Literature and History | 1972 |
497 | Huddleston, Joe Davis | Colonial Riflemen in the American Revolution | 1972 |
498 | Lewis, Serece | Thermographic Detection of Breast Cancer | 1972 |
499 | Lu, Gabriel Po-Jen | Effects of Gonadectomy on Pituitary Histology and Histochemistry in the Least Shrew (Cryptotis Parva) | 1972 |
500 | Luker, Robert M. | The Summer Birds of Scovee-Elsea Marsh Area | 1972 |
501 | McKiddy, Gary Edward | English Intervention in the Scottish Civil War, 1559-1560: An Intervention Paradigm | 1972 |
502 | Morton, Zelda Goodson | Hemingway’s Images of Woman: A Personal and Universal View | 1972 |
503 | Porter, Ruth Ann | Individualized Reading: Stimulus for Reluctant Readers | 1972 |
504 | Thomas, Robert L. | A Study of the John Birch Society | 1972 |
505 | Vitacco, Alfred George | A Study of the Lifetime Sports Taught in the Colleges and Public Schools of Missouri | 1972 |
506 | Anderson, Mary Jean | A Study of Some Philosophical Beliefs in the Area of Physical Education Held by the Elementary School Teachers of the Moberly Public School System of Moberly, Missouri | 1973 |
507 | Bounds, Gary Lee | The Radical Republican Constitution of Missouri | 1973 |
508 | Chornock, Thomas Orestes | The Origins and Early Development of the Chinese Communist Party, 1918-1924 | 1973 |
509 | Cottingham, Gerald Eugene | Survey of Northeast Missouri State University Baccalaureate Graduates in Music Education, 1960-1972 | 1973 |
510 | Earle, James A. | An Investigation of the Effect of Motor Skills on Reading Levels of First Through Third Grade Students | 1973 |
511 | Edwards, Douglas N. | Estrogenic Effects of O, P1-DDT on the Reproductive Tract of the Female Prairie Vole, Microtus Ochrogaster | 1973 |
512 | Finley, John D. | A Comparison of the Concepts of Jean Calvin and Henry Ainsworth of the Church | 1973 |
513 | Hafner, James T. | A History of the Mason City, Iowa, Public High School Concert Band (1931-1971) | 1973 |
514 | Hartz, Raymond Weston | Oxygen Consumption of the Least Shrew, Cryptosis Parva, in Captivity | 1973 |
515 | Hopp, Susan Lynn | A Study of Geography Courses and Teaching Methods Utilized in Selected Secondary Schools of Iowa | 1973 |
516 | Hunt, Charles C. | Purchasing Government Surplus Equipment for Industrial Education | 1973 |
517 | Mitchell, Jean B. | The Morphological Characters and Electrophoretic Blood Serum Protein Patterns of Peromyscus in Adair County, Missouri | 1973 |
518 | Moore, William Alva | An Evaluation of the Pollutants Found in the Streams Leading to the St. John’s River of Seminole County, Florida | 1973 |
519 | Pulis, Delores Jean | Methods of Teaching Spelling in Junior High School | 1973 |
520 | Reed, Thomas Schrock | Six-Six Musical Theory, an Investigation of the Theoretical Suitability of the Double Whole-Tone Scale Series as a Basis for Pitch Calculation | 1973 |
521 | Riewerts, Sally Jo | A Study of the Operetta as a Teaching Device in the Junior High School Music Program, with Special Attention to the Adaptation of The Mikado, by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan | 1973 |
522 | Andrews, Susan Gayle | Sadler on the North Border | 1973 |
523 | Appeltauer, Gustavo S. | Protein Electrophoretic Patterns of the Rabbit Soleus and Gastrocnemius Muscles and Their Changes After Denervation | 1974 |
524 | Bolton, Judith Crawford | Peter Martyr Vermigli’s Sacramental Doctrine and Its Influence Upon Thomas Cranmer | 1974 |
525 | Bruns, Kathleen O. | An Investigation of the Thinking Behavior of Selected Humanities Teachers and Their Students | 1974 |
526 | Capps, Freedom Kline | The Immigrants and the Novinger Community, 1900-1920 | 1974 |
527 | Cornick, Craig Marvin | A Study of the Effectiveness of Programmed Language Therapy on the Articulation Errors of Grade School Children | 1974 |
528 | Courtney, David Wayne | The Self-Examination: A Learning Methodology | 1974 |
529 | Davis, Nadinia A. | Dissemination and Utilization of Knowledge: Its Application to Elementary Music Classroom | 1974 |
530 | Green, Lawrence A. | “Tantara”: an Original Composition for Concert Band | 1974 |
531 | Harris, Debra Ann | A Study of the Clinical Supervisory Conference in Speech Pathology and Audiology Through the Use of Two Analysis Systems | 1974 |
532 | Hayes, Lisa Kay | The Use of the Referendum to Defeat the Legislative Program of Governor Arthur M. Hyde, 1921-22 | 1974 |
533 | Hayton, Richard Lee | History of the Treatment of Alcoholism in Missouri | 1974 |
534 | Hill, James Walter | The Use of Microorganisms in the Secondary School Biology Classroom | 1974 |
535 | King, Robert Douglas | Guatemala Guerrilla Warfare: 1954 to 1974 | 1974 |
536 | Larson, Wendy Lee Barrows | A Survey of the Humanities Courses in Selected Colorado Public High Schools- 1974 | 1974 |
537 | Lindeen, Herman Floyd | The Influence of Robert Barnes on the English Reformation on the Issue of Clerical Marriage | 1974 |
538 | Lu, Cheng-Hong | The Art and Unity of Winesburg, Ohio | 1974 |
539 | Maurer, Harry E. | The Life and Preaching of Frederick W. Robertson of Brighton | 1974 |
540 | Pollard, Catherine Kim | A Comparative Study of Personages Mentioned in World History Textbooks | 1974 |
541 | Price, Camille A. | Composition Evaluation Practices in Selected Iowa High Schools | 1974 |
542 | Selser, Robert L. | A Survey of Practitioners’ Attitudes and and opinions Regarding Specific Behavioral Objectives and General Instructional Goals for Elementary Music Education in the State of Missouri During the Academic Year 1973-74 | 1974 |
543 | Warren, John Rodger | Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Levels in the Aging Drosophila Melanogaster Adult | 1974 |
544 | Windels, Theodore Roger | A Cursory History of Swearing | 1974 |
545 | Bontz, Laura Denise | Some Solutions to the Problem of Teaching Middle School General Music, Including a Synthesis of Modern Teaching Methods | 1975 |
546 | Demorest, Mary Lou | A Chemotaxonomic Survey of Some Common Molds Using Thin-Layer Chromatography | 1975 |
547 | Hensley, Marcia M. | A Comparative Study of the Stated Goals and Grading Procedures of Selected Junior High Art Instructors: the Perception of Those Goals and Procedures by the Students of Those Teachers and the Implications of Each in Relation to Current Art Education Theories | 1975 |
548 | Horton, Theodora Ann | Evaluating English Electives in Selected Missouri High Schools | 1975 |
549 | Johns, Richard Byrne | A Study to Determine the Number, Academic Preparation, and Career Aspiration of Coaches and Non-Coaches who Teach Social Studies in Northeast Missouri | 1975 |
550 | Mathes, Richard Perry | English Puritan Attitudes Toward Child-Rearing, 1560-1634 | 1975 |
551 | Murray, Michael James | The Evolution of a City Boss: Ed Butler of St. Louis | 1975 |
552 | Ryan, James T. | An Analysis of Aesthetic Education and Humanities Programs in Illinois Secondary School | 1975 |
553 | Shulse, Michael D. | The History and Development of the Clarence Cannon Dam and Reservoir, 1957-1968 | 1975 |
554 | Steele, McCord | A Historical Study of Henry Ford’s Contribution to Brazil and Tropical Latin America in the Development of Cultivated Rubber | 1975 |
555 | Thompson, Jane Novinger | Factor Contributing to Communication Problems of Junior High Students | 1975 |
556 | Watkins, Jane Aileen | A Study of the Effects of a Selected Teaching Unit in the Humanities on Students’ Self-Esteem 1975 | 1975 |
557 | Wiley, Ronald Hugh | Some Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on the Cyclomorphic Response of Daphnia Pulex Leydig | 1975 |
558 | Crawford, Randall W. | Ecological Relationships and Diversity of Fishes in a Small Natural Oxbow | 1976 |
559 | Lin, Sen-Ming | Effects of DDT on Selected Enzymes of the Digestive Tract of the Prairie Vole, Microtus Ochrogaster | 1976 |
560 | Rector, David Richard | The Development of Funding Formulas for Missouri Higher Education: A Public Policy Analysis | 1976 |
561 | Worley, LaVon Leo | Selected Poems | 1976 |
562 | Burk, Mary Faurot | The Effects of 3′-5′ Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate and 3′-5′ Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate on Enzyme Activities of Selected Tissues of the Rat | 1976 |
563 | Canon, Sister Gracia | A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Types of In-Service Training in Music Education for the General Classroom Teacher | 1976 |
564 | Koumas, Peter C. | Effects of Exogenous Cyclic 3′-5′ Adenosine Phosphate on Total Body Weight, Organ Weight Change and Uptake of 1-14C Glycine by Selected Rat Tissues | 1976 |
565 | Lilley, Stephen Ray | The Early Career of Clarence Cannon, 1879-1924 | 1976 |
566 | Maxa, Edward L. | Effect of Exogenous Cyclic 3′-5′ Guanosine Monophosphate on Body and Organ Weight, and 1-14C Glycine Uptake on the Rat | 1976 |
567 | Mooney, Joseph Wrigley | United States Intervention in Guatemala, 1954 | 1976 |
568 | Morita, Hideyuki | Preliminary Planning in the State Department Relative to American-Japanese Relations Once World War II Ended, 1939-1943 | 1976 |
569 | Reynolds, Leslie Kay | Court Dress at the Time of Elizabeth I | 1976 |
570 | Reynolds, Sister M. Charles Allen | A Systematic Change Strategy for Initiating Aesthetic Education Programs in Elementary Schools | 1976 |
571 | Shumaker, Thomas Jerome | The Comparison of Cranial and External Measurements of Sorex Longirostris to Sorex Vagrans and Sorex Cinereus | 1976 |
572 | Silver, James O. | Analysis of the Change in Basic Proteins of Dormant and Non-Dormant Seeds of Polygonum Pennsylvanicum by Gel Electrophoresis | 1976 |
573 | Sipes, Dennis Alan | Synaesthetic Education | 1976 |
574 | Stichling, Nancy R. | The Current Status of Girls’ Interscholastic Athletic Programs in Large Missouri High Schools | 1976 |
575 | Stover, Vernon | Come ‘Round Right: the Philosophy, Arts, and Crafts in the Shaker Tradition | 1976 |
576 | Stuchel, Victoria S. | The Child in Nineteenth Century Literature as Seen by Four Representative Authors: William Wordsworth, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and Henry James | 1976 |
577 | Tabb, Claire Richard | A Research Project to Determine the Commonly Used Teaching Strategies of High School Social Studies Teachers in Northeast Missouri | 1976 |
578 | Amos, John Christopher | Comparative Study of Inheritance and Post-Natal Development of Albino and Wild-Type Prairie Voles (Microtus Ochrogaster) in the Laboratory | 1976 |
579 | Heneghan, Donald A. | A Concordance to the Poems and Fragments of Wilfred Owen (in two volumes) | 1976 |
580 | Walker, Dean L. | Limnology of Abandoned Strip Mined Areas in Southeast Kansas | 1976 |
581 | Wood, William S. | Che Guevara’s Bolivian Guerrilla Movement: Failure of an Exported Revolution | 1976 |
582x | Finke, Barbara J. | Television Advertising of Vitamin Supplements Viewed by Children, Ages One Through Eight, 1964-1974 | 1977 |
582 | Campbell, Dennis | The People’s National Party: Its Rise to Power in Independent Jamaica | 1977 |
583 | Forquer, Nancy E. | The Teaching and Reinforcement of Various Fundamental Techniques and Concepts Within the Framework of the Elementary Music Classroom | 1977 |
584 | Frost, Lawrence P. | Effects of Weight Training, Flexibility Training, and Combined Weight Training-Flexibility Training on Strength, Speed, and Agility | 1977 |
585 | James, Steven W. | The Status of Vocational-Industrial Drafting Programs in the State of Missouri During the 1975-76 School Year | 1977 |
586 | Onik, Jan F. | The Effect of Increasing Conditioned Stimulus Intensity on Classical Conditioning of the Cat Nictating Membrane | 1977 |
587 | Behan, Jane Sharon | The Influence of Home-School Cooperation on the Aesthetic Development of Pre-School Children, Ages Three to Five | 1977 |
588 | Branscom, Dixie Lee | Energy Cost and Oxygen Requirement of Running in Trained and Untrained Males and Females | 1977 |
589 | Chasteen, Barbara | Ella K. Ewing, Missouri Giantess: 1872-1913 | 1977 |
590 | Clark, Ann C. | Related Arts Degree Programs: Academic Preparation for Generalist Occupations in the Arts | 1977 |
591 | Cleaver, Kathy H. | Vernacular Instrumental Music as a Vehicle for Informal Music Education in the United States (1800-1865) | 1977 |
592 | Crain, Michael L. | The Relationship of Brachial Pulse Wave Components and Predicted VO2 Max to Running Performance | 1977 |
593 | Etheridge, Gil Lynn | The Prediction of Maximal Oxygen Intake of Healthy Untrained College Females | 1977 |
594 | Glass, Charles William | The Influence of an Outdoor Recreation Course on Attitudes Toward Outdoor-Related Activities | 1977 |
595 | Harris, Dana Douglas | The Organizational and Unit History of the 399th Army Band | 1977 |
596 | Hazlewood, Mark Philip | A Survey of Northeast Missouri State University Master of Arts Graduates in Music Education, 1965-1976 | 1977 |
597 | Holman, Fred B. | Thomas Cromwell and Anne of Cleves | 1977 |
598 | Holmes, Jane Ann | The Relationship of Somatotype and Body Composition to Swimming Strokes and Distances | 1977 |
599 | Polak, Mary Jo | A Multi-Media Presentation Designed to Increase Students’ Cognitive and Affective Learning of Christian Symbols | 1977 |
600 | Schneider, Robert Edward | The Political Culture of Kirksville, Missouri: A Case Study | 1977 |
601 | Yamoah, Mills A. | Music Education in the Elementary Schools of Ghana | 1977 |
602 | Avorgbedor, Dan Kodzo | The Musical Values of the Indigenous Ghanaian Sound Instruments in Worship Within the Framework of Contemporary Ghanaian Society | 1978 |
603 | Castro, Eivi Maria | Short Stories of Fabian Dobles: A Translation | 1978 |
604 | Darrah, Richard E. | The Relationship of Biorhythms to Grip Strength | 1978 |
605 | Gruennert, Verla Driggers | The Beautyful Ones are Not Yet Born: a Critical Study | 1978 |
606 | Hummel, Paul J. | The Summer Feeding Habits of Notropis Lutrensis in the Salt River, Adair County, Missouri | 1978 |
607 | Newhouse, Donna Marie | The Jesuits in Elizabethan England: Politics Over Religion | 1978 |
608 | DeClue, Gary L. | Teaching Musicianship Within the Framework of the Secondary School Chorus | 1978 |
609 | Turnball, David M. | Comparison of Religiosity of Athletes and Non-Athletes | 1978 |
610 | Griffith, Tresia L. | Effect of Two Forms of Isokinetic Leg Strength Training on Vertical Jump in College Women | 1978 |
611 | Poff, Douglas W. | Effects of Exogenous Cyclic 3′, 5′, Guanosine Monophosphate on the Uptake of 1-14C Alanine and 1-14C Valine in the Gastrocnemus Muscle of Rats | 1978 |
612 | Rosenbloom, Joel D. | Acetylcholinesterase and Monoamine Osidase Activity in Various Brain Regions of Selected Genetic Variants of the Prairie Vole, Microtus Ochrogaster | 1978 |
613 | Montgomery, Zonda Miller | An Experiment in Building Self-Concept in Adolescents Through an Affective Approach to the Related Arts in Music Education | 1978 |
614 | Nesbitt, Richard A. | The Effects of Exogenous Cyclic Guanosine 3′, 5′, Monophosphate on the Electrophoretic Patterns of Proteins from Selected Rat Tissues | 1978 |
615 | Farwell, Richard R. | The Influence of Task Specificity on the Relationship Between Predicted Maximal Oxygen Intake and Running Performance | 1978 |
616 | Oswalt, Jill Mays | The Contribution of Type of Articulation Error to Speech Sound Discrimination Ability | 1979 |
617 | Andrews, Gregory Alan | The Decisive Role of the United States in Suppressing the De La Huerta Rebellion in Mexico, 1923-1924 | 1979 |
618 | Simmons, Lowell G. | Thomas Cartwright’s View of Holy Scripture | 1979 |
619 | Sponaugle, Gail A. Kohlenberg | The Congressional Career of Joshua W. Alexander | 1979 |
620 | Young, Gary M. Sr. | The Humanities Factor: The Effect of Courses in the Related Arts/Humanities on the Cultural Attitudes of Law Enforcement Officers in the Metropolitan St. Louis Area | 1979 |
621 | Vitalis, Richard Duane | Antibody-Mediated Phagocytosis of Enterobacteriaceae | 1979 |
622 | Bonnell, Cathy Ann | Speech Discrimination in Aphasic Adults: A Distinctive Feature Approach | 1979 |
623 | English, Susan Elizabeth | Effect of Hatha Yoga Postures on Shoulder, Hip, Trunk, and Ankle Flexibility | 1979 |
624 | Gass, Joseph M. | The Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Selected Streams in Northeast Missouri, Their Biology, and Relation to Water Quality | 1979 |
625 | Haake, Joseph William | Density and Growth of Larval Grizzard Shad, Dorosoma Cepadianum, in Thomas Hill Reservoir, Randolph County, MO | 1979 |
626 | Halley, Randall Earl | A Study to Evaluate the Influence of Experimentally Induced Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Replacement Therapy on Liver Regeneration in Rats | 1979 |
627 | Hampton, Bobbie Kay | The Relationship Between Bilateral, Unilateral, and Contrilateral Hand and Foot Reaction and Movement Times of Male and Female Athletes and Non-Athletes | 1979 |
628 | Harris, Barbara S. | The Effects of Relaxation Training on the Stress Levels of Female Athletes | 1979 |
629 | Lin, Shean-Huei | A Study of Correlation Between Climatic Factors and Sugar Cane Production for Predicting Sugar Cane Production in Pingtung Area, Taiwan | 1979 |
630 | McMurry, Enfys | James Abbott McNeill Whistler: His Influence on Western Art | 1979 |
631 | Mertz, John Albert | Neighbor-Stranger Discrimination in the White-Breasted Nuthatch (Sitta Carolinensis) | 1979 |
632 | Peterson, J. Toni | The Prediction of Basketball Performance Using Psychomotor, Cognitive, and Anthropometric Measures | 1979 |
633 | Swenson, Donna E. | An Investigation of the Effect of the Use of Specific Community Resources Upon an Architecture Unit at the High School Level | 1979 |
634 | Vallier, William Lee | Learner Helplessness vs. Learned Inactivity: Random Duration of Inescapable Shock Pre-Treatment and Escape/Avoidance Learning | 1979 |
635 | Van Meter, Joy Beth | A Chemotaxonomic Survey of Aspergillus Using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography | 1979 |
636 | Ward, T. Jean | Indians of Northeast Missouri: An Examination of the History, Religion, and Selected Arts of the Sauk and Fox Tribes | 1979 |
637 | Billings, Judy | Samuel Clemens’ Development into Mark Twain | 1979 |
638 | Gwinn, Margaret Merri-Martin | Lester Dent: The Man, His Craft, and His Market | 1979 |
639 | Chu, Chi-Hsien | Sino-Soviet Conflict in Turkistan | 1979 |
654 | Passmore, Gregory Gene | Design and Application of a Creel Survey to Determine the Harvest of Fish in Thomas Hill Reservoir, Macon and Randolph Counties, MO | 1979 |
640 | Conboy, Jeri A. | Eva Peron | 1980 |
641 | Boyd, Russell S. | Effects of Exogenous Cyclic 3′, 5′ -Guanosime Monophosphate on the Uptake of 1-14C Glutamic Acid and 1-14C Aspartic Acid in Brain Regions of Rats | 1980 |
642 | Cavallero, Joseph Jr. | Reflections on a Little War: The Vietnam Conflict as Portrayed in Selected Examples of Art, Literature, Film, and Popular Music | 1980 |
643 | McKenna, Scott M. | The Effects of Exogenous Cyclic 3′, 5′ Guanosine Monophosphate on the Uptake of 1-14C Glutamic Acid and 1-14C Aspartic Acid in the Gastro-Chemius Muscle of Rats | 1980 |
644 | Mason, Richard Ray | Estrogenic Effects of O,P1 – DDT on Progesterone Receptors in Rat Uteri | 1980 |
645 | Shackett, Phyllis Jean | Brass Button Belle: or The Life of Cynthia J. Carpon, Frontier Military Wife | 1980 |
646 | Ballenger, William Lee | Earth Tones (Musical Score) (oversized: both copies in map case) | 1980 |
647 | Beiter, Fred William | Prediction of Football Playing Ability | 1980 |
648 | Eastman, Bruce C. | Hearing a Word | 1980 |
649 | Fisher, Sue Gray | Incidence of Secondary Amenorrhea in Athletes and Non-Athletes | 1980 |
650 | Jackson, Jeanne M. | The Relationship Between Physical Fitness Levels and Self Concept in College Males and Females | 1980 |
651 | Lee, Brian Richard | The Effects of Sentence Combining Practice on the Growth of Syntactic Maturity Among College Freshmen | 1980 |
652 | Leptak, Jeffrey | The Contemporary Theatre of Mixed Means: A Return to Our Artistic Origins | 1980 |
653 | Mueller, Cynthia Louise | Learned Helplessness and Locus of Control: An Experimental Synthesis Utilizing a Set of Converging Operations | 1980 |
655 | Schultz, Robert George | Postal Service in Territorial Missouri 1804-1821 | 1980 |
656 | Sittman, Lucinda Eileen | Physical Fitness Norms for Northeast Missouri State University Students | 1980 |
657 | Smith, Randall Evan | A Study to Determine the Attitudes of Parents and Students in the Macon R-1 School Toward Education in Relation to the Nationwide Gallup Polls | 1980 |
658 | Tate, S.S.J., Sister Mary M. | An Affective Approach to the Teaching of the Medieval Life and Arts to Selected Junior High School Students | 1980 |
659 | Williams, Thomas J. | A Comparison of Progressive Sensory Awareness, and Self Relaxation Procedures in the Reduction of Somatic vs. Cognitive Indices of Tension/Anxiety | 1980 |
660 | Wilson, Doris Jean | Mary Cassatt and Charles Griffes: American Impressionists in an Era of Change | 1980 |
661 | Wyatt, Robert Gene | An Analysis of Human Nature as Developed by Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain | 1980 |
662 | Mangun, Rick R. | A Study of the Effects of Thinking Skill Development in Junior High Students | 1980 |
663 | Miao, Sha | The Effect of Lipid by Quality and Quantity in Artificial Diets on the Growth of Tilapia Mossambica in Aquarium Culture | 1980 |
664 | Sano, Morio | Biblical Allusions and the Structure of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | 1980 |
665 | White, Donald R. | The Effect of pH on the Uptake of a Dinitroaniline Herbicide by Dromant Seeds of Polygonum Pensylvanicum and Selected Setaria Species | 1981 |
666 | Ayer, Ronald F. | Learning Voluntary Decrease Control of Blood Pressure Through Biofeedback of Transit Time | 1981 |
667 | Hall, Nancy Jane | The Effect of Speech Improvement on Reducing Articulation Errors | 1981 |
668 | Harrington, Kathleen Ann | The Harrington Articulation Test: a Study of the Effectiveness of Object Stimuli on Pre-School, Learning Disabled and Educable Mentally Handicapped Children | 1981 |
669 | Hathaway, Thomas A. | EMG Assessment of Chronic Low Back Syndrome | 1981 |
670 | Kallansrud, Gary Duane | Thorns of the Honey Locust (Gleditsia Triacanthos Triacanthos) as a Deterrent to Browsing by Mammalian Herbivores | 1981 |
671 | Blumhagen, Anne | The Contribution of Distinctive Features to Short-Term Memory of Adult Aphasics | 1981 |
672 | Elnashar, Adel Mahamed | A Study of Aahper Youth Fitness Test Results for Egyptian Males and Females | 1981 |
673 | Grulke, Darlyn Kay | The Effect of Teacher Opinion on the Assessment of Articulation Disordered Children’s Reading Ability | 1981 |
674 | Hoog, Deborah Sue | A Survey of Office Machines and Job Tasks Performed on Office Machines | 1981 |
675 | Hummel, Diana M. | A Survey of the Allied Arts and Humanities Courses in Missouri Public Secondary Schools, 1980-1981 | 1981 |
676 | Kirchner, Jon W. | The Relationship of State-Trait Anxiety Levels and Basketball Free-Throw Shooting Proficiency Among Selected High School Male Basketball Players | 1981 |
677 | Krug, Karen Schuller | The Contribution of Distinctive Features to the Intelligibility of Children’s Speech | 1981 |
678 | McWilliams, Mary Clare | Doubletalk in Doubletime: a Critical Study of Shakespeare’s MacBeth | 1981 |
679 | Miller, Merrie Isabelle | Self Perception Mediation of the Foot-in-the-Door Effect of Helping Behavior | 1981 |
680 | Schwamb, Nancy Jean | Electromyographic Comparison of an Isokinetic Leg Extension Performed at Four Predetermined Velocities | 1981 |
681 | Tucker, Cheryl J. | Relationship of the Self-Concept and Selected Physical Fitness Variables of Adolescent Females | 1981 |
682 | Wallace, Kathey | The Relationship of Personality and Motivation Factors to Free Throw Performance | 1981 |
683 | Wiseman, Steven | Contemporary American Piano Music for the Beginning Student: a Study of Selected Composers and Materials | 1981 |
684 | Young, Juanita L. Dees | The Pastor’s Music Manual for the Small Church | 1981 |
685 | Miles, Robert R. | The Effect of Dietary Lipids on Rat Adipose Tissue Lipids and the Activities of Lipoprotein Lipase and Hormone Sensitive Lipase | 1981 |
686 | Jafar, Sajida Sadik | The Effect of Water-Stress on Oxidation of Proline by Mitochondria Isolated from Etiolated Soybean Hypocotyls | 1981 |
687 | Ramirez, Maria Elena | Mainstreaming of the Educable Mentally Retarded in the United States with Implications for Special Education in Costa Rica | 1982 |
688 | Bakir, Hussain M. | Observation on Summer Feeding of Juvenile Gizzard Shad Dorosoma Cepedianum in Thomas Hill Reservoir | 1982 |
689 | Dwyer, Cynthia Lee | A Study of Normal and Learning Disabled Children’s Bidirectional Sequencing Ability | 1982 |
690 | Miller, David Forrest | A Hotline as it is Perceived by the Community it Serves | 1982 |
691 | Beckenholdt, Sherry Ellen | The Relationship Among Selected Tests of Anaerobic Power in College Male Athletes | 1982 |
692 | Calvetti, Battista Massucco | The Relationship of Anthropometric and Motor Performance Variables to Game Performance in High School Female Volleyball Players | 1982 |
693 | Ellerbusch, Riley D. | Three Plays | 1982 |
694 | Greiner, Julie Kay | The Influence of Clinical Management on the Occurrence of Disfluencies in Language-Delayed Preschool Populations | 1982 |
695 | Hamilton, Donald W. | A Survey of Musical Theater in Northeast Missouri High Schools | 1982 |
696 | Haskins, Mary Frances | The Effects of Habitat Manipulation on Ground Inhabiting Spiders (Araneae) in an Old Field Ecosystem | 1982 |
697 | Hunt, Larry Lando | A Missouri Newspaper Views Progressivism: the Unterrified Democrat and Missouri Reform 1904-1908 | 1982 |
698 | Liou, Hwong Chang | “To Suffer With Him”: a Study of Imagery in Shakespeare’s Othello | 1982 |
699 | McQuaid, Sally Wyndham Macadoo | The End Crowns the Work: the Ideal King’s Appearance in Shakespeare’s History Plays | 1982 |
700 | Nakamura, Minoru | Irony in Fielding’s Novels | 1982 |
701 | Permthamsin, Jitrakorn | The Effects of O,P1-DDT on the Development, Growth, and Estrogen-Dependent Progesterone Receptor of DMBA-Induced Rat Mammary Tumors | 1982 |
702 | Templeton, Mary Ann | Leaving the Wardrobe Open A Study of the Dialectical C.S. Lewis | 1982 |
703 | Toien, Per | The Effects of Dehydration and/or Fatigue on the Free Throw Shooting Accuracy of Varsity College Basketball Players | 1982 |
704 | Yocum, Russell Stewart | Characterization of the Accumulation of L-Alanine and L-Lysine by Gut Segments of the Pacific Hagfish, Eptatretus Stoutii | 1982 |
705 | Brown, Linda Klott | The Jewish Quarter: Warsaw During the Nazi Occupation | 1982 |
706 | Ricker, Brian Keith | Roosevelt and the Development of the American Plan for Postwar Germany | 1982 |
707 | Skjeveland, Jorgen E. | Reproduction of Landlocked Bluebacked Herring, Alosa Aestivalis (Mitchell) in Jocassee Reservoir, South Carolina | 1982 |
708 | Marx, Robert Joseph | Friend Murine Leukemia Virus-Lymphocyte Interactions | 1983 |
709 | Bante, Julia Anne | The Effects of Training on Learning Disabled Children’s Performance on Verbal Analogy Problems | 1983 |
710 | Harvey, Jo Beth | The Availability of Emergency Medical Care During Athletic Participation | 1983 |
711 | Hollon, Cora Van Wyk | The Relationship of Non-Performance Criterion to Championship Teams | 1983 |
712 | Keller, J. Allene Gordon | In-Service Teacher Training in Related Arts: A Design for Rural Elementary Schools of Alaska | 1983 |
713 | Kizer, Neil Lavern | Characterization of Transmural Potential Difference and Short Circuit Current in Isolated Gut of Pacific Hagfish, Eptatretus Stoutii | 1983 |
714 | Mrotek, Mark Stephen | The Teaching of the Humanities as an Integral Part of Moral Education | 1983 |
715 | Mullins, James H. | The Influences of Three Groups on John Wesley | 1983 |
716 | Polson, Janet F. | The Oder-Neisse Line Question of Poland’s Western Frontier After World War II | 1983 |
717 | Potchen, Mary Helen | The Arts of the Golden Age of Ireland: Problems of Creating a Teaching Unit for High School Students | 1983 |
718 | Rankin, Bradley Allen (unbound) | The Relationship Between Isokinetic Leg Power and Sprint Speed in Male Power Athletes | 1983 |
719 | Redeker, Katherine | Ceremony of Innocence | 1983 |
720 | White, Jeffrey | Prediction of Body Composition in College Football Players | 1983 |
721 | Smits, Pamela Lee | A Rationale for the Use of Humanities Courses in the Public Schools | 1983 |
722 | Welton, Thomas David | The Effect of Kaempferol on Respiration of Mitochondria Isolated from Maize Shoots | 1984 |
723 | Cox, Melody Ann | The Effect of Different Types of Music on Physical Performance | 1984 |
724 | Stewart, Edward O. | A Comparison of Two Media of Communication and Their Effect on Students’ Attitudes Toward Modern Art | 1983 |
725 | Arabas. Charles | The Relationship of Heart Rate Relative to Performance as a Criterion Measure of Lactic Acid and the Anaerobic Threshold in College Female Swimmers | 1984 |
726 | Brown, Michael E. | The Effect of Plyometric Training on the Vertical Jump of High School Boys’ Basketball Players | 1984 |
727 | Hegarty, Paula Sue | Effect of Biofeedback Training Upon Functional Ankle Movement in a Prone Flutter Kick | 1984 |
728 | McCarty, William Wayne | A Comparison of Two Forms of Isotonic Weight Training Protocols on the Girth and Strength of the Chest, Upper Arms, and Legs | 1984 |
729 | McKinney, Richard J. | The Singer in the Prison for Mixed Chorus, Children’s Choir, and Soprano Solo, with Piano Accompaniment | 1984 |
730 | Mikel, Randy A. | The Relationship of Specific Variables to Successful Baseball Batting in Selected Varsity College Baseball Players | 1984 |
731 | Nims, Jack | The Wind as Messenger | 1984 |
732 | Powell, Peggy A. | Relationship of Anthropometric Dimensions of the Leg and Muscular Strength at the Knee | 1984 |
733 | Ramsey, Shari | A Crazy Quilt | 1984 |
734 | Shake, Caron Lee Louise | The Relationship of Selected Variables to Psychomotor and Cognitive Performance of Certified Scuba Divers | 1983 |
735 | Shultz, John Edward | A Survey of the Metals Curriculum of the Public Schools of Missouri | 1984 |
736 | Wheeler, Christine Elaine Fett | Isokinetic Leg Strength Characteristics Among Male Athletes and Non-Athletes | 1984 |
737 | Whitmore, Leland G. | Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Teaching Methods for Tumbling Skill Acquisition and Attitude Change at the Elementary School Age | 1984 |
738 | Pieper, Suzanne L. | CAI and the College Writer: The Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on the Grammatical Competency of Freshman Students | 1984 |
739 | Grossman, Steven L. | Comparison of Electromyographic Activity in Three Separate Frontales Placements During Various Conditions of a Stress Profile | 1985 |
740 | Harness, Connie J. | The Ottumwa Public Library: Its History From 1872 to 1984 | 1984 |
741 | Marey, Sohail | The Relationship of Selected Personal, Anthropometric, and Motor Performance Variables to Game Performance in College Female Volleyball Players | 1985 |
742 | Megna, Bridget E. | Situational Variables in Helping Behavior | 1985 |
743 | Kerr, Teresa Wood | Robert Browning’s Love Poems: Success in Love Shown Through its Failure | 1985 |
744 | Kaler, Ellen Redding | Guinevere: A Monodrama | 1985 |
745 | Dinsmore, Cassandra E. | The Effects of Length and Complexity of Utterances on the Auditory-Verbal Comprehension of Adult Aphasic Patients | 1985 |
746 | Hauck, Ethan C. | Strength, Body Composition, and Performance on Selected High School Wrestlers | 1985 |
747 | Steinmann, J.F. | The Vice Presidency | 1985 |
748 | Thomas, Lynn M. | The Effects of Wild, Vestigial, Apterous Genotype Drosophila Melanogaster on Reproductive Capacity, Generation Time, and Survivorship | 1985 |
749 | Utterback, William W. | A Study of Five Religious Christmas Carols from The Oxford Book of Carols [With Cassette] | 1985 |
750 | Weigand, Thomas R. | A Study to Investigate the Fluctuation of Proline in Soybeans Under Field Conditions | 1985 |
751 | Williams, Cheryl Ann | Speech Discrimination in Fetal Infants (38-40 Weeks Gestation) | 1985 |
752 | Keahey, Jesse Truman | The Simultaneous Presence of Optimism and Pessimism in the Twentieth Century, Their Cause and Challenge (2 Volumes) | 1985 |
753 | Stoner, Catharine Clark | The Industrial Revolution and Its Influence on Selected English Writers and Artists, 1770-1870 | 1985 |
754 | Frank, Samuel | The Boundary Conflict Between Ecuador and Peru, 1830-1942 | 1985 |
755 | Riseley, James Emory | Von Clausewitz and Communist Military Thought | 1986 |
756 | Atwater, Allison | Space in John Updike’s Rabbit Trilogy: A Search for Balance | 1986 |
757 | Bierwas, Frances E. | Effect of the Angle of Measurement on Isokinetic Imbalance Rations at the Knee | 1986 |
758 | Brooks, Mark A. | The Relationship of Selected Variables to Successful Basketball Performance in High School Boys Varsity Basketball Players | 1986 |
759 | Fox, Barbara Jean | Cinematographic Analysis of the Point of Release in the Basketball Jump Shot | 1986 |
760 | Johnson, Janette | Shells of Promise | 1986 |
761 | Knapp, Vicki | The Relationship of Attentional Style and Anxiety Levels to Team Success in Selected Female High School Varsity Basketball Teams | 1986 |
762 | Lancaster, Teri M. | The Performance of Students Transferring From Indian Hills Community College to NMSU | 1986 |
763 | Mitchell, Deena Carol | Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet | 1986 |
764 | Netolicky, Janice F. | Leaves That Are Green | 1986 |
765 | Numbenchaphon, Saipin | Yeats and Nirvana: A Study of Selected Yeats Poems | 1986 |
766 | Nunn, Karen D. | Muscle Strength Imbalances at the Knee From Three Measurement Techniques | 1986 |
767 | Olson, Diane Louise | Seeds of Becoming: Growing Into Manhood on the Kansas Plains | 1986 |
768 | Schulte, Ray | China Poems | 1986 |
769 | Schwegler, Timothy Mark | Accuracy of Selected Anthropometric Prediction Equations to Estimate Body Composition in Male high School Cross-Country Runners | 1986 |
770 | Thurmon, Gregory Lynn | Guide to Marine Fishes of the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Adjacent Waters | 1986 |
771 | White, Robert Scott | The Role of Zinc in Liver Regeneration in Rats | 1986 |
772 | Chou, Tungshan | A Study of Students’ Background Characteristics and Their Related Perceptions of Higher Education | 1986 |
773 | DePaula, Paulo | Theatre in Exile: The Cuban Theatre in Miami | 1987 |
774 | Patton, Sharon | The Effects of Communicator Affiliation, Gender, and Clothing on Perceived Communicator Credibility | 1987 |
775 | Severns, Patricia | The History of the Princess Theatre | 1987 |
776 | Bidgood, Faith E. | Humor as a Facilitator in Aphasia Therapy | 1987 |
777 | Blaine, Myrna B. | The Relationship of Selected Physical Fitness Parameters to Tendencies Toward Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia | 1987 |
778 | Crooks, John Richard | Respiratory Studies of Brain and Liver Mitochondria Isolated From Rats and Shrews | 1987 |
779 | Fallstrom, Constance A. | Reliability and Validity of the Biodex | 1987 |
780 | Furney, Lynda Alice | Comparison of Physical Fitness Scores for Northeast Missouri State University Students During the Years 1976-1985 | 1987 |
781 | Hanks, Joseph David | The Ability of Catch-up Growth to Predict Later Cognitive and Language Performance in High Risk Infants | 1987 |
782 | Huskey, Teresa | Effect of Approach Velocity Ascent Method on Anaerobic Power Output in the Margaria-Kalamen Test and a Modified Margaria-Kalamen Test | 1987 |
783 | Klopp, John | Introduction and Allegro | 1987 |
784 | McCormick, Thomas Paul | A Comparison of Isotonic and Hydraulic Resistance Training on Strength, Speed, and Power | 1987 |
785 | Page, Naomi Jean | The History of the Milan United Methodist Church | 1987 |
786 | Searce, Michael | A Walk Abroad | 1987 |
787 | Thissen-Milder, Mary Margaret | Selection and Classification of High School Volleyball Players from Performance Tests | 1987 |
788 | Veatch, Sharon | Characterization of the Accumulation of L-Methionine By Gut Segments of the Pacific Hagfish, Eptatretus Stoutii | 1987 |
789 | Weber, Mark Duane | The Effects of Temperature Increase on the Metabolism of L-Proline and Other Substrates of Mitochondria Isolated From Etiolated Maize | 1987 |
790 | Wueschner, Silvano Alfons | The Movement for Workmen’s Compensation Legislation in Iowa, 1911-1913 | 1987 |
791 | Zond, Alan Gray | Effect of Nicotinic and Pantothenic Acids on Cyclic 3′-5′ -Guanosine Monophosphate Levels in Rat Aortae | 1987 |
792 | Anderson, Paula I. | Classifying Outpatient Male and Female Alcoholics According to Conley’s Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Scheme | 1988 |
793 | Batman, Peggy S. | Alcohol, Exercise, and Stress: The Relationship Between Exercise, Alcohol Consumption, and Stress Reduction | 1987 |
794 | Cogswell, Violet | Language and Cognitive Abilities of Low-Birthweight Children at Ages Four to Six | 1987 |
795 | Gordon, Ann R. | With Good Counsel | 1988 |
796 | Liljequist, Barbara Lynn | The Effects of the Presence of a Conventional Microflora on Target-Cell Binding, Cytotoxicity, and Frequency of Active Natural Killer Cells in NU/NU and NU/+BALB/C Mouse Splenocytes | 1988 |
797 | Liu, Ping | Mutagenic and Toxic Effects of UV Light, Caffeine, Theophylline, and Theobromine on the Cellular Slime Mold, Dictyostelium Discoideum | 1987 |
798 | Machens, Jean M. | Architectural Influence of German Immigrants if St. Charles County, MO, 1830-1900 | 1988 |
799 | Westhoff, Rebecca Jane | Feline Bladder Smooth Muscle Response After Gonadectomy | 1988 |
800 | Arnold, Michael D. | Predicting Basketball Success From Selected Specific and Non-Specific Variables | 1988 |
801 | Bak, Rhonda Renee | The Effects of Matching Visual and Auditory Modalities With Teaching Method in Primary School Children | 1988 |
802 | Cameron, Kristin L. | “Duty as Mistaken”: a psychoanalytic Evaluation of Tragedy in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus | 1988 |
803 | Ghena, David Richard | Isokinetic Torque Characteristics of the Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscles During Concentric and Eccentric Loading | 1988 |
804 | Jay, Jeffrey Austin | Folic Acid and Oxytocin Effect on Rat Myometrial Contraction | 1988 |
805 | May, Carrol Leann | Folic Acid and Cobalamin Effect on Rat Intestine Smooth Muscle | 1988 |
806 | Potchen, JoEllen | A Comparison Between Engaged Reading Times of Students in Classrooms of Selected Traditional and Whole Language Teachers | 1988 |
807 | Riggle, Priscilla A. | Meeting on the Open Road | 1988 |
808 | Salm, Andrew J. | The Effects of Detraining on College Swimmer: Swim Velocity, Stroke Rate, Distance Per Stroke, Work Output, Lactate Concentration, Exercise Heart Rate, Maximum Strength, and Anthropometric Evaluation | 1988 |
809 | Salm, Pamela C. | Comparison of Blood Lactate and Heart Rate Responses to Maximal and Submaximal Arm and Leg Ergometry | 1988 |
810 | Starner, Jodeen Marie Jensen | Tightrope Walking | 1988 |
811 | Wu, Ruoyi | Checking for Meaning Under My Boot-Soles: A Study of Whitman and Reader-Response Criticism | 1988 |
812 | Flanders, Todd Rittenhouse | A Civil Rights Crucible: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Enigmatic Albany, Georgia, Campaign | 1988 |
813 | Lyu, Jeong-Yeon | George Eliot and Feminism in Middlemarch | 1988 |
814 | Powell, Kim S. | The Relationship of Body Cathexis to Tendencies Toward Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia in College Males and Females | 1988 |
815 | Sujanani, Vishnu H. | Factors Affecting Attitude Change of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers Toward Stuttering | 1988 |
816 | Terry, Michael | The Road as a Literary Motif in William Faulkner’s Light in August | 1988 |
817 | Ford, Sheri B. | Effects of Fire Frequency on Growth of Solidago Canadensis | 1989 |
818 | Greer, Kimberly S. | Ecological and Morphological Comparison of Two Syntopic Species of Soricids, Sorex Cinereus and Sorex Longirostris, in North Central Missouri | 1989 |
819 | McCarter, David H. | Parish Treatment of London Foundlings, 1580-1610 | 1989 |
820 | Mitchell, Jeanne Mayer | Induction of Acute-Phase Responses in Congenitally Athymic Mice and in Germfree Mice | 1989 |
821 | Presley, Paula Lumpkin | Lollard Influences in the Life and Writings of William Caxton, England’s First Printer, as Seen in Selected Writings of Caxton | 1989 |
822 | Tischkau, Shelley Ann | Characterization of Transepithelial Molecular Transport of L-Arginine and L-Leucine by Gut Segments of the Pacific Hagfis, Eptatretus Stoutii | 1989 |
823 | Gaston, Roger | The United States Enlisted Soldier, 1865-1880 | 1989 |
824 | Gose, Judith Ann Moritz | The Influence of Heinrich Bullinger on the Marriage Writings of Thomas Becon | 1989 |
825 | Keturakis, Eddie Spencer | The Effects of Varietal Differences and Cocklebur (Xanthium Pensylvanicum Wallr.) Presence on the Leaf Elongation Rate of Soybean [Glycine Max (L) Merr.] During Post-Flowering and the Association Between Leaf Elongation Rate and Yield of Soybean | 1989 |
826 | MacLeod, Louise Klopp | Georgia O’Keefe and Alfred Stieglitz: A Retrospective | 1989 |
827 | Moore, Brenda Gaye | Detection of Estrus in Ovine Using an Electronic Breeding and Diagnostic Instrument | 1989 |
828 | Phillips-Peckosh, Claire Ellen | Gender and Determinancy in the Space-Time Continuum: A Study of Lawrence Durrell’s The Alexandria Quartet | 1989 |
829 | Proffitt, Wendy S. | The Universality of Their Women: Morrison, Walker, and Naylor | 1989 |
830 | Ratliff, Julie Marie | Gawain, Perceval and Galahad: A Study of the Grail Heroes | 1989 |
831 | Sutherland, Rebecca Jean | Dancing With the Devil: The Vampire Motif in Selected 19th Century Literature | 1989 |
832 | Linneman, Crystal | The Effects of Delayed Auditory Feedback and Self-Initiated Pauses on the Rate and the Intelligibility of a Dysarthric Speaker | 1989 |
833 | Pasley, Constance S. | A Study to Compare the Perceptions of Past and Present Relationship Patterns of College Students Raised in Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Homes | 1989 |
834 | Prudhomme-Lizotte, Janice | The Effect of Iron Supplementation and Dietary Counseling on Iron Status, Performance, and Dietary Intake in College-Aged Female Cross Country Runners | 1989 |
838 | Ritchie, Donald E. | Vietnam: One Man’s Vision, One Nation’s Errors, One Generation’s Legacy | 1989 |
839 | Yu, Jaipei (Patricia) | A Study of Giardia Infection in Dogs in Adair County, Missouri | 1989 |
835 | Haag, Suzanne K. | A Study of the Effectiveness of a Bibliotherapy Program for Changing Self-concept at a Fourth-Grade Level | 1990 |
836 | Hester, Paula | Doris Lessing’s Use of Spatial Perimeters: Friend or Foe? | 1990 |
837 | Miller, Ruth Ellen | Solving the Chinese Puzzle: Reconstructing English as a Second Language Writing Programs in Response to Asian Students Needs | 1990 |
840 | Babb, Patricia L. | Sister St. John Ven Horst and the Ottumwa Heights String Program, 1935-1987 | 1990 |
841 | Bagby, Laura A. | The Study of Popular Culture to Promote Critical Thinking in Writing | 1990 |
842 | Cook, David L. | Res Boy | 1990 |
843 | Costas, Keith A. | The Anschluss Movement in Austria, 1918-1938 | 1990 |
844 | Gleason, Linda S. | A Comparison of Codependents and Alcoholics Using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory | 1990 |
845 | Lewis, Constance Eileen Chaffin | From Concession to Nationalization: Saudi Arabia and the Arabian American Oil Company 1933-1988 | 1990 |
846 | Marshall, Joanna Barszewska | Approach to Paradise: the Shadowed Path from Shame to Sympathy in Adam Bede | 1990 |
847 | Peitz, Julie A. | Anglo-Saxon Women | 1990 |
848 | Schwend, Michael Thomas | Ethnocentrism as a Function of Fraternal/Sororital Affiliation | 1990 |
849 | Shuch, Eva Bethel | Analysis of Jungian Personality Type as it Affects Spousal Adjustment | 1990 |
850 | Vande, Pamela Lynn | An Analysis of Personality Characteristics of Adolescents Labeled as Codependent Using the High School Personality Questionnaire | 1990 |
851 | Fohey, Carol A. | Overcoming Egocentrism: the Hope in Three Novels by Katherine Paterson | 1990 |
852 | Norton, William | A Study of the Effects of Counselor Gender on the Self-disclosure and Recovery of Chemically Dependent Women | 1990 |
853 | Ott-Rose, Michelle | A Comparison of Videodisc and Traditional Therapy Stimulus Materials to Teach Action Verbs | 1990 |
854 | Stringer, Mark G. | Stress Inoculation Training for Hospitalized Addicts and Their Social Support Networks: Effects on Patient Perceptions of Social Support and Self-efficacy | 1990 |
855 | Aubrey, Luella Ann | When the Moon is High | 1991 |
856 | Baker, Lynn Annette | Development and Evaluation of a Resource Guide for Talking Word Processors | 1991 |
857 | Beasley, Laura Renee Sharon | A Comparison of Answers to Survey Questions About Hearing Impairment and Amplification Given by Speech-Language Pathologists, Classroom Teachers, Special Educators, and Audiologists | 1991 |
858 | Blohm-Pultz, Janet C. | Costumes in Medieval Drama: A Review of the Literature | 1991 |
859 | Foreman, Marilyn Jane | A Poor But Wise Child | 1991 |
860 | Fox, James Michael | Robert A. Heinlein and Cold War America | 1991 |
861 | Hart, Christine Deneen | Personality Changes of Adolescents as a Result of Short-term Inpatient Treatment Using the High School Personality Questionnaire | 1991 |
862 | Ingle, Charles Glenn | Locus of Control in Children of Divorce | 1991 |
863 | Judd, Teresa Mary | Development and Evaluation of a Computer-based Language Activity Booklet | 1991 |
864 | Krauth, Stephanie A. | Emma Goldman: A Woman’s Perspective | 1991 |
865 | Lyle, Merry Lynn | My Hideous Progeny: A Reading of Mary Shelley’s Art | 1991 |
866 | Martin, James Ivan | Three Movements for Brass and Percussion | 1991 |
867 | Munday, Dixon Wayne | The Wright Trail: a Ministry in Print, a Study of Harold Bell Wright | 1991 |
868 | Passe, Melissa Suzanne | Establishing the Interscorer Reliability of a Scale for Predicting the Language Elicitation Value of Pictures | 1991 |
869 | Ward, Sandra Simmons | The Scop in Anglo-Saxon Society | 1991 |
870 | Wright, David C. | The Spirituality of Place: Wendell Berry’s Poetry and the Ground of Being | 1991 |
871 | Bergey, M. Anne | Ultrastructure of the Male Reproductive System of the Chaetognath Ferosagitta hispida | 1991 |
872 | Small, James R. | Using Radiotelemetry to Determine the Effect of Live Food on the Post-Release Survivorship of Immature Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus virginianus) | 1991 |
873 | Crist, Melanee Ann | A Study to Identify and Evaluate the Differences in Expressed Career, Personal, and Academic Needs of International and American Students | 1991 |
874 | Hainsworth, Joyce Elaine | The Effects of Divergent and Convergent Clinical Contexts and Cueing Strategies on the Amount of Verbal Responses Made by an Aphasic Adult | 1991 |
875 | Kenney, Jullie Ann | The Adolescent Experience: Coming of Age with Judy Blume | 1991 |
876 | Lees, Diana Lynn Carter | William Faulkner’s Loom Metaphor in Absalom, Absalom!: Tangles, Dangling Strings, and a Woven Rug | 1991 |
877 | Lindahl, Angela Christine | Development and Evaluation of a Language Activity Booklet for Use with an Educational Software Program | 1991 |
878 | Nelson, Annette Marie | The Effects of Specific Question Types on the Expressive Behavior of Language-Delayed Children | 1991 |
879 | Ollhoff, Scott Alan | Minimalism in the Music of Steven Riech | 1991 |
880 | Rich, Mary Kay | The Effects of a Speech Improvement Program on Articulation Errors in a Kindergarten Population | 1991 |
881 | Smith, Mary Jane | Marlow as a Relativized Narrator in Conrad’s Chance | 1991 |
882 | Boardman, Jennifer Lee Bailey | Nest Site Selection by Southern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys Volans) in Northeastern Missouri | 1991 |
883 | Lock, Lisa Finlayson | A Study to Determine Nitrate Concentrations for Drinking Water Samples in Rockford Township | 1991 |
884 | Gao, Lily Guolian | Academic Advising Preference of International Students | 1991 |
885 | Cogan, Tasha Eugenia | The Relationship Between Self-Esteem, Body Image and Dieting Cognitions | 1992 |
886 | Covey, Diane Kay | Comparing Action Videodisc Segments to Traditional Still Pictures as a Language Sampling Context for Speech and Language Delayed Children | 1991 |
887 | Covey, James Franklin | Partial Complementation of RADC Mutants of Dictyostelium Discoideum With the DENV Gene | 1992 |
888 | Franklin, Jill A. | Getting in Tune | 1992 |
889 | Klocke, Barbara Jean | Aggregation and Lowering of Body Temperature as Overwintering Strategies in the Southern Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys Volans | 1992 |
890 | Murphy, Sharon Elizabeth | The Martyrs | 1992 |
891 | Payne, Craig | The Redemption of Cain: Mythic Order and the Question of Religious Truth in John Gardneer’s Grendel | 1992 |
892 | Ratliff, Bernadine | Women Artists in the Federal Art Programs 1934-1939 | 1992 |
893 | Swinderman, Carol Ann | Jonson’s Cunning Purchase of His Audience: an Apology for Epicoene | 1992 |
894 | Wormsley, John | An Annotated Bibliography of the Criticism of C.S. Lewis’ Fiction from 1981-1991 | 1992 |
895 | Arnold, E.J. | The History of the Grafton Telephone Company | 1991 |
896 | Blunck, Lisa Lynn | Children’s Identification of Emotional States in Response to Video Stimuli | 1992 |
897 | Cox, Cheryl Lynne | Margaret Fuller: the Voice of Woman in the Nineteenth Century | 1992 |
898 | Decker, Albert Andrew | Six Incus Knopkerries | 1992 |
899 | Dial, Denise Lorraine | Railroad Promotion in Davis and Appanoose Counties Iowa: 1865-1880 | 1992 |
900 | Duncan, Mary Frances | A Study to Determine the Impact of a Guidance Course on the Self-Esteem of Participating Students | 1992 |
901 | Harms, Robert C. | Investigations into the Life History of an Endangered Winter Annual, Lesquerella Filiformis | 1992 |
902 | Lesseig, Corey Todd | In the Eye of the Storm: Free Labor Experiments in the Wartime Mississippi River Valley, 1862-1864 | 1992 |
903 | Noble, Elizabeth Brooke | Differences in Empathy Levels as a Function of Volunteerism and Motivation to Volunteer | 1992 |
904 | Sharp, David Gordon | Instillation of Trypsin, Histamine, and Urine Intofeline Bladders Causes an Inflammatory Response Resembling Interstitial Cystitis, a Human Urinary Bladder Disease | 1992 |
905 | Siering, Gregory John | Musing on the Muse:Journal Writing Across the Curriculum of Northeast Missouri State University | 1992 |
906 | Vohlidka, John-Michael | The First General Muster of 1559: a Means of Evaluating the Militia System at the Beginning of the Reign of Elizabeth I of England | 1992 |
907 | Wohlers, Debra K. | Isaac McCaslin and the Monomyth: the Essence of the Hero | 1992 |
908 | Young, Gail Friesner | Validating a Scale for Predicting the Language Elicitation Value of Pictures for Speech/Language Delayed Children | 1992 |
909 | Harris, Laura Nanette | The Effects of Lifestyle on the Mental Health of Medical Students | 1992 |
910 | Isemann, James Louis | Through the Eyes of an Eagle: a Military Biography of Colonel E.R. Powell, USA (Ret.) | 1992 |
911 | Stammeyer, Jacquelyn | A History of Athens, Missouri | 1992 |
912 | Strought, Brian S. | Assessment of a Group Counseling Intervention with At-risk Students: Effects on Self-concept and Attitude Toward School | 1992 |
913 | Weber, Heather D. | The Effect of Missouri Public High School Size on College Students’ Retention of Merit-based Academic Scholarships | 1992 |
914 | Annuar, Mohammed | Detection of a Sequence Homologous to the DENV Gene in Wild-type and Partially-complemented RADC Mutants of Dictyostelium Discoideum | 1992 |
915 | Bauermeister, Katherine Louise | A Study to Determine the Presence of Gender, Age, Race and Disability Bias Among Selected Diagnostic and Therapy Materials Used by Speech-Language Pathologists | 1993 |
916 | Canfield, Thomas F. | The Ascent and Decline of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: the Metamorphosis of Sublime Ideals and Western Literary Canonization | 1993 |
917 | Robertson, Shirley Ruth Carr | Admission Selectors and a Faculty Evaluation of the Personal Characteristics of Counseling Preparation Students | 1993 |
918 | Cogan, Tasha Eugenia | Voices: from Morning to Midnight | 1993 |
919 | Gamm, Carol Amy | The Effects of Varying Language Descriptors on Attitudes Toward Professors with Disabilities | 1993 |
920 | Haas, Kurtis Boyd | Of Swords, Saints, and Kings: A Comparison of Arthur’s and Galahad’s Uses of Blades | 1993 |
921 | Knight, Michael Eugene | The Relationship of Selected Physiological Variables to Wrestling Success of Collegiate Wrestlers | 1993 |
922 | Lacivita, Christopher, J. | Using Video Narration as a Language Sampling Context: a Comparison of Two Methods | 1993 |
923 | Mozingo, Nathan James | Influencing Factors of a Child’s Motivation to Achieve in School: Television Viewing, Gender, and Number of Parental Figures | 1993 |
924 | Noack-Raisch, Mary Jane` | Edna Pontellier and Lily Bart: A Study of Character and Early Criticism in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening and Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth | 1993 |
925 | Peavey, Kim | From Self to Self | 1993 |
926 | Sens-Conant, Susan | The Cognition of Self-Evaluation: A Descriptive Model of the Writing Process | 1993 |
927 | Siemsen, Rebecca L. | The Effects of Word Processing with Speech Output on the Literacy Skills of Language-Disabled Adolescents | 1993 |
928 | Swinnerton, Steven A. | The Jeffersonian Civil Revolution of 1886: Henry George’s First New York City Mayoral Campaign | 1993 |
929 | Vogt, Linda Kay | Amelia | 1993 |
930 | Zhang, Rulin | Polyamine Measurement and Effects of Polyamine Depletion of PC12 Cell Growth and Secretion | 1993 |
931 | Abrahams, Susan H. | Gender, Stereotypical Sex-Role Orientation and Hope | 1993 |
932 | Connelly, Patrick | A Poetry of Being: A Reading of Gary Snyder’s Poetry | 1993 |
933 | Andrus, Rita Lynn | In Quest of Identity: Female Characters in Two Works by Paule Marshall | 1993 |
934 | Sheer, Karen Kay | The Effect of Body Size Pictures on Body Satisfaction: An Examination of the Contrast Effect | 1993 |
935 | Hamilton, Joe Donald | Concerns of University Students Seeking and Not Seeking Counseling Services | 1993 |
936 | Hooker, Beverly Wade | Characteristics of Head Start Volunteers as Related to Parent Involvement | 1993 |
937 | Mathis, Bonnie Gale | The Relationship Between Gender, Self-Perceived Attractiveness, Self-Esteem, and Locus of Control | 1993 |
938 | Peak, Clayton A. | Edward W. Klammer and the Concordia Publishing House Music Department | 1993 |
939 | Poisson, Ann L. Okenfuss | Using Response Elaboration Training with Videodisc Stimuli to Facilitate Language in Aphasic Adults | 1993 |
940 | Harpst, Mary A. | Job Satisfaction: The Effects of Career Placement Use | 1993 |
941 | Schenewerk, Sharon K. | Personality Characteristics of Academically Gifted College Students | 1993 |
942 | Mathews, Mary Claravon | Molecular Characterization of the Y1 Gene of Zea Mays | 1993 |
943 | Mathews, Patrick L. | Life History, Feeding, and Mating Behavior of a Parajulid Millipede, Aniulus Bollmani | 1993 |
944 | Wallukait, Michele Lyn | Oxygen Use and Related Enzyme Studies of Selected Tissues of Lumbricus Terrestris | 1993 |
945 | Bailey, Paul Vincent | Spirituals, Signifyin’, and Monkeys: Langston Hughes and the African-American Oral/Vernacular Tradition | 1993 |
946 | Gregory, Shelly Annette | Rewaking the Semiotic in Finnegans Wake: A Kristevan Interpretation | 1993 |
947 | Wister, Isabel | Rocking the Darkness | 1993 |
948 | Bailey, Justin | The Public Image of Counseling in Relation to Expectations About Counseling | 1994 |
949 | Ball, Kevin Eric | From “That Sympathetic Germ” to “Vast Elemental Sympathy” in Leaves of Grass | 1994 |
950 | Camhi, Joseph Mark | Things’ll Change | 1994 |
951 | Chen, Pai-Hsiang | Evaluation of Replica Plating Technique for Use in Isolating an Inositol Auxotroph in Rat Pheochromocytoma (PC12) | 1994 |
952 | Cobb, Jill Lynette | Relationship Between Religiosity and Coping Ability in Adolescents | 1994 |
953 | Fisher, Lori L. Bailey | Shredding the Painted Gauze: Necessary Realizations and Disillusionment in Edith Wharton’s Marriage Stories | 1994 |
954 | Lovstuen, Brenda Catherine | Interracial Marriage Attitudes of American and International Students | 1994 |
955 | Prichard, Carolin Lynn | Leopold Bloom: Outcast and Prophet in Joyce’s Ulysses | 1994 |
956 | Reeves, Kelley Diane | Comparing the Descriptive Language of Normal Senescent Females in Response to Video Versus Picture Stimuli | 1994 |
957 | Rohman, Todd Eric | Concrete Visions | 1994 |
958 | Schneider, Jeffery D. | Effects of Picture Content on the Expressive Language of Healthy Sensecent Adults | 1994 |
959 | Schroeder, Shannin | Give and Take: A Collection of Short Fiction | 1994 |
960 | Spencer, Deanna Lynn | Moonlight Effects of Microhabitat Choice of White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus Leucopus) in Northeastern MO | 1994 |
961 | Stockton, Mary Beth | Influence of Same-Sex Role Modeling on the Math Anxiety, Math Self-Efficacy, and Math Performance of Female College Algebra Students | 1994 |
962 | Trullinger, Terry | Methodism in Linn County, 1841-1900 | 1994 |
963 | Christiansen, Cynthia | The Relationship Between Ego Identity Status and the Importance of Five Major Life Roles | 1994 |
964 | Graham, Marcy | Genetic Population Structure of a Glade Endemic, the Missouri Bladderpod (Lesquerella Filiformis; Brassicaceae) | 1994 |
965 | Groose, Stacie Lynn | Cobalamin and Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate Effect on Mitochondrial Oxygen Uptake | 1994 |
966 | Lubbe, Craig J. | Locus of Control Differences Between Declared and Undeclared Freshmen and Juniors | 1994 |
967 | Mattingley, Marta Lynn | Leaf Structure and Photosynthetic Rate of Pea Leaves as Affected by Genotype and Nutrient Deficiencies | 1994 |
968 | McGuire, Lynnette Louise | Effects of Photoperiod Upon Cyclomorphosis and Life History Traits in Daphnia Galeata Mendotae | 1994 |
969 | Olsen, Nanette Anne | Calibration, Parameterization and Analysis of a Neighborhood Population Dynamic Model for Smooth Pigweed (Amaranthus Hybridus) to Guide Herbicide Resistance Management | 1994 |
970 | Reeves, Sharon L. | Viability of Maize Male and Female Gametophytes That Possess Deficiencies for the Region of Chromosome Six That Contains the Y1 Gene | 1994 |
971 | Sells, Mark A. | Effect of Water Stress on Proline Accumulation in Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) Leaves | 1994 |
972 | Winfrey, Mindy Lee | The Effects of Sound Track Features on Oral Descriptions of Videodisc Segments | 1994 |
973 | Conant, Keith Ian | The Marriage Views of Hans Denck, Dirk Philips, and Menno Simons | 1994 |
974 | Hendler, James C. | A Suitable Host | 1994 |
975 | Tucker, Rebecca A. | Effects of Quantity and Quality of Contact with the Elderly on Attitudes Toward Aging | 1994 |
976 | Burns, William B. | Fair vs. Equal Role Relations in Traditional, Dual-Earner, and Dual-Career Couples | 1995 |
977 | Carson, Jennifer Anne | Clinician-Child Interaction During Computer- and Non-Computer-Based Language Activities | 1995 |
978 | Cruse, Laura A. | American Republicanism as Shown Through Mormon-Federal Conflict, 1846-1890 | 1994 |
979 | Ginther, Kimberly Ann | Sorority Members’ Perceived Differences Between In-Groups and Out-Groups | 1995 |
980 | Goad, Angela L. | Zen Truth in J.D. Salinger: “It’s Very Hard to Meditate and Live a Spiritual Life in America.” | 1995 |
981 | Holcomb, Jack | The Oobie Box | 1995 |
982 | Lewis, Daniel Paul | The Relationship of Locus of Control and Grade Point Average | 1994 |
983 | Lewis, Michael Sean | AIDS Knowledge and Attitudes on a Highly Selective Midwest University Campus | 1995 |
984 | Pettit, Michael Dean | Effects of an Oak Savannah Restoration on Population Density, Population Structure, and Nesting Behavior of White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus Leucopus) in Northeastern Missouri | 1995 |
985 | Plank, Shaelene Renee | Assessment of Attachment to Children and Adolescents and Burnout in Child Care Staff at Residential Treatment Facilities | 1995 |
986 | Rap, Lynnelle K. | Journeys Within the New Russia | 1995 |
987 | Reeves, Brian Randal | Roland H. Bainton: The Historian as Social Activist | 1995 |
988 | Reitmeyer, Todd M. | Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiousness and Manifest Anxiety | 1995 |
989 | Rolands, Tim | Keeping Records | 1995 |
990 | Sartor, Stacey E. | Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Condom Use in Adolescents | 1995 |
991 | Williams, Nathaniel | Afflicted by Wishes: A Collection of Short Fiction | 1995 |
992 | Arnold, Melissa Marie | Evaluating the Speed and Accuracy of Input Using the Headmaster with College-Aged Students | 1995 |
993 | Che, Ping | The Effect of Polyamine Depletion on Norepinephrine Metabolism | 1995 |
994 | Davisson, Katrina A. | My Grandma Died Six Times | 1995 |
995 | O’Connor, Mark Edward | Rising From the Ashes | 1995 |
997 | Taylor, Timothy N. | Reflections of Sports in Updike’s Rabbit Tetralogy | 1995 |
998 | Todd, Sherry Galloway | Hope Full Choices | 1995 |
999 | Wilson, Kristin Bailey | Chigger Hill | 1995 |
1000 | Bender, Jennifer Marie | Gender and Marriage Role Expectations as Predictors of Career Self-Efficacy and Efficacy to Combine Career and Family | 1995 |
1001 | Elkan, Elizabeth D. | Effects of Upper Respiratory Dysfunction on the Laryngeal Condition | 1995 |
1002 | Justice, Marjorie Ann | Orality, Literacy, and the Electronic Age in Louise Erdrich’s Fiction | 1995 |
1003 | Lee, Kun-Jung | Effect of Water Stress and Osmotic Stress on Oxidation of Proline and Succinate in Mitochondria from Corn Shoots | 1995 |
1004 | Rowe, Roylynn Standley | An Analysis of Public School Professionals’ Appraisal of Preschool Assessment with Regard to Low Achievement and Learning Difficulties | 1995 |
1005 | Rudd, Elsie I. | Out of the Abyss: Adam’s Soliloquy and Choices in Paradise Lost | 1995 |
1006 | Snyder, Jennifer Elizabeth | Self-Esteem in Chapter One Reading Programs | 1995 |
1007 | White, Jill Gentry | Of the Same Opinion: The Continuity of Southern Elite Ideology, 1850-1880 | 1995 |
1008 | Armstrong, Bryant Dale | Vietnam Literature and the Literary Canon: The Canonicity of Tim O’Brien’s Going After Cacciato | 1996 |
1009 | Boone, Angella S. | Counselor Self-Efficacy in Relation to Various School Climate Factors | 1996 |
1010 | Brucker, Penny S. | An Extended Validation Study on the Item Selection for the BEM Sex Role Inventory | 1996 |
1011 | Brueggemann, Stephen Andrew | Characterization and Regulation of Fatty-Acid Modifying Enzyme (FAME) as Producted by Staphylococcus Epidermis | 1996 |
1012 | Bryson, Denise M. | Spaces Between the Ties | 1996 |
1013 | Bryson, Michael | Reclaiming the Self: Transcending the Fragmentation of the Individual Subject in Literature from the Bhagavad Gita to Wise Blood | 1996 |
1014 | Gustafson, Alison | Body Image Ideals of African American and Caucasian College Students | 1996 |
1015 | Johnson, Aaron Edward | Movement for Orchestra | 1996 |
1016 | Kain, Donna J. | H.D.: The Waking Dream Between Us | 1996 |
1017 | Kerns, Yvette Marie | Observer Perceptions of Engagement During Computer vs. Traditional Speech-Language Therapy Activities | 1996 |
1018 | Knudson, Candace Faith Latvala | Living Language: Vitalinguatextum Resonances Between Beowulf and the Kalevala | 1996 |
1019 | O’Dell, Richard Brian | Resource Allocation to Seeds in Viola Pedata (Birdfoot Violet) Under Burning and Clearing Treatments | 1996 |
1020 | Panke, Heather Jean | Regulation of Cystatin in B16 F10 Melanoma | 1996 |
1021 | Smith, Scott Thompson | Lying in a Bed of Adjection: A Critical Reading of Thomas’ Tristan | 1996 |
1022 | Spear, Tim | The Effect of Bibliotherapy on the Self-Esteem of the Gifted Child | 1996 |
1023 | Stahl, Edward B. | St. Louis Socialists in the Missouri Election of 1902 | 1996 |
1024 | Terry, Michael | The Narrative Journey: Reading as a Sacred and Therapeutic Activity | 1996 |
1025 | Vega, Tamara Jacinda | Factors Associated with Freshmen Occupational Identity and Career Information Needs Using My Vocational Situation and Northeast Missouri State University’s Student Career Needs Assessment | 1996 |
1026 | Wickizer, Jay T. | An Investigation of Stigma Associated with the Utilization of Counseling | 1996 |
1027 | Song, Yahui | Molecular and Cellular Analyses of the Escherichia Coli Rada Gene in DNA Repair | 1996 |
1028 | Zhao, Wei | Characterization of Drug-Induced Behaviors in Cryptotis Parva (the Least Shrew) | 1996 |
1029 | Daubert, Douglas Alan | Snapshots and Stories: The Farringtons of Northeast Missouri | 1996 |
1030 | Durham, William F. | Effects of Ingesting Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue Seed on Food Intake, Growth Rate and Reproduction in the Prairie Vole (Microtus Ochrogaster) | 1996 |
1031 | Hiscocks, Rita Ann | The Factors Influencing College Choice and Persistence | 1996 |
1032 | Hohertz, Melissa A. | Reassessing Jane Austen’s Agenda: Understanding the Anger in Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Persuasion | 1996 |
1033 | Krutsinger, Caren L. | A Study of the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Achievement | 1996 |
1034 | Ludtke, Scott C. | Exploring a Technological Dialectic: Effects of Computer Use on Essay Writing in Scored Essays from the Sophomore Writing Experience | 1996 |
1035 | Shafer, Marta L. Mattingley | A Measure of Anger Scores by Levels of Aggression of 64 Male Batterers | 1996 |
1036 | Ballanger, Jay Davison | A Survey of Public School Speech-Language Pathologists’ Purchase and Use of Commercial Therapy Materials | 1996 |
1037 | Dede, Traci Renee | Graduate Students’ Psychosocial Perceptions of Cleft Palate Speech | 1997 |
1038 | Ems, Rebecca S. | Fear of Success Among First-Generation College Students | 1997 |
1039 | Hakala, Christian | The Greatest Nation’s Greatest Playground: Building a Community Through Sports In Eveleth, Minnesota, 1919-1929 | 1997 |
1040 | Hudson, Emily O. | The Use of Gender-Specific Toys and Materials In Speech-Language Therapy | 1997 |
1041 | Martin, Maria Carmen | A Behavioral Validation Study For the Brannon Masculinity Scale and the Gender Role Conflict Scale | 1997 |
1042 | Morris, Robert-John Gerard | Breaking the Chains: Portrayals of History and Politics in Selected Works of James Joyce | 1997 |
1043 | Murphy, John Charles | Effects of Natural and Artificial Herbivory on Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue, Festuca Arundinacea, and Response By the Aphid, Rhopalosiphum Padi | 1997 |
1044 | Price, Kathryn A. | Imago: Male Fantasists and the Myth of Womanhood From George MacDonald to Charles de Lint | 1997 |
1045 | Sahaida, Peggy E. | Forging New Paths: Willa Cather’s Female Pioneering Artist | 1997 |
1046 | Shupe, Kristina Mae | Laterality Skill Differences In Left- and Right-Handed Speech Disordered and Non-Disordered Eight- to Ten-Year-Old Children | 1997 |
1047 | Smith, Laura Gayle | Examination of Personal and Job Factors Related to Student Advisor Burnout | 1997 |
1048 | Steingraber, Jason Alan | The Incidence of Birth Defects in Missouri | 1997 |
1049 | Tripp, Holly A. Mumford | I Alone Remain: Song Cycle for Tenor, Flute, Cello, & Piano | 1997 |
1050 | Weckerley, Jon Cameron | Fear Part 1: A Musical Composition for Tenor, Oboe, Bassoon, Piano | 1997 |
1051 | Wormsley, Heather Lynae | Reentry of the Stroke Survivor Medically, Economically, Socially, Emotionally, and in the Family | 1997 |
1052 | Adamson, Peter Charles | Background Factors Related to Alcohol Use Among College Freshmen | 1997 |
1053 | Dickson, Ginger L. | Effects of Personal Counseling on the Alliance Ratings of Counselor-Trainees | 1997 |
1054 | Enders, Michael J. | Influence of the Resident Assistant on Student Satisfaction: Availability and Rapport as Factors in Perceived Resident Assistant Effectiveness | 1997 |
1055 | Evanoski, Brian Scott | The Effect of Gender and Age on Problem Drinking Among College Students | 1997 |
1056 | Fetrow, Aaron L. | Germination of a Southern Seed: The 1920s Indiana Klan | 1997 |
1057 | Hagen, Guy Richard | Influence of Cocaine on the Regional Distribution of Cardiac Output in Rats | 1997 |
1058 | Kirk, Susan Farnsworth | “Writer’s Grammar:” A Pathway Into Academic Discourse for Basic Writers | 1997 |
1059 | Lai, Chien-Hung (Tony) | A Comparison of University Counselors’ Perceptions of Gifted Asian and Gifted White College Students | 1997 |
1060 | Malaska, Amy K. | Ambiguity Tolerance Differences Among College Students | 1997 |
1061 | Westrich, Jennifer L. | Genetic Population Substructure of the Rare Lesquerella Filiformis: Consequences of the Factors Which Affect Gene Flow Within a Site | 1997 |
1062 | Courtney, Dena Kay | The Bible as Literature: A Comparative Study of the Book of Job | 1997 |
1063 | Engle, Deborah Lynn | Characterization of Transepithelial Molecular Transport of D-Glucose by Intestinal Segments of the Black Bass, Micropterus Salmoides | 1997 |
1064 | Imgarten, Carla S. | Glimpses into the Heartland | 1997 |
1065 | Mallett, Derek R. | ‘They Were Just People Like We Were’: World War II German and Italian Prisoners of War in Missouri | 1997 |
1066 | Wyckoff, Sarah L. | A Comparison of Phonology and Reading Disorders in School-Age Children and their Siblings | 1997 |
1067 | Carnley, Jennifer | Sexual Desire During Pregnancy | 1998 |
1068 | Chepurnov, Dennis | Red Stars | 1998 |
1069 | Cornman, Ari | Factors Affecting Nest Site Lability in the Southern Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys Volans | 1998 |
1070 | Dill, Kyle Ray | The Impact of a Self-Esteem Module on Middle School Students’ Self-Esteem | 1998 |
1071 | Hill, Kimberly Sue | A Correlation Analysis of Variables Affecting Birth Defects in Missouri, 1990 Through 1995 | 1998 |
1072 | Hopkins, Elizabeth | Sportsmanship Attitude Differences Between Defensive and Offensive Soccer Players | 1998 |
1073 | Kraft, Amy Lynn | Expressive Language Gains Exhibited by a Three-Year-Old Child with Down Syndrome Upon Introduction of Augmentative Communication: A Case Study | 1997 |
1074 | Mathers, Jason Forrest | A Study of the Relationship Between Counselor Self-Efficacy and Occupational Stressors, Personal Problems and Personal Coping Strategies | 1998 |
1075 | McNamara, Heather Lynn | Effects of Treatment Protocol for Clients Diagnosed with Dual Disorders in Substance Abuse Treatment Centers | 1998 |
1076 | Miller, Amy Colleen | A Floristic Inventory of Truman State University’s Ecology Plot Area, Kirksville, Missouri | 1998 |
1077 | Ratcliff, Robyn E. | From Sheep to Shepherds (or: “You Might Be the 100th Monkey”): The Role of Children in Nuclear Discourse | 1998 |
1078 | Roberts, Michelle Elaine | The Effect of Teacher Training on Speech Disorder Identification | 1998 |
1079 | Steingraber, Jennifer Head | Perception of Sexual Orientation of Males Based on the Presence or Absence of an / s / Lisp or Assibilation | 1998 |
1080 | Torrens, Amanda R. | A Comparison of Phoneme Awareness Abilities in Children With and Without Existing or Previous History of a Phonological Disorder | 1997 |
1081 | Van Vleck, Thomas E. | The Effect of Experience in Counseling on Client Preference for Counselor Gender | 1998 |
1082 | Brann, Mindy | The Reproductive Success and Breeding System of Agrimonia Parviflora Aiton Under Different Environmental Conditions | 1998 |
1083 | Bronson, Judith Conoyer | Changing Our Rape Supportive Culture: Challenging Rape Myth Acceptance | 1998 |
1084 | Carter, Lynn | Relationships Between Residential College Environment, Faculty Contact, and Adjustment to College | 1998 |
1085 | DeWitt, Petra | Fighting the Kaiser at Home: Anti-German Sentiment in Missouri During World War I | 1998 |
1086 | Harlin, Kasey Marie | A Study of the Attitudes and Beliefs of College-Aged Homosexuals Toward Self and Sexual Identity | 1998 |
1087 | Ingwell-Ziegemeier, Kara K. | Teaching Experience and the School Counselor: A Comparative Study of Counselors and Supervisors in Secondary Schools | 1998 |
1088 | Kelly, Nichole M. | Semirings of Fractions with Nilpotent Elements | 1998 |
1089 | Primm, Carolyn Louise | Effects of Character Education on Character-Related Behaviors of Elementary Students | 1998 |
1090 | Ruark, Dawn Alicia | German Immigrants in Rock Township, Jefferson County, Missouri, Prior to the Civil War | 1998 |
1091 | Slubowski, Henry F. | Coming Out and Coming Into an Identity: A Structural Analysis of the Coming Out Story | 1998 |
1092 | Troyer, Jason Michael | Religious Quest and Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help | 1998 |
1093 | Zhong, Yu-Qing | Characterization of a Drug-Induced Metabolic Block in Norepinephrine Biosynthesis | 1998 |
1094 | Ball, Marcia Sue Ryan | Mutton Ridge Indians | 1998 |
1095 | Ebeling, Michelle C. | The Correlation Between Measures of Intelligibility for Phonologically Disordered Children | 1998 |
1096 | Smith, Mary Jane Walker | A Concatenation of Ephemeralities | 1998 |
1097 | Yang, Qunying | Morphometric Analysis of Coronary Capillary-to-Fiber Geometry in Diabetic Rats: Effects of Metformin Treatment | 1998 |
1098 | Carlson, Evelyn Marie | Winter Blossoms | 1999 |
1099 | Davey, Jason | Narcia | 1999 |
1100 | Fritsche, Vanessa | Cerebral Dominance of Dichotic Listening Skills During the Normal Adult Life Span | 1999 |
1101 | Heaton, David P. | Unmasking Los Angeles: Philip Marlowe As Raymond Chandler’s Agent of Truth | 1999 |
1102 | Houser, Richard McCormick | Autonomy Versus Determinism in Anglo-Saxon Literature | 1999 |
1103 | Ma, Yongqin | Effects of Polyamine Inhibitors and Exogenous Spermine on Catecholamines in PC12 Cells | 1999 |
1104 | Wiebers-Mitchell, Lissa Beth | Technology and Writing Centers: Implementing Change | 1999 |
1105 | Rischar, Heather S. | Examining the Spiritual Dimension of Wellness as a Component of Life Satisfaction | 1999 |
1106 | Ritchey, Christine Margaret | Effect of Anthocyanin on Herbivory in Viola Pedata (Birdfoot Violet) | 1999 |
1107 | Rogers, Angela J. | The Efficacy of Utilizing Prosthetic Memory Aids to Facilitate Communication in Patients Afflicted With Alzheimer’s Disease | 1999 |
1108 | Turner, Joseph Edward | Chorales and Fanfares for Wind Ensemble | 1999 |
1109 | Wagner, Gretchen | Emaciation Proclamation | 1999 |
1110 | Walz, Jennifer L. | The Effects of Gender-Specific Toys on Language Sampling | 1999 |
1111 | Rich, Karina Michelle | The Efficacy of Caregiver Training Utilizing the Alzheimer’s disease Communication Guide: The Focused Program for Caregivers | 1999 |
1112 | Casady, Tamara Clark | Fostering Resiliency in the English Classroom | 1999 |
1113 | Ghanta, Srinivas Babu | The Lys-40 Acetylation Site on a-Tubulin is Likely Located Inside the Microtubule Lumen | 1999 |
1114 | Grissom, Christy | Perceived Paternal Acceptance and Rejection and the College Student’s Self-Esteem | 1999 |
1115 | Kuehl, Gregg Allan | The Effect of Self-Esteem and Learned Resourcefulness on the Experience and Expression of Anger among College Students | 1999 |
1116 | Lamba, Garima | Effect of Gender-Role and Self-Efficacy on Academic Procrastination in College Students | 1999 |
1117 | Mahon, Andrew R. | An Investigation of the Roles of Toxins in Arrow Worms (Phylum Chaetognatha) | 1999 |
1118 | Merrell, Valerie Jane Brown | The Culinary Magician | 1999 |
1119 | Morgan, Shelly | Effects of Structured Discussion Groups on Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement of At-Risk Students | 1999 |
1120 | Nelson, Matthew Bruce | Insense | 1999 |
1121 | Parisi, Chad | The Effect of Internet Use on College Student Grade Point Average: A Causal Comparative Study | 1999 |
1122 | Qualls, Melissa Ann | A Soujourn Through Madness in The Embroidered Shoes of Can Xue | 1999 |
1123 | Yunick, Christopher D. | The Effect of Parental Divorce on College Students: Close Encounters of the Intimate Kind? | 1999 |
1124 | Zhang, Hongmei | The Spatial Scan Statistic and Its Application | 1999 |
1125 | McKamie, Shirley Krug | Three Cubist Portraits: An Examination of the Related Aspects of Time Manipulation and Amorality within Gertrude Stein’s Word Portrait “Picasso” (1909), Pablo Picasso’s Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler (1910), and Igor Stravinsky’s Portrait of a Peasant Bride in the First Tableau of Les Noces (1917) | 1999 |
1126 | Novac, Natalia | All That’s Left of Flowers | 1999 |
1127 | Stull, Kenneth Lee | A Comparative Study of Religious Violence in Frontier America | 1999 |
1128 | Brennan, Elesha | A Multi-Dimensional Therapy Approach for Apraxia of Speech | 2000 |
1129 | Brown, Kristin A | Paternal Bonds and Partner Attachments of Undergraduate Women | 2000 |
1130 | Davis, Brandon | Effects of Age, Occupation, Education, and Years of Experience on Hospital Employees’ Attitudes Toward the Mentally Ill | 2000 |
1131 | Farris, Jennifer | Gender Roles in Elizabeth Cary’s The Tragedy of Mariam | 2000 |
1132 | Frankenberg, Jennifer Dawn | Determinants of Friendship Selection in Junior High School Students | 2000 |
1133 | Jennings, Brian Clifton | Open Wide: Identity and the Abject in Selected Works of Julio Cortazar | 2000 |
1134 | Kuehnle, Karen Anne | Negotiating Representations of Difference: A Cultural Studies Approach to the First-year Composition Classroom | 2000 |
1135 | McElwee, David Robert | The End | 2000 |
1136 | Mialkowski, Janette Elaine | Effect of Family Expressiveness and Humor on Adolescent Aggression | 2000 |
1137 | Miller, Sarah Shannon | The Effect of Greek Membership on Self-Esteem | 2000 |
1138 | Moriarty, Kerry L | Parental Perceptions of Services Provided through Head Start in Five Rural Northeast Missouri Counties | 2000 |
1139 | Moss, Melissa Christine | Women’s Corporeality and Discourse: Challenging Phallocentric Ideology with Sporting Bodies | 2000 |
1140 | Oehring, Rebekah Sue | The Impact of Community Service Involvement on Adjustment to College in College Freshmen | 2000 |
1141 | Rumsey, Michael Dean | The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Acceptance of Others: Toward an Understanding of Prejudice | 2000 |
1142 | Scherrer, Tim Allen | The Citizen’s Band Radio and American Culture | 2000 |
1143 | Tucker, Kelly | Profile of the Speech and Language Skills of Hispanic Five- to Eight-Year Olds Living in Rural, Northeast Missouri | 2000 |
1144 | Windham, Tiffany D | Preschoolers’ Exploration of Word Processing With and Without Speech Output | 2000 |
1145 | Woods, Sarah A | Designing Single-Subject Articulation Treatment Studies Using Computer-Based Biofeedback | 2000 |
1146 | Dwyer, Molly Colleen | An Exploration of Resiliency amongst College Students: Investigating the Relationships amongst a Measure of Resilience, Life Stressors, Social Resources, and Overall Adjustment to College During the First Year | 2000 |
1147 | Cui, Feng | Molecular Identification and Fine Localization of Drosophila Ran and its Possible Role in Segregation Distortion | 2000 |
1148 | Hoehne, Daniel Paul | Myosin Heavy Chain Expression in the Rat Diaphragm: Effects of Diabetes | 2000 |
1149 | Hoskins, Wendy | Perceptions of the Roles and Functions of School Counselors | 2000 |
1150 | Jorn, Philip Moses | The Relationship of Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Temporal Attitude on Career and Major Indecision | 2000 |
1151 | Kopitske, Karl J | Seeking the Value of Transgression: William S. Burroughs and Kristevan Abjection | 2000 |
1152 | Laspe, Mark L | The Correlation Between the Perceived Racism of Blacks and the Actual Level of Racism from Whites on a Predominantly White Campus | 2000 |
1154 | Bryan, Rebecca Anne | The Power of Language: Linguistics in a Liberatory Composition Classroom | 2001 |
1156 | Donovan, Kimberly Ann | Interpersonal Dependency and Eating-Disordered Behavior Among Sorority Women | 2001 |
1157 | Hatala, Jennifer Creer | Dust in its Infinite Lightness | 2001 |
1158 | Jones, Dan | Aesthetic Theory and Practice | 2001 |
1159 | Kasper, Warren | Thomas Hutchins and the Federal Frontier | 2001 |
1160 | Klug, Joseph H | The Use of Popular Film in the Secondary Journalism Class | 2001 |
1161 | McNerney, Francine | Discourse Adjustments in the Conversation of Elderly Women | 2001 |
1162 | Nickelson, Laura Elizabeth | A Comparative Study of Student and Parent Role Perceptions and Expected Functions of the Elementary and High School Counselor | 2001 |
1163 | Rahmig, Troy Lynn | The Breeding Biology and Nest Site Description of the Western Strip-Headed Tanager (Spindalis Zena) in the Bahamas | 2001 |
1164 | Smith, Lisa D | Barriers to the Utilization of Counseling Services in a Rural Population | 2001 |
1165 | Smith, Melissa H | Food and Faith: Examining Eating Attitudes, Religious Affiliation, and Religious Orientation | 2001 |
1166 | Sokolov, Rachel Anne | Confession, Power and Gender in the French Lieutenant’s Woman and Alias Grace | 2001 |
1167 | Waldschmidt, Erika | A Comparison of Rape Awareness Among Rural and Urban Populations | 2001 |
1168 | Liu, Yutao | Regulation of Cathepsin B and Cystatin C Expression in B16F10 Mouse Melanoma Cells in Vitro | 2001 |
1169 | Schippers, Julie Kathleen | The Evolution of African American Consciousness in 1917: The Black Press’s Response to the East St. Louis Riot | 2001 |
1170 | Anderson, Alexandra Kay | Factors that Influence Clergy Members’ Decisions to Report Or Not Report Suspected Child Abuse | 2001 |
1171 | Kammerer, Tricia Suzanne | The Effects of Daycare Experience and Gender on College Students’ Perceptions of the Parent-Child Relationship | 2002 |
1172 | Kusiak, Frank J, III | Virtual Historiography: How History is Presented in Entertainment Based Computer Games | 2002 |
1173 | Ludwig, Al | Lions in Glass Houses | 2002 |
1174 | Maag, Andrea Elaine | Transitional Orality Among Children: Theory and Field Observation | 2002 |
1175 | Marcus, Jennifer Lee | Border Crossing and Other Poems | 2002 |
1176 | Miller, Kristopher William | Factors Contributing to the Development of Dyadic Trust: A Closer Look | 2002 |
1177 | Neil, Ryan Brock | Molecular and Morphological Analysis to Identify Myxobacterial Isolates in a Field Study of Microbial Biodiversity | 2002 |
1178 | Padberg, Paul Frederick | Does Athletic Identity Affect the Early Stages of Marriage? | 2002 |
1179 | Smith, Unity C | The Effect of Adolescence on Self-Esteem | 2002 |
1180 | Standley, Gracie Jeanette | Life Dialogues | 2002 |
1181 | Westermeier, Shannon M | The Effect of Age at the Time of Parental Divorce on Young Adult Attachment Style | 2002 |
1182 | Brown, Christopher Robert | The Effects of a Competitive High School Wrestling Season on Five Physiological Components: Prediction of Success | 2002 |
1183 | Heitmann, Andrew G | “This Little Span of Life”: The Reader’s Sentimental Journey | 2002 |
1184 | Jackson, Jason Andrew | Leadership Style Preferences of High School Baseball Players in North-Central Missouri | 2002 |
1185 | LeMaster, Christy Ann | Standing Up for Shakespeare: Moving Toward a Pedagogy of Embodiment | 2002 |
1186 | Tucker-Potter, Stacy | On Both Sides of the Big Desk: Duality in the Graduate Teaching Experience | 2002 |
1187 | Zhang, Bin | The Effects of Nicotine on a 5-HT2A Receptor-Mediated Behavioral Model of Tourette’s Syndrome | 2002 |
1188 | Akers, Stephanie Lynn | A follow-Up Study of Phonologically Delayed Preschool Children | 2002 |
1189 | Canessa, Cyria Lucia | A Comparison of Body Size Identification, Gender and Attitudes Toward the Obese | 2002 |
1190 | Naparalla, Teresa | Parent Training of Print Referencing Behaviors During Shared Book Reading and Emergent Literacy Skills of Preschool Children | 2002 |
1191 | Yang, Zhen | Antisense RNA Inhibition of Cathepsin L Expression Influences Metastatic Ability of B16F10 Melanoma Cells | 2002 |
1192 | Bowden, Allison Marie | Mixing Cultures and Creative Techniques: Social Commentary in Okot P’Bitek’s Song of Lawino | 2003 |
1193 | Flowers, Brian | Why Students Stay: a Study of Persistence Factors | 2003 |
1194 | Hanewinkel, Melissa Jean | The Impact of Religiosity on the Attitudes, Behaviors, and Emotional Outcomes of Premarital Sex Among College Students | 2003 |
1195 | Higgins, Paulette Michelle | Small Mammal Community Responses to Oak Savanna Restoration | 2003 |
1196 | Hullinger, Angela D | Openness to Internet Dating | 2002 |
1197 | Hutcherson, Kelli R | White College Students’ Racial Identity Development at a Public Liberal Arts University | 2003 |
1198 | Lineberry, Kenneth Wesley | Cadence Calls: Military Folklore in Motion | 2003 |
1199 | McGill, Mallori L | Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Parenting Style | 2003 |
1200 | Mraz, Heather | A Survey of Public School Speech Language Pathologists: Knowledge of Asperger Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorders | 2003 |
1201 | Murphy, Wynona Winters | Chilocco: Health Conditions at a Native American Boarding School, 1884-1930 | 2003 |
1202 | Nelson, Susan Elizabeth | Chaos Theory and the Navigation of Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children | 2003 |
1203 | Orchard, Peggy | “How Do I Find My Place?” Children’s Development of Explanatory Style and Perceptions of Personal Control | 2003 |
1204 | Pionke, Katharine | Michael Field: Got God? | 2003 |
1205 | Reside, Douglas L | A Literary Approach to Musical Theater | 2003 |
1206 | Schroeder, Beth Irene | Freedom Through Renegotiation: The Marriage Contracts of Margery Kempe | 2003 |
1207 | Skinner, Jeffrey Robert | Influence of Burning on Changes in the Size, Shape and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Profile Composition of Vaccinium Stamineum L. Patches | 2002 |
1208 | Sonderman, John T | Athletic Retirement After High School and its Effects on Self-Concept | 2003 |
1209 | Thwing, Nathaniel Carl | Predicting Students’ Satisfaction with Peer Helpers: An Examination of Three Factors | 2003 |
1210 | Davis, Matthew Evan | Five Stories: a Sequence | 2003 |
1211 | Highland, Karen R | Collaborative Talk-Write: a Composition Pedagogy | 2003 |
1212 | Kahler, Andrea Joan | Assessing the Binding Specificity of Aflatoxin B1 and Deoxynivalenol by Lactic Acid Bacteria | 2003 |
1213 | Neal, Todd Andrew | From Boys to Angels: a Performative Three-Stage Social Understanding of Sexual Identity in Post-Stonewall Gay Men’s Dramatic Literature | 2003 |
1214 | Seo, Jin | Mapping the Functional Domains of the RadA Protein from Escherichia coli by Alanine-Scanning Mutagenesis | 2003 |
1215 | Thiemann, Tara C | Water Balance in the Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides Felis (Siphonaptera; Pulicidae) | 2003 |
1216 | Davison, Jane Ellen | Mortal and Divine Trajectories: Wayfinding the Incarnate | 2003 |
1217 | Eulinger, Kevin G | The Effects of Habitat Disturbance on Small Mammal Community Structure at Swan Lake national Wildlife Refuge | 2003 |
1218 | Miller, Belynda Fay Adkins | Collaborative Learning: a Discussion of its Uses and Methods of Incorporation into the College Composition Classroom | 2003 |
1219 | Salvatierra, David J | Academic Self-Concept and Academic Achievement in Rural Hispanic Students | 2003 |
1220 | Fowler, Bradley Morgan | Dream Meditations for Orchestra | 2004 |
1221 | Kuehnle, E. Eilene | Diary in a White Room: Anne Frank Rewriting Herself and the Reality of Identity Construction when Private Writing Goes Public | 2004 |
1222 | Yan, Li | A Comparison of Self-Esteem and Adjustment among New Arriving International Students and International Students who have been in U. S. A. more than One Year | 2004 |
1223 | Luensmann, Peggy S | Ectoparasites of a North Central Missouri Bat Community | 2004 |
1224 | Martin, Christine | “And For Ever Round the Marble Shoulders:” Intimations of Transcendence in Jacob’s Room | 2004 |
1225 | Metcalf, Kelly Genie | How Family Functioning Perpetuates Adolescent Peer Selection and Subsequent Deviant Behavior | 2004 |
1226 | Phadke, Leena D | The Relationship between Achievement Goal Orientation and Level of Participation in Extracurricular Activities among High School Students | 2004 |
1227 | Preiss, Kathryn Louise | The Effects of Exercise on College Students’ Experience of Anxiety | 2004 |
1228 | Silva, Michael | The Effects of Humor on the Perception of Tragedy | 2004 |
1229 | Sonderman, Theresa L | The Influence of First Language Phonology on Second Language Spelling | 2003 |
1230 | Tumminia, Eric | Rivers, Hills, and Punk Rock | 2004 |
1231 | Barhorst, Thomas William | Integrating Delayed Gratification into Elementary Classroom Guidance | 2003 |
1232 | Buss, Jessica | Challenging Authority through Narration: A Study of the works of Jane Austen and Kate Chopin | 2004 |
1233 | Dunham, Cheri Lynette | Optimization of a Mixed Culture System for Microglia and Neurons using Immortalized Cell Lines | 2004 |
1234 | O’Brien, Sean | Survivor: Creating Identity Through Self-Destruction | 2004 |
1235 | Owens, Andrea L | The Relationship Between Administrators’ Perceptions of Expanding School Counselor Roles and School Counselor Incentives | 2004 |
1236 | Schlueter, Susan Bartels | Efficacy of an Attendance Policy for a Career Education Center | 2004 |
1237 | Bertel, Stephanie Nicole | Hand-Over-Hand Manipulation Versus Modeling: A Comparison of Two Methods of Training American Sign Language to Hearing Infants | 2004 |
1238 | Fowler, Megan M | The Relationship of Apathy and Known Characteristics as predictors of High School Dropouts | 2004 |
1239 | Gates, Amy L | Two Nations in Thy Womb: Jacob and Esau in William Blake’s America: A Prophecy | 2004 |
1240 | Li, Haihong | Selected Translations from Island of Briar by An Ni Bao Bei | 2004 |
1241 | Suddarth, Rachael | Gender and Narration: Are Differences Discernable? | 2004 |
1242 | Bailey, Sarah M | Parent Participation in Early Childhood Assessment | 2005 |
1243 | Crowe, Melody | The Impact of Divorce on Children: An Issue of Family Structure or Dynamic | 2005 |
1244 | Easley, Rhonda Suzanne | A Positivist Aesthetic in George Eliot’s Life and Literary Work Middlemarch | 2005 |
1245 | Hahn, Kasye | Confidence and Narrative Unrealiability in Melville and Twain | 2005 |
1246 | Hoppis, Elizabeth Ellen | The Impact of Advisor Involvement on Student Organization Success | 2005 |
1247 | Kuhnline, Dana | The Moon Looked Like the Moon | 2005 |
1248 | Lemp, Mariana | Perceptions of the Elderly Among Counselors-in-Training | 2005 |
1249 | McKenzie, Deborah D | The Effects of Administrative Support and Leadership Style on School Counselors’ Job Satisfaction | 2005 |
1250 | Randoll, Jill M | Ethnic Minority and Majority Populations’ Number of Sessions, Dropout Rates, and Presenting Problems at a University Counseling Center | 2005 |
1251 | Rogers, Edward L | Explaining Satan: An Examination of Neo-Christian Criticism of John Milton’s Paradise Lost | 2005 |
1252 | Rosenfield, Lauren | Towards a River Theory | 2005 |
1253 | Sucher, Kathryn Anne | The Effects of Syntactic Complexity and Stage of Disease on Language Comprehension in Persons with Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type | 2005 |
1254 | Whitworth, Jim | Blackbird and Wildcat | 2005 |
1255 | Carey, Kristine M | Effects of Childhood Family Environment on Marital Attitudes | 2005 |
1256 | Bell, Maureen M | The Effect of Client Physical Attractiveness on Counselor Perception of Mental Health | 2005 |
1257 | Cooper, Shawna A | Effects of Forest Management on Hantavirus Seroprevalence in Permyscus Leucopus of Northeast Missouri | 2005 |
1258 | O’Brien, Katherine A Gilbert | Exploring the Self Through Multigenre Writing | 2005 |
1259 | Goggin, Deborah | Jane Austen’s Villains | 2006 |
1260 | Weiss, Jacqueline E | Cloning and Tissue Expression Studies of a Kanad14-Like Gene from Zea Mays | 2005 |
1261 | Frushour, Theodore | Turtle Murmurs | 2005 |
1262 | Katz, Rachel | How Management Affects Grassland Birds on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Fields in Northeast Missouri | 2005 |
1263 | Koch, Beth K | Homosexual Discrimination in the Schools: Recognizing the Need for Better Trained Professionals in Education | 2005 |
1264 | Newland, David C | Issues Surrounding the Addition of Minor Children to Life Leases at Isle Royale National Park | 2005 |
1265 | Ruecker, Todd | Understanding and Improving the Success of Peer Review Involving Native and Non-native Speakers of English | 2005 |
1266 | Wheat, David L Jr | Decoding Contemporary Theories of Militarism Through Science Fiction | 2005 |
1267 | Bast, Matthew D | Prey Selection within a Southeastern Missouri Bat Community | 2006 |
1268 | Bausch, Matthew H | German Doctrine of Command and Control and the Myth of Blitzkrieg: 1857-1941 | 2006 |
1269 | Kremer, Nicholas T | The Liberator | 2006 |
1270 | Lekich, Nicole | The Relationship Between Academic Motivation, Self-esteem, and Academic Procrastination in College Students | 2006 |
1271 | Lemmer, Joshua | How the Catholic Church Influences Views of Homosexuality Among its Members: A Study | 2006 |
1272 | McBride, Jason Ezard | OCD and GPA: The Relationship Between Subclinical Obsessive Compulsive Traits and Grade Point Average in a College Sample | 2006 |
1273 | Muedeking, Shannon | First-year Student Perceptions of Academic Advising at Truman State University | 2006 |
1274 | Niemeyer, Brenda L | Moral Development and Self-esteem | 2006 |
1275 | Pletcher, Diane E | Psychological Birth Order, Academic Achievement and Affiliation Tendencies in College Undergraduates | 2006 |
1276 | Pringle, Jennifer | Rural Elementary Children and Self-perception as a Bully or Victim in Relationship to Demographic and Self-perceived Variables | 2006 |
1277 | Scalise, Dominick Anthony | Analyzing Premature Termination: Differences Among Factors at a University Counseling Center | 2006 |
1278 | Slaten, Christopher D | The Effect of Parenting Style and Family Structure on Academic Achievement in Adolescents that Live in a Rural Setting | 2006 |
1279 | Smith, David | Monstrous Love in John Gardner’s Grendel | 2006 |
1280 | Thomas, Pamela S | An Examination of Program Redesign in Missouri’s Early Intervention Program, First Steps | 2006 |
1281 | Useted, Thomas A | Stop Me if You Think You’ve Heard This One Before | 2006 |
1282 | Van Bebber, Michael | The Celestial Sphere | 2006 |
1283 | Vines, Johnny | “The Kings of Cool” and Other Causes for Concern | 2006 |
1284 | Coate, Daniel | Lexical Borrowing in Swahili from Arabic | 2006 |
1285 | Edwards, Dawn B | Habitat Suitability Models Using Autologistic Regression for the Rare Missouri Bladder-pod (Lesquerella Filiformis) | 2006 |
1286 | Frederick, Katherine H | Phylogenetic Structure of Katydid (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) Communities in Northeast Missouri Grasslands | 2006 |
1287 | Siegel, Ashley Lynn | Chronic NF-KB Inhibition Improves the Functional Ability of MDX Mice and the Morphology of the MDX Triangularis Sterni (TS) Muscle | 2006 |
1288 | Spencer, Christopher Ryan | Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Two Fasciata1 Paralogs in the Genus Zea | 2006 |
1289 | Bauer, Stephanie Michelle | A Poet’s Notebook: Possibilities and Explorations in Writing Poetry | 2006 |
1290 | Stokes, Pam | The Winter is Past | 2006 |
1291 | Chapman, Tabitha | Expecting Normal: Finding a Family’s Special Needs | 2007 |
1292 | Houlahan, Michael Joseph | The Relationship Between College Student Alcohol Use and Student Involvement Behaviors | 2006 |
1293 | Hughes, Kiley | Tales of the Young and Portable | 2007 |
1294 | Mayhan, Maggie | Isabella Bird: Liminal Performances | 2007 |
1295 | Arant, Jessica E | A Heaven in Hell’s Despair, A Hell in Heaven’s Despite: The Effect of Manic-depression on William Blake’s Poetic Philosophy | 2007 |
1296 | Barbarick, Jamie M | The Social and Educational Perceptions of Adults and Children Based on Reading Prosody and Accuracy | 2007 |
1297 | Lumsden, Beth Ann | The Relationship Between Fourth and Fifth Grade Students Involved in Extracurricular Activities and Their Level of Self-esteem and Academic Achievement | 2006 |
1298 | Cooper, Sean | Category and Mind: The Catalogue Genre in Robinson Crusoe | 2008 |
1299 | Heist, Meredith | A Ghost Bride: Bertha Mason’s Story | 2008 |
1300 | King, Eric | Sick Puppies: The Ecotage Works of Edward Abbey and Carl Hiaasen | 2008 |
1301 | Mallory, Karie Marie | Monsters and Magic | 2008 |
1302 | Miles, Matthew Thomas | The Effects of Pyrrolidine Dithocarbamate and Ouabain on the Resting Membrane Potential and Intracellular Sodium of Dystrophic (MDX) Muscle Fibers | 2008 |
1303 | Onoda, Minori | My Wish: Discovering Oneself Through Acquiring and Teaching a Second Language Using an “Outside” View | 2008 |
1304 | Phillips, Cassandra P | Roots of a Nomad: A Collection of Prose and Poetry | 2008 |
1305 | Moore, Levi C | Just Fiction | 2008 |
1306 | Buffaloe, Crystal Leigh | Examining the Taboo in Young Adult Literature: Teens and Teachers Look at the 2000-2007 Printz Awards | 2008 |
1307 | Caffey, Lauren | The Effect of Book Genre on Complex Language Use During Shared Storybook Interactions | 2008 |
1308 | Kuhns, Todd | Eating with the Phamily | 2008 |
1309 | Lawinger, Jonathan | Confessions of a Subclinical Crazy: Glimpses into a Reasonably Irrational Mind | 2008 |
1310 | Warner, Andrew M | P.S. Dead Baby Jokes Aren’t Funny: The Grotesque in Sick Humor | 2008 |
1311 | Wright, Jeffrey D | Home Range Size and Body Mass Differences of Virginia Opossums (Didelphis Virginiana) Living in Urban and Rural Environments | 2008 |
1312 | Althoff, Harry | Playing House: Gothicism, Postmodernism, and the Internet in Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves | 2009 |
1313 | Carvajal, Heather | It’s Still a Sin to Kill a Mockingbird: A Critical Assessment of To Kill a Mockingbird | 2009 |
1314 | Collins, Alex | Alandor or Zerlye: After the Betrayal | 2007 |
1315 | Rebers, Timothy James | Worth the Wait: A Comic Opera in One Scene | 2009 |
1316 | Rooks, Aaron | Cult Fiction: A Sociological Reading of The Origin of the Brunists | 2009 |
1317 | Sack, Tamara Ann | ‘Over the River’ and Other Essays | 2009 |
1318 | Sileo, Paul | The Gates | 2009 |
1319 | Bauer, Elizabeth | Rejecting Journalistic Slant and Artistic Misrepresentations: Aesthetics of Violence in Pat Barker’s Double Vision | 2009 |
1320 | Baumann, Joseph | Reversed Polarity: Meditations on Disability | 2008 |
1321 | Becker, Kevin Phillip | Glaubensbekenntnis: A Choral Work Based on a Fourteenth Century Plainchant | 2008 |
1322 | Helbig, Lauren | Jane Austen and Female Education: Dismantling the Naturalness of Femininity and Arguments Against Educating Women | 2008 |
1323 | Limbaugh, Julie | Rounding Corners | 2006 |
1324 | Pounds, Deborah L Joanne | Musical Excerpts from Rahab | 2007 |
1325 | Schweizer, Amy | An Analytical and Personal Vision of Art and Life in Willa Cather’s Fiction | 2009 |
1326 | Baskin, Jason | PA QUA: a composition for percussion quintet based on the “I Ching” | 2010 |
1327 | Czahor, Alexandra | Native and Nonnative speakers’ perception of syllable initial voiced stop consonants in three contexts: non-manipulated, edited to remove vot and edited to remove formant transitions | 2010 |
1328 | Kempf, Rachel | Scary New Year | 2010 |
1329 | Lecaque, Thomas | “Everything made by hand perishes”: the cycle of entropy in Wace’s Roman De Brut | 2010 |
1330 | Linneman, Talia | Understanding patchwriting and unintentional plagiarism by English language learners | 2010 |
1331 | Miller, Lisa C. | Under the table | 2010 |
1332 | Murdock, Emily Jo | Food, Catholics, and Prostitute Walks: stories of my family | 2010 |
1333 | Siegel, Eugenia Ann | Stereotypical or atypical? The portrayal of the governess in Benjamin Britten’s The Turn of the Screw | 2010 |
1334 | Sivia, Crystal | Death and a wedding planner | 2010 |
1335 | Toti, Nick | Poor white trash: contextualizing an American movie monster | 2010 |
1336 | Cardwell, Justin | Effects of methamphetamine addiction and withdrawal on serotonin receptor activity | 2010 |
1337 | Dallas, Tad | An examination of variation in dermacentor variabilis burdens within and between host species | 2010 |
1338 | King, Chelle | Establishing C. elegans as a model for neural tube defects | 2010 |
1339 | Snider, Cynthia Elaine | Women and war: negotiating the interstitial spaces between gender and nation in Tahmima Anam’s A Golden Age | 2010 |
1340 | Cline, Franklin K.R. | Nothing Useful | 2011 |
1341 | Felzke, Matt | Gay Manhood: coming to in my own coming-out narrative | 2011 |
1342 | Freese, John Richard III | Raijin: Thunder Runner a composition for orchestra | 2011 |
1343 | Hurt, Tracey | Out of the habit, into the field: a reflection on a conscious existence | 2011 |
1344 | Martinson, Benjamin | calumet, michigan: 1913 an original composition for flute, bassoon, piano, violin & cello | 2011 |
1345 | Moore, Ted | Subduing Silence | 2011 |
1346 | Silvey, Patrick | “I’m Just Jewish…”: defining Judaism in Bernard Malamud’s The Magic Barrel and Philip Roth’s Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories | 2011 |
1347 | Wallace, Vincent Algert | Steel City Sketches: an original composition for percussion orchestra | 2011 |
1348 | Kling, Grant | Moments Gained | 2011 |
1349 | Folkerts, Megan L. | Glucose-induced resistance and gene expression in irradiated Escherichia Coli | 2011 |
1350 | Mehmert, Rebecca J. Cramer | Adaptation to college life as it relates to hometown population | 2010 |
1351 | Hilliard, Margaret | Assessing the effectiveness of a counseling training program in a communication sciences and disorders practicum experience | 2012 |
1352 | Howard, Stephanie | Better to be dead than poor | 2012 |
1353 | Johns, Matt | All roads lead to the end: an analysis of apocalyptic agency | 2011 |
1354 | Jones, Karianne | Between texts: towards post-modern feminist publics | 2012 |
1355 | Meyer, Anthony J. | “It is the belief and not the god that counts”: addiction, embodiment and infinite jest | 2012 |
1356 | Mueller, Georgia | Underwater submergence survival of the tick Dermacentor Variabilis, Amblyomma Americanum, and Rhipicephalus Sanguineus | 2012 |
1357 | Perkins, Kasey | The Universe in Bed | 2012 |
1358 | Rader, Roberta R. | A survey of the Katydid (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) species of the Maya Mountain region of Belize | 2012 |
1359 | Taylor, Julianna | “Thinking Otherwise”: transactional literary theory and dialogic composition theory in combined pedagogy for life preparartion | 2012 |
1360 | Worzalla, Curtis J. | Excursion to Ferrara, 1595: themes on the music and life of Carlo Gesualdo | 2012 |
1361 | Kuchler, Kirstin | The Effect of a voice program on teachers’ awareness of potential occupational vocal hazards | 2012 |
1362 | Lecaque, Ann M. | “People are not everything”: an ecocritical study of E.M. Forster’s novels | 2012 |
1363 | Wright, Melissa Jane | Morphological clinal variation and assessment of subspecific taxonomy in boa constrictor | 2012 |
1364 | Willis, Jennifer Benner | The Handmaid’s Tale and Its Satirical Projection of the 1980s: Surveillance and Complicity | 2013 |
1365 | Spencer, Valerie Ray | Dual Citizenship: Russian and American Cultural Contexts in the Dream Life of Sukhanov | 2013 |
1366 | Riggenbach, Dane Adam | John of God | 2013 |
1367 | Simpson Fling, Holly | Aspiring for Acceptance: A Queer Postcolonial Analysis of Shyam Selvadurai’s Funny Boy (available electronic only) | 2013 |
1368 | Reshamwala, Zeeshan R. | The Persistence of Subalternity: Evolving Patterns of Colonial Depictions of India (available electronic only) | 2013 |
1369 | Ferry, Laura Eve | Interactions Between Young Adult Literature and Adolescent Identity Development (available electronic only) | 2013 |
1370 | Tharp Palmer, Kelly | Threads of Incidence (available electronic only) | 2013 |
1371 | Graves, Tammy | The Marriage Market: From Eighteenth-Century England to Twentieth-Century New York (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1372 | Cleaveland-Acklin, Enny | The Relationship Between Functional Communication and Quality of Life in Individuals with Aphasia (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1373 | Lowry, Christian Masao | Today’s Bourbon: The Revival of Craft and a Foundation for Reading Bourbon as a Text (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1374 | Canham, Lauren | Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus Carolinus) Fall Migratory Habitat Dynamics in Missouri (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1375 | Giovagnoli, David James | Genre Hybridity and Classical Reception in Derek Walcott’s Omeros (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1376 | Koors IV, George Bernard | Saudi Arab Stereotype and Culture in News Media and Literature (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1377 | McClain, Kathryn Jane | Pullback: A Young Adult Novel (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1378 | Murphy, McKinley | Phosphor Apostrophe (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1379 | Noack, Enrich J. | “On the New Side of the Historic Divide”: One of Ours as Willa Cather’s Literary Fulcrum (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1380 | Pfuhl, Maurine | Sifting Through the “Trash” and Reclaiming Kitsch Aestheticism (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1381 | Sanders, Amy | Vocal Fatigue in College Student Actors Using a Character Voice (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1382 | McAlister, Jonathon Brett | The Olden Time Long Ago: A Musical Composition Using a Modified Serial Process (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1383 | Bokati, Deepak | Characterization of Root-Associated Fungal Endophytes in Cereal Grains, and Their Progenitors (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1384 | Fattig, Edwin | Wild Horses: An Exercise in Transforming Musical Imagery into Visual Imagery (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1385 | Wilt, Brian David | Geofon Deaoe Hweop: Poetic Sea Imagery as Anglo-Saxon Cultural Archetype (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1386 | Becker Jr., Robert John | Navigating the Inner Sea: Agency, Structure, and Exploration in Student Writing (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1387 | Bindel, Idean Elise | The Other Side of the Desk: A Multimodal Exploration of the First-Year Teaching Experience (available electronic only) | 2014 |
1388 | Batzer, Benjamin David | Sacred Stories: Narratives of Spiritual Healing in the Fiction of Flannery O’Conner (available electronic only) | 2015 |
1389 | Miles, Travis | Sympathy for the Devil: Walter White and a Case for the Villain’s Journey (available electronic only) | 2015 |
1390 | Meigel, Maxwell | Motives and More: A Theoretical Analysis of Holsinger’s Havendance and Its Use in Conductor Preparation (available electronic only) | 2015 |
1391 | Bertschi, Chloe F. | Re-Thinking the Staff: Kirksville, Missouri’s Thomas S. Reed and His Quest for an Alternate Music Notation System (available electronic only) | 2015 |
1392 | Judlin, Julia Elaine | J.D. Salinger and the Trauma of the Second World War (available electronic only) | 2015 |
1393 | Warnars, Corinna | Factors Affecting Resting Metabolic Rate in Snakes (available electronic only) | 2015 |
1394 | Manley, Kevin | Truce Street Tales (available electronic only) | 2016 |
1395 | Lundberg, Alicen D. | Remnants: Memories of an Abandoned Place (available electronic only) | 2016 |
1396 | Miller, Jamie | Let’s All Ride the Color Wheel (available electronic only) | 2016 |
1397 | Ellis, Colin | Adspirate: A Collection of Poems (available electronic only) | 2016 |
1398 | Rosell, Josiah D.L. | Beneath a Broken Moon (available electronic only) | 2016 |
1399 | Stites, Renee | Illuminating the Good of Adolescence/TS: Applying the Youth Lens to Alexie and Twain (available electronic only) | 2016 |
1400 | Shapiro, Stephen | Hands Into the Ground: A Short Novel (available electronic only) | 2016 |
1401 | Wrhel, Nat | The Acest of Aces: Representations of Asexuality in Fiction (available electronic only) | 2017 |
1402 | Burgess, KatRina Annette | Jaggering Shadows (available electronic only) | 2017 |
1403 | Clark, Ryan M. | Where the Frick Is Pooh Bear? (available electronic only) | 2017 |
1404 | Han, Dawei | The Rhinoceros Among Serpentes: Comparative Anatomy and Experimental Biophysics of Calabar Burrowing Python (Calabaria reinhardtii) Skin (available electronic only) | 2017 |
1405 | McBurnett, Jamie | Remnants: A Collection of Poems (available electronic only) | 2017 |
1406 | Whitacre, Lydia A. | An Ernest Hemingway for the Twenty-First Century Woman (available electronic only) | 2017 |
1407 | Greif, Kristen Marie | “This muddled in-between”: A Case Study of Innovative Contemporary Women’s Mental Health Memoirs (available electronic only) | 2017 |
1408 | Mangan, Matthew Joseph | Characterizing the Environmental and Demographic Factors Which Determine Off-Host Activity of Amblyomma Americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) Larvae, Nymphs, and Adults (available electronic only) | 2018 |
1409 | Pohlman, Mia | Origins: A Return (embargoed at request of author until June 30, 2027) | 2018 |
1410 | Winchell, Carly | Songs from After the End (available electronic only) | 2018 |
1411 | Quesada, Sebastian | The Lucid Dream of Unreality (available electronic only) | 2018 |
1412 | Davis, Rachel | Shame, Marry, or Kill: The Inescapable Ritual of Marriage and Strategies of Control In Shakespeare’s Early Plays (available electronic only) | 2018 |
1413 | Corneil, Jeffrey P. | Life History, Range, Habitat Use, and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Oaxacan Spiny-Tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura Oaxacana) (available electronic only) | 2018 |
1414 | Le, Linh | Retrograde control of presynaptic development by postsynaptic Calcineurin at the Drosophila melanogaster neuromuscular junction (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1415 | Franklin, Derek | Cheap-Ass Bullets (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1416 | Smith, Alan Joseph | The Everyone Praise and Slapdash Architecture (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1417 | Degano, Maria Eugenia | The Influence of Landscape on Genetic Divergence of the Prairie Ring-necked Snake (Diadophis punctatus arnyi) in Missouri (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1418 | Friebohle, Jake | Potential Methods for Control of the Invasive California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis californiae) in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1419 | Aubry, Brody | Genetic Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation and Oxygen on Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A Study of the AAC1, AAC2, and AAC3 Genes (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1420 | Schroeder, Nichole | Body Magic (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1421 | VanderMaiden, Kaitlyn | Opinions on the Practice of Vocal Cool-Downs Amongst Singing Teachers (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1422 | Moranville, Gerard Patrick | The Interaction of Parental Phenotypes and their Implications for Offspring Quality (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1423 | Arnold, Jacqueline Noelani | Finding the Mouse (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1424 | Batinick, Nicole M. | An Examination of How Many Utterances are Spoken to Children 0-3 Years Old at Early Head Start Centers by Their Primary Caregivers (available electronic only) | 2019 |
1425 | Fodor, Grace | Looking at Lydia Up Close: Analyzing the Evolution of Lydia Bennet’s Character Adaptation with Accompanying Novel Chapters (available electronic only) | 2020 |
1426 | Heiden, Traix | Testimony of Sarah, Movement 1: “Lamentation and Hymn” (available electronic only) | 2020 |
1427 | Jokerst, Taylor Louis | RuPaul’s Drag Race and the Commodification of the American Dream (available electronic only) | 2020 |
1428 | Holtmeyer, Katie | Binaries: A Poetry Collection (available electronic only) | 2020 |
1429 | Muir, Sarah | Not Today (available electronic only) | 2020 |
1430 | Eddington, Andrew Louis | Lusk Creek Revival: A Music Composition for Concert Band (available electronic only) | 2021 |
1431 | Noringriis, Julie H. | Sex, Rape, and Narrative in Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun (available electronic only) | 2021 |
1432 | Plaggenberg, Jessica | Fine-Scale Estimates of Genetic Population Structure and Genetic Neighborhood Size in the Creek Chub, Semotilus atromaculatus (available electronic only) | 2021 |
1433 | Kubin, Karen Bjork | Nine Nights: A Multi-Vocal Novel in Verse (available electronic only) | 2021 |
1434 | Tegtmeier, Van | Let’s Talk About Sex…ism in Video Games (available electronic only) | 2022 |
1435 | Matheny, Lydia | No Mother Had Blessed Me: Female Trauma in Nineteenth Century Literature (available electronic only) | 2022 |
1436 | Adams, Abygayle | The Ex-World (embargoed indefinitely at request of author) | 2022 |
1437 | Chedwick, Coal T. | You and Art: Second-Person and Liminality (available electronic only) | 2022 |
1438 | Quinn, Cara | How to Get Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (available electronic only) | 2022 |
1439 | Kasper, Jackson S. | Search for Authenticity: An Exploration into the Afro-Brazilian Jazz Genre (available electronic only) | 2022 |
1440 | Benmuvhar, Mark | Classification of generic manufacturers and competition in the pharmaceutical industry (available electronic only) | 2022 |
1441 | Leatherman, Daniel | Development of a current expected credit loss model (available electronic only) | 2022 |
1442 | Eness, Daniel | ussherR’ Package in R — technical thesis : text data cleaning, ‘ussherR’ R Package development, visualization and application for forensic natural language processing timescale text data recovery and analysis (available electronic only) | 2022 |
1443 | Libbert, Taylor Nichole | Missouri literature for secondary teachers : adding a touch of home to the Missouri learning standards (MLS) in the high school English language arts (ELA) classroom (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1444 | VanMeter, Christina M. | Introduction to geospatial analysis in R (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1445 | Manzelli, Jenna Lynn | Intersectional feminism in Kamila Shamsie’s Home fire (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1446 | Salisbury, Conrad | Prophesy! Poetry eating the prose : …And mends the thin-spun life (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1447 | Cone, Aaron L. | Differential Gene Expression on Delta, Kappa, and Mu Opioid Receptor Cell Types in Mouse Hypothalamus Preoptic Region (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1448 | Timson, Catherine Tyler | Later me problem : a new adult literature novel (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1449 | Matthews, Thomas | Recreating literary works using ChatGPT3 and evaluating results using natural language processing analysis (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1450 | Davis, August | Blending art and idea : an exploration of comics (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1451 | Bohannon, Nicklas Scott | Moor: a percussive soundscape (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1452 | Greer, Theodore | With bated breath (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1453 | Ritterhoff, Alexander | Analysis Of African Banking Crisis: Indicators, Impacts, Trend (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1454 | Smith, Tressa Elizabeth | Sustainable Irrigation Methods by Collection of Precipitation as a Response to Climate Change (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1455 | Becker, Kate | Predicting Wine Quality Based on Non-Chemical Characteristics (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1456 | Davenport, Cole | Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Classify Brain Tumor Categories as Potential Diagnosis Aid (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1457 | Moore, Brandon | Predictive modeling of categorical data and modeling dependence for hate crime occurrences in New York City (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1458 | Estes, Andrew | A Poisson Analysis of Pit Stops in Formula 1 (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1459 | Fitzgerald-Ingerman, Madison | Insights into Public Education in Missouri through Teacher Salaries and Qualifications (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1460 | Carter, Brianna | Understanding the cost of healthcare inpatient services: Prediction of of [sic] Medicare inpatient hospital costs of diagnosis-related groups (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1461 | Krichau, Savannah | Grounded: A Creative Thesis (embargoed until Jan. 3, 2025 at request of author) | 2023 |
1462 | Rolands, Kimberly | Variable importance by locale in predicting success factors in Wisconsin school districts (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1463 | Widiger, Dalaney | “All I Will Say is That I Became a Married Woman”: The Discourse of Sex and Intimacy Within Marriage in Scholastic’s Dear America Diaries (embargoed until Jan. 3, 2025 at request of author) | 2023 |
1464 | Folken, Megan | Architectural style classification using convolutional neural networks and transfer learning (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1465 | Halma, Olivia | License Plate Recognition Through Neural Networks (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1466 | Odom, Jason | Analysis of average star rating for restaurants in St. Louis, Missouri (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1467 | Droege, Jessica | How do dietary habits and lifestyle influence the prevalence of coronary heart failure, stroke, and diabetes (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1468 | Nguyen, Madison | Developing a Real Estate Investment Tool using RShiny: Assessing Property Potential for Investors (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1469 | O’Keefe, Chris | Lunar nodal cycle and weather fluctuation in the Midwest (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1470 | Scholl, Elizabeth | Examining the Impact of EPA Superfund Sites on Cancer Incidence (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1471 | Fink, Jeremy | Tideling: A Fantasy Novel Manuscript (embargoed by author until May 23, 2025) | 2024 |
1472 | Knox, Kate | Woman in Sheep’s Clothing (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1473 | Lin, Jerry | Do International Major League Baseball Players get the value they deserve? (available electronic only) | 2023 |
1474 | Urbonya, Nan | Dashboard for understanding Truman admissions data (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1475 | Smith, Sterling | The Economic Effect Broadband Internet has on Sport Broadcasting (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1476 | Gabel, Ethan | The Pauline Epistles: Using Stylometry and Machine Learning to Assess Authorship Claims (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1477 | Van Coutren, Mark | Comparing Different Methods to Predict Student Retention (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1478 | Quinn, Stephen | Redistricting in Missouri (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1479 | Haarmann, Laura | Modeling Utility Residential Usage Data to Aid in Determining Revenue Requirement (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1480 | Carlson, Benjamin Edward | Illinois Public High School Graduation Rates and District Funding (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1481 | Gasmann, Omar | Empowering Early Diagnosis: Implementing a Mobile-Friendly Machine Learning Model for Skin Cancer Detection (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1482 | Kinkade, Mae | Predicting Credit Union Member Churn (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1483 | Murry, Tucker | Effect of Aphasia-Specific Communication Training on Student Physicians’ Interactions with Standardized Patients Portraying Non-Fluent Aphasia (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1484 | Lawson, Branden | Modeling COVID-19 restrictions through hospitalization, epidemiological, and socioeconomic data (available electronic only) | 2024 |
1485 | Modesitt, Sylvia | Improving the accessibility of GIS-based hurricane zone-finding tools for screen reader users (available electronic only) | 2024 |