Services For Faculty
Faculty may request a photocopy of an article from a journal owned by Pickler Memorial Library. Library staff will make one copy at no charge and deliver it electronically. This service includes articles/chapters from material that cannot leave the building, such as microforms and Reference books.
You may fill out the online request form or e-mail requests to pmlcopy@truman.edu. Turnaround time will be 24 hours, excluding weekends or holidays. If a hardcopy is needed, your department will be backcharged 10 cents per page.
If you have any questions, please send an email to pmlcopy@truman.edu or call the Library Service Desk at 660-785-4533.
Class Guides and Tutorials
Research & Instruction Librarians can create Class Guides and Tutorials to assist your students in doing research for a particular project. For some examples, visit the Research and Class Guides page or view this recording: Getting Started with Zotero.
Contact the Research & Instruction librarian who appears in the research guide for your discipline.
Research & Instruction Librarians can provide workshops on finding, citing, and evaluating information resources for class assignments and projects. We will work with you to customize the instruction for your class. Topics can include:
- Developing effective search strategies and identifying appropriate key terms
- Finding and evaluating information resources in a variety of formats
- Going beyond books and articles to use primary sources, statistics, data, maps, and government documents
- Using subject-specific databases for a discipline
Workshops may be held in the library’s computer classroom (PML 103), your classroom, or online via Zoom. To schedule a session, contact the Research & Instruction librarian who appears in the research guide for your discipline.