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Index Photographique de l’Art en France

Location: Microfiche Cabinet 19, Drawer 1


This microfiche collection shows approximately 100,000 works of art and architecture in France, reproduced from photographs in the collections of the Bildarchiv Foto Marburg and the Rheinisches Bildarchiv Koln.. The collection is considered the largest archive of French art outside of France. Material dates from antiquity to the modern period with emphasis on medieval architecture, sculpture, and illuminated manuscripts.

How to search the collection

The set is organized topographically and an alphabetical list of the localities represented in the collection is provided on the first fiche. The fiche are labeled and filed alphabetically by city or town. The arrangement of the photographs of each city generally follows this sequence: views and plans of the city, architectural monuments with exterior and interior views and details, and representative selections of painting, sculptures, and artifacts from museums and private collections.


For more information about this subject in our Library Catalog, check out these
Subject Categories:

Art -- France.

Architecture -- France.

Church decoration and ornament -- France

Time Period: 12th Century   13th Century   14th Century   15th Century   16th Century   17th Century   18th Century   19th Century   20th Century  

Subject keywords: Art, Architecture & Design