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Cobbett’s Parliamentary History of England, 1066-1803



This is a reproduction of the Parliamentary debates in the House of Commons and House of Lords in Great Britain and  reproduces two publications: The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period 1066 to the Year 1803, by William Cobbett  (Microfilm J 301 C6 – v. 1-36) and Thomas C. Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates from the Year 1803 to the Present Time. (Microfilm J 301 P36). Cobbett’s series is a history of Parliament from 1066 to 1803, not a verbatim recording of Parliament. However, it contains excerpts of the debates and proceedings. Hansard’s series is also not an official, verbatim report, but relies heavily on newspaper accounts. This set includes: The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period to the Year 1803, from Which Last-Mentioned Epoch it is Continued Downwards in the Work Entitled “Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates.”  and The Parliamentary Debates (Authorized Edition).

Pickler Memorial Library continues the Parliamentary Debates in print in the General Collection  J 301 P37 (House of Commons) (Series 5 v.1-360 (covering years 1909- May 13, 1940), 468-886 (covering years September 27, 1949-February 21, 1975), 888-999 (covering years March 10, 1975-1981) and Series 6 v.1-368 (covering years March 16, 1981- May 11, 2001), 370-374 (covering years June 13, 2001- November 16, 2001); and  J 301 P372 (House of Lords) (Series 5,  v.164-627 covering years July 18, 1949-November 2, 2001).

Some digitized historical Parliamentary materials can be found through this site: http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/parliamentary-archives/archives-electronic/

How to search the collection

The Parliaments are arranged chronologically on the reels. The Parliamentary Debates 1066-1803 by Cobbett has a table of contents at the front of each volume.

The Parliamentary Debates 1803-1830 by Hansard has a table of contents at the front of each volume. From 1803/04 to 1890/91, each volume of Cobbett’s/Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates contains its own index.

There is also a cumulative index for Series III, volumes 333-340 in volume 333, a cumulative index for Series III, volumes 341-348 in volume 341, and a cumulative index for Series III, volumes 349-356 in volume 355.

Pickler Memorial Library has copied the Table of Contents for volumes 1-25 in Series II and volumes 1-332 in Series III. The cumulative index for volumes 333-340 in Series III was also printed out.  These are all shelved with the microfilm at Microfilm J 301 P37.

The Parliamentary Debates 1803-1949 by Hansard cover the following years in each series:
Series 1 – 1803-1820
Series 2 – 1820-1830
Series 3 – 1830-1891
Series 4 – 1892-1908
Series 5 – 1909-1949 (House of Lords only)


Cobbett, William. The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period 1066 to the Year 1803.(Microfilm J 301 C6) There is a table of contents in each volume.

Ford, Percy. A guide to Parliamentary Papers. (General Collection J 301 F67 1972)  – This is a guide that describes the Parliamentary Papers, how to find them, and how to use them.

Hansard, Thomas C. Parliamentary Debates from the Year 1803 to the Present Time.  (Microfilm J 301 P36). There is a table of contents in each volume.  Beginning in 1830 there is also an index.

For more information about this subject in our Library Catalog, check out these
Subject Categories:

Great Britain -- Politics and government

Time Period: 12th Century   13th Century   14th Century   15th Century   16th Century   17th Century   18th Century   19th Century   20th Century  

Subject keywords: Great Britain - History