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Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Location: Microfiche Cabinet 18, Drawer 1-6


The Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Microfiche Publications, is a collection composed of theses and dissertations of national and international significance in health, physical education, recreation, exercise and sport sciences, sport history, and sport-related issues in the humanities and social sciences and dance. There are 10,000 titles which cover over fifty years of graduate research. The theses and dissertations are compiled primarily from universities in the United States and Canada. However, the contributions from other English-speaking countries have been increasing during the recent years. This collection is published by the University of Oregon, International Institute for Sport and Human Performance. The color strip across the top of each microfiche provides a code for the five categories in the “microform” bulletin, as follows: red – physical education (PE); yellow – physiology of exercise (PH); brown – recreation and camping (RC); white – health education (HE); pink – psychology (PSY).

Pickler Library has this collection from 1949-date. From 1949-1972 the collection is on microcards. Most of the microcards are not cataloged in Truman’s Library Catalog. The library will be cataloging some of the microcard titles that have electronic access. From 1973-2002 the collection is on microfiche and these are all cataloged in Truman’s Library Catalog.

How to search the collection

Microcard Collection 1949-1972

1. Look in the Microform Publications Bulletin (on top of Cabinet 18.)  It has an author index and a  subject index. The subject index also includes keywords which the individuals who developed the index believed would be of use to investigators.

2. Look in the front of the Microform Publications Bulletin by author’s last name for the title of the publication.

3. The microcards with the full text of the thesis or dissertation are filed alphabetically by the author’s last name in Microfiche Cabinet 18 Drawer 1-6.

Microfiche Collection 1973- 2002: All of the Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Microfiche Publications collection that is on microfiche through 2002 is cataloged in Truman’s Library Catalog. You can search for information by author, title, subject and keyword in the Library Catalog.  Additional guides are available for the collection on-line at https://www.oregonpdf.org/. Beginning with April 2003, the name of this collection was changed to Kinesiology Publications.


Microform Publications Bulletin. Eugene, Or.: University of Oregon. 1949-1992. (on top of Microfiche Cabinet 18).

Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Exercise and Sport Sciences Microform Publication Bulletin. Eugene, Or.: University of Oregon, 1992-2002. (v. 8-15 available on-line at http://kinpubs.uoregon.edu/KinAbs.html) This bulletin lists all of the dissertations and theses in each shipment.

Sport Discus (EBSCO). This electronic database for the sport sciences includes theses and dissertati