Location: Microfiche Cabinet 19 Drawers 4-7
This collection is a photographic documentation of art in Germany. The index contains 500,000 images of art, architecture and artifacts of Germany, available in a portable file of 5,000 black and white microfiche. The photographs are reproduced from collections owned by the Bildarchiv Foto Marburg and the Rheinisches Bildarchiv in Cologne. The photographs were taken between 1850 and 1976 and comprise works of all genres of the fine arts, from pre- and early history to the present day. Comprehensive views of smaller sculptures and decorated capitals, in addition to the two-dimensional works such as stained glass prove to be a valuable asset to artists. It is a great advantage to have all the identifying information directly under each image.
How to search the collection
The printed index (Microfiche Cabinet 19, Dr. 4-7 Guide) gives users a key to this archive of graphics on German art and architecture.
The photographs are arranged alphabetically according to place names. Each geographical place is then divided into the following subject groupings: municipal architecture, sacred architecture, secular architecture and collections. Each picture on the microfiche bears a small caption identifying the location of each object or detail of an object and the precise date of the picture.
Heusinger, Lutz. Marburger Informations-, Dokumentations- und Administrations-System (MIDAS) : Handbuch (Microfiche Cabinet 19, Dr. 4-7 Guide)
Marburger Index, Inventory of Art in Germany – Users’ Manual (Microfiche Cabinet 19, Dr. 4-7 Guide)
For more information about this subject in our Library Catalog, check out these
Subject Categories:
Time Period: 12th Century 13th Century 14th Century 15th Century 16th Century 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century 20th Century
Subject keywords: Art, Architecture & Design