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Mission of Apollo 11

Location: Microfilm TL 789.8 U6 A55 1969


Apollo 11 was the first manned space ship to land on the moon on July 20, 1969. This collection includes newspaper clippings from more than 50 U.S. cities, the NASA Space Center Educational Publication, Skylander (the newspaper for personnel at Ellington AFB), the newspaper serving NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center, Le Figaro, and Novoye Russloye Slovo. The newspaper clippings cover the dates for July 15, 1969-July 25,1969.  There is no guide for this collection.

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For more information about this subject in our Library Catalog, check out these
Subject Categories:

Apollo 11 (Spacecraft)

Time Period: 20th Century  

Subject keywords: Travel and Exploration