Moving to FOLIO
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Welcome to FOLIO
Pickler Memorial Library and MOBIUS are launching a new library platform on May 22.
Pickler has been running on the same library system since 2000. Now MOBIUS is moving to a new, modern, open source library platform called FOLIO. FOLIO will be a fresh foundation on which we can build new and innovative library services.

MOBIUS Transition
To ensure a smooth transition to the new library system, MOBIUS will temporarily suspend requesting through the MOBIUS catalog and on-site borrowing at other MOBIUS libraries on April 18.
MOBIUS requesting will be re-enabled on June 12 when the new MOBIUS catalog launches. (On-site borrowing at other MOBIUS libraries will resume some time later.)
May 22
The platform goes live with a new library catalog. All checkouts and check-ins recorded manually during the circulation freeze will be entered into the new system by May 28.
June 12
The new MOBIUS catalog goes live and requesting is re-enabled.

Things To Know
- All MOBIUS loans, including renewals, will have a due date on or before May 17. Please return all MOBIUS loans by their due date.
- Overdue items will *not* continue to accumulate fines after you return them.
- After the Launch Day (May 22), it may take us some time to enter checkouts and check-ins since the May 7th circulation freeze. These manual transactions will be in the new system by May 28.
- On-site borrowing at other MOBIUS libraries will *not* resume on June 12. We hope to resume it sometime in the future.
- If you need to pay a fine or have any questions, contact Library staff at 660-785-4533