Education Specialist Theses
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Education Specialist Theses
Archives copies of Truman State University theses may be used only in the Special Collections reading room. If you wish to check out a thesis, you need to use one of the copies in the General Collection under the call number LB 1900 K7 [thesis number].
Thesis Number | Name | Title | Year |
1 | Crim, Larry D. | Effectiveness of the Scotland County R-1 High School in Meeting Selected Curriculum Objectives | 1976 |
2 | Lowenberg, Steven | Study to Determine the Effectiveness of the Project to Individualize Education | 1975 |
3 | Thurness, Robert L. | A Study to Determine Whether Leader Style Can Be Improved During a Twelve-Week Period | 1977 |
4 | Whitlatch, Perry Allen | A Study of Teacher, Negotiator, and Superintendent Satisfaction with Contract Negotiations in Iowa, 1976-77 | 1977 |
5 | Looney, Edward W. | A Study to Determine Perceptual Differences in Criteria of Good Teaching Between Administrators and Teachers | 1978 |
6 | Jackson, Stanley | No written thesis–Title of field study “Community Assessment of the SenIor High Instructor’s Program.” | 1977 |
7 | Patterson, Don H. | Study to Identify Teacher Attitudes Contributing to Greater Student Achievement | 1978 |
8 | Piper, Fontaine C. | Selection Process and Training of Lifeguards Utilized by Colleges and Universities in Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois | 1978 |
9 | Smith, Dale | Study of Selected Characteristics of Transportation Systems of Public Schools in Supervisory Region “H” of Missouri | 1978 |
10 | Pendergrass, Leon O. | Multivariate Study of Factors Related to Student Absenteeism | 1978 |
11 | McMullin, Ronald R. | Benefits of Study Halls to the LaPlata, Missouri High School Curriculum | 1978 |
12 | Henry, Gary Lynn | Effects of Collective Bargaining on Leadership Styles of Elementary Principals in Selected Schools | 1978 |
13 | Lawrence, John Richard | Study of Leader Behavior as Perceived by Secondary Principals and Secondary Teachers | 1978 |
14 | Wallace, Ivan George | Compilation of Specifications to Facilitate Cooperative Purchasing of School Buses in Northeast Missouri | 1978 |
15 | Perry, Julianne | Relationship of Vocational Preference and Vocational Interest to Academic Persistence | 1978 |
16 | Perry, James C. | Effectiveness of the Education in the Public Schools as Perceived by the People Registered to Vote in the Washington Public School District | 1978 |
17 | Petre, Pamela S. | Analysis of Job Satisfaction and Behavior Patterns of School Administrators and Counselors | 1978 |
18 | Jackson, Donald E. | Study of Selected Missouri School Districts to Determine the Type of Investments Used for Funds Not Immediately Needed for the Payment of Current Expenditures | 1978 |
19 | Hartzler, Robert D. | Analysis of Attitudes Among Teachers and Administrators Concerning Opening Day In-Service Education Programs | 1979 |
20 | Church, Gary Ray | Role of Public School Superintendents in Missouri as Perceived by Professors of Educational Administration, Practicing Superintendents, and Boards of Education | 1979 |
21 | McCoy, Harold L. | Comparison of the Leader Styles of Superintendents and Secondary Principals | 1979 |
22 | Morrow, Sue Ann | Comparison of Teacher Personality Characteristics and the Number of Special Education Referrals | 1979 |
23 | Rhoades, Joann Burch | An Analysis of the Perceived Effectiveness of the Brunswick, Missouri Schools in Meeting Goals | 1979 |
24 | Warfield, James E., Sr. | Study of Parental Attitudes Toward School District 189 | 1979 |
25 | Young, Thomas Kirby | Student Evaluation of Progress Made Toward Self-set Teacher Job Targets | 1979 |
26 | Dollinger, Lester D. | Leadership Styles of Male and Female Elementary Principals in the States of Iowa and Missouri | 1980 |
27 | Graham, Ronald W. | Comparison of the Leader Styles of Private Elementary School Principals and Public Elementary School Principals | 1979 |
28 | Leonard, Carolyn Letitia | Concurrent Validity of the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire and the Organizational Climate Survey | 1980 |
29 | Pilcher, Robert L | Leader Styles of Secondary Principals from Northeast Missouri State University and Secondary Principals from Other Institutions | 1980 |
30 | Haag, Gary J | Effect of Delayed Kindergarten Entrance on First Grade Achievement | 1980 |
31 | Jitmoud, Sombat | Assessment of Applicants’ Demographic Variables and Determination of Significant Differences Concerning Graduates and Drop-Outs from the Educational Specialist Program at Northeast Missouri State University | 1980 |
32 | Kimble, Bert B. | Comparison of Teachers’ Assessment with Actual Student Achievement of District Goals for the Kirksville R-III Senior High School | 1980 |
33 | McClinton, Thomas J. | Correlation Between Principal Leader Styles and Student Performance | 1980 |
34 | McGuire, Thomas F. | Attitudes of Selected Patrons of the Salisbury, Missouri R-IV School District Toward Vocational Education | 1980 |
35 | Muir, Larry L. | To Determine Whether Leader Style is a Product of Psychographic Differences Among Subordinates | 1980 |
36 | Phillips, Robert W. | Study to Identify Significant Characteristics of Dropouts at Brookfield High School | 1980 |
37 | Rogers, David R. | Oskaloosa Community Schools Needs Assessment Study | 1980 |
38 | Seifert, Patricia Ann | A Comparison of First Grade Achievement Between Students With and Without Kindergarten | 1980 |
39 | Clem, Ed | Comparison of the Leader Styles of Elementary and Secondary School Principals | 1981 |
40 | Cornell, Gretchen R. | Comparison of Leader Styles of Baccalaureate Nurses | 1981 |
41 | Hughes, Robert Michael | Student Retention Program at Northeast Missouri State University | 1981 |
42 | Williams, Louis Barnes | Study of Parental Attitudes of the Year-Round School Plan in the Francis Howell School District in Saint Charles, Missouri 1976 | 1980 |
43 | Botts, James S. | Comparison of Certification Requirements for Chief School Administrators in the Fifty States | 1981 |
44 | Gallacher, John | Effects of School Closing and Boundary Line Changes on Academic Achievement | 1981 |
45 | Gorski, David D. | Analysis of Perceptions of Educational Objectives by Selected Groups Within the Atlanta C-3 School District | 1981 |
46 | Harrington, Roger | Analysis of Real and Ideal Measures of the Organizational Climate Survey | 1981 |
47 | Holland, Patrick J. | Comparison of the Leader Styles of Superintendents, Secondary School Principals, Public Elementary School Principals, and Private Elementary School Principals | 1981 |
48 | Spalding, Sarah | Predictive Validity of the Organizational Climate Survey-50 in Measuring Leadership Style of Public Elementary Principals | 1981 |
49 | Cary, John C. | Psychographic Differences Among Subordinates of Elementary Principals | 1982 |
50 | Drummond, Gary L. | Study to Determine the Extent of the Agreement Between a Student’s Grade and Performance of Achievement/Ability Tests | 1982 |
51 | Ensz, Darrell | Predictive Validity of Admissions Criteria and Classroom Performance in Student Success on the State Board Test Pool Examination | 1982 |
52 | McCain, Don | Effectiveness of Title I Instruction in the Palmyra Schools | 1982 |
53 | Parker, Ronald Dean | Study of the Relationship of Teacher Salaries with the Cost of Living Index and Missouri Foundation Funds | 1982 |
54 | Robbins, Julia Marlene | Levels of Self-Esteem Among Individuals of Different Ordinal Family Ranks | 1982 |
55 | Vaia, Michael C. | Comparison of Achievement Tests Scores When a Competency Standard Was in Effect and When the Competency Standard was Removed | 1982 |
56 | Barton, Richard G. | Modification of the Organizational Climate Survey to Study Student Perceptions of Leader Style of Teachers | 1982 |
57 | Bethel, David E. | Comparison of Survey Scoring Procedures | 1982 |
58 | Boston, Richard Allen | Use of Symbolic-Logic Matrices for Improving Construct Validity in Instrument Creation | 1982 |
59 | Chutichoodate, Sarawut | Correlation Between Leadership Dimensions and Appearance Factors Among Selected Educational Administrators | 1982 |
60 | Gaber, Ronald R. | Effect of Leader Style and Selected School District Variables of Student Achievement | 1982 |
61 | Gaddis, Dee | Influence of Subordinate Perceptions on Administrative Performance | 1982 |
62 | Carter, William R. | Current Practice and Attitudes Toward Transportation Systems of Selected School Districts | 1982 |
63 | Green, Kenneth E. | Comparison of the Academic Achievement of Participants and Non-participants in High School Sports | 1982 |
64 | Lewis, Billy J. | Relationship Between the Leader Styles of the Elementary Principal and Student Performance | 1982 |
65 | Moore, Edgar E. | Economic Benefits of Graduate Degrees of Northeast Missouri State University | 1982 |
66 | Peters, George | Legal Ramifications of the Missouri Teacher Tenure Act | 1982 |
67 | Schwada, Francine G. | Special Education Certification in the U.S. | 1982 |
68 | Williams, Roger D. | Scenario of the Future to Accomodate Curriculum Direction | 1982 |
69 | Winn, Harold Dean | Enrollment Trends and Building Utilization for the Clark County, Missouri R-1 School District | 1982 |
70 | Wallace, Robert D. | Comparison of High School Student Attitudes Prior To and After High School Consolidation | 1982 |
71 | Bourisaw, Aloysius G. | Teacher Organizational Affiliation and the Attitudes of School Management Toward Collective Bargaining in Selected School District in Missouri | 1983 |
72 | Cox, Joan Carole | Comparison of Full-day Kindergarten and Half-day Kindergarten Achievement Scores | 1982 |
73 | Igbani, B. Maduabuchi Anaso | Leadership Styles of Medical Technologists-AMT and ASCP Certified | 1982 |
74 | Baskett, Harold O. | Study of the Relationship Between High School Graduation Requirements and Standardized Achievement Tests Scores | 1983 |
75 | Carter, Timothy E. | Characteristics and Effects of an In-school Suspension Program | 1983 |
76 | Chapman, Dan L. | Validity of Basing Receipt of Federal Money for Remedial Programs on Family Financial Status | 1983 |
77 | Collopy, Dean C. | Comparison of Student Assessment Variables and Class Enrollment Patterns to College Entrance Exam Scores | 1983 |
78 | Davis, Thomas E. | Analysis of Selected Characteristics of Dropouts and Graduates of Ottumwa High School | 1983 |
79 | Gaddis, Donnie | Relationship of Administrative Variables on Elementary Student Achievement | 1983 |
80 | House, Jess E. | Study of OCS Scores and Instructional Leadership Measures of Missouri Elementary Principals | 1983 |
81 | Kern, James F. | Comparison of Missouri Non-public Schools Which Belong to the Committee on Accredited Schools or the North Central Association | 1983 |
82 | Moenster, Gerald A. | Parental Attitudes in the Grandview R-2, Missouri School District | 1983 |
83 | Suchland, Paul James Jr. | Variance Between Preschool Test Scores and Second Grade Achievement Scores | 1983 |
84 | David, Darl D. | Analysis of Vertical Grade Structure and Facility Utilization | 1983 |
85 | Phillips, Richard D. | Administrator Attitudes Toward the Value of Selected Program Components | 1983 |
86 | Zuspann, Virgil K. | Comparison of the Administrative Styles of Elementary Principals from Northeast Missouri State University and Other Institutions | 1983 |
87 | Cannon, Eleanor L. | Sequential Curriculum Guide for Aesthetic Education in Art, Literature, Music, and Physical Education | 1984 |
88 | Courtney, Connie R. | Comparison of Achievement of Pupils With and Without Prekindergarten Experience | 1984 |
89 | Jiyamapa, Sathasai | Academic and Social Difficulties Faced by Foreign Students at Northeast Missouri State University | 1984 |
90 | Lamm, Donald Gene | Teacher Anxiety Toward Evaluation of Job Expectations | 1983 |
91 | Speer, Randy Lee | Study of the Relationship of Leader Behavior and School Climate | 1984 |
92 | Taylor, Raymond C. | Comparison of Two Beginning Band Methods | 1984 |
93 | Ambrose, Philip F. | Clinton, Iowa Dropout Study | 1984 |
94 | Carlisle, Philip E. | Teacher Effectiveness in Grouping Students by Ability | 1984 |
95 | Davison, John W. | Analysis of Attitudes of Parents in the North Mercer R-3 School Toward Selected Factors | 1984 |
96 | Dunaway, Tim J. | Impact of Preparation Programs on Practicing Administrators | 1984 |
97 | Koehler, Marilyn J. | Study of Selected Perceptions Between Graduates and Dropouts of the NMSU Education Specialist Program | 1984 |
98 | Meyers, Audrey | Differential Perceptions of Administrative Style as Viewed by Special Education Teachers and Regular Classroom Teachers | 1984 |
99 | Palmer, Mary W. | Effect of Selected Variables on Kindergarten Achievement | 1984 |
100 | Schreck, Bernard J. | Status of In-service Programs in the Public Schools of Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles and St. Louis Counties, Missouri | 1984 |
101 | Jang, Mu Seok | Analysis of Selected Factors Related to School District Classification | 1984 |
102 | Lanser, Michael A. | Validating Administrative Competencies | 1985 |
103 | Nack, Donna L. | Evaluation of the Selected Aspects of the Elementary Gifted Program in St. Charles | 1985 |
104 | Bumgarner, Michael J. | Study to Determine the Relationship Between Achievement Test Scores and Grade Point Averages | 1985 |
105 | Collins, Neita K. | Mathematics Cross-Reference Between Iowa Test of Basic Skills and Handbook for Teaching Basic Skills | 1985 |
106 | Ellersieck, Jerry N. | Effectiveness of the Dropout Prevention Program at Hazelwood East High School | 1985 |
107 | Gordon, William | Analysis of Required Course Objectives of the NMSU Program for Secondary School Principals | 1985 |
108 | Howe, Bill | Personal and Professional Characteristics of Superintendent Candidates as Perceived by Board of Education Members | 1985 |
109 | Kirkpatrick, James C. | Relationship Between Elementary Principal Administrative Style and Student Achievement | 1985 |
110 | Masten, Deborah Sidwell | Impact of a Physical Fitness Concepts Course on Longitudinal Fitness Scores of College Males and Females | 1985 |
111 | McSorley, Ronald E. | Elementary School Principal’s Perceptions of Selected Objectives of Graduate Courses | 1985 |
112 | Slominsky, Robert William | Study to Determine if Selected Variables were Significant Indicators in the School Readiness of Entering Kindergarteners in the Warren County R-2 School District | 1985 |
113 | Warner, Mel | Effect of Busing on Academic Achievement | 1985 |
114 | Willis, Keith L. | Public School Staff Attitudes Toward Public Relations and the Effects on a Community | 1985 |
115 | Yeargain, Ray L. | Effect of a Junior High Honors Program on the Senior High Academic Achievement | 1985 |
116 | Henley, Patricia M. | Study of Glasgow, Montana Junior High School Program of In-school Suspension | 1985 |
117 | Vanhorn, Paul L. | Clayton Components of Excellence–an Analysis of a School District | 1985 |
118 | Baigi, Marla Jean | Incidence of Bulimia Among College Students | 1986 |
119 | Berlin, Frank | Perceptions of the Roles of the Secondary School Principal | 1985 |
120 | Busch, Robert E. | Superintendents’ of the Value of Forty-three Skills | 1986 |
121 | Cagle, Barry | Job Placement and Job Success of Selected Vo-Tech Students, Coe Students and High School Dropouts | 1986 |
122 | Daniels, John Alan | Effects of a Summer School Program on Subsequent Student Performance | 1986 |
123 | Durden, Phyllis C. | Predictive Validity of Administrative Knowledge and Skills | 1986 |
124 | McGahan, Sharon Ann | Analysis of Predictors of Successful Completion of the State Board Test Pool Examination for Registered Nurses | 1985 |
125 | Moore, Robert L. | Educational Plan Based on Building Utilization and Projected Enrollments | 1986 |
126 | Wilson, Greg | Analysis of Required Course Objectives of the NMSU Preparatory Program for Superintendents | 1986 |
127 | Falkiner, Debra J. | Characteristics and Effects of the Viking In School Suspension Program | 1986 |
128 | Harlan, Ronald E. | Survey of Art Educators in the State of Missouri | 1986 |
129 | Kelly, Melvin L. | Study of School Principal Turnover in North Missouri | 1986 |
130 | McGee, Norman G. Jr | Comparison Study of the Voluntary Desegregation Students with the Non-desegregation Students at Ritenour High School | 1986 |
131 | Newman, Janet Gum Paris | Cross-Reference of Reading Skills of Houghton Mifflin Reading Program to Sequenced Language Arts and Math Skills (SLAMS) | 1986 |
132 | Nunn, Max T. | Cross Referencing the Handbook for Teaching Basic Skills with the Missouri Criterion-Referenced Tests in Grades 2-5 | 1986 |
133 | Shrout Debra J. Kitts | Academic Predictors of Teaching Performance | 1986 |
134 | Sybert, Lyle D. | Relationship Between the Missouri Performance Based Teacher Evaluation and Student Achievement | 1986 |
135 | Sylvara, Pamela J. | Study to Determine the Relationship Between Grades Assigned by Teachers and Iowa Tests of Basic Skills Scores | 1986 |
136 | Towers, Donna M. | Mathematics Cross Reference Between California Achievement Test and Sequenced Language Arts and Mathematics | 1986 |
137 | Wallace, John | Relationship of Student Achievement to the Administrative Styles of Principals | 1986 |
138 | Collins, Donald L. | Study of Paris R-II High School Students Who Have Attended the Area Vocational School | 1986 |
139 | Farmer, James M. | Correlation Between Administrative Styles and Student Performance | 1986 |
140 | Hogan, Robert L. | Analysis of the Importance of Selected Activities in a Field Experience | 1986 |
141 | Aulwes, M. Ann | Test of Differences Between NMSU Graduates and Graduates of Other Institutions | 1987 |
142 | Burkhart, Frank E. | The Effects of Title IX on Expenditures in Athletics for Women | 1987 |
143 | Kins-Gaber, Elsie J. | A Study of Discover as a Value Added Counseling Tool | 1987 |
144 | Carr, Joseph B. | The Feasibility of Four Models of School Organization Based Upon Projected Building Utilization | 1987 |
145 | Englert, Douglas L. | Anthropology Curriculum Components for Use as Guides to Establish Curricula in Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve | 1987 |
146 | Hayes, Mary Jo | Differentiation of Selected Characteristics of Graduates and Dropouts of Fort Madison High School | 1987 |
147 | McCaulley, Randall J. | Selected Factors and Their Effect on the Reading Success of Kindergartners | 1987 |
148 | O’Donnell, Daniel E. | An Assessment of Attitudes of Parents, Teachers, and Students in the Canton Junior-Senior High School | 1987 |
149 | Rice, Michael L. | A Comparison of Leader Styles of Northeast Missouri State University Graduates and Graduates of Other Institutions | 1987 |
150 | Sigler, Bruce | An Analysis of Effort and Ability to Finance Education in Selected School Districts | 1987 |
151 | Sloggett, Thomas R. | The Importance of Various Tasks Determined by Elementary Principals in Northern Illinois | 1987 |
152 | Wells, Robert A. | A Comparison of Selected Socioeducational Factors Between Indian Hills Community College GED Candidates and Other GED Candidates | 1987 |
153 | Willard, Michael | An Analysis of Principal Leadership Styles and Student Achievement | 1987 |
154 | Ehrhardt, Virginia Sue | Developing an Academically Gifted Program for Moberly Public Schools | 1987 |
155 | Huff, Arthur LeRoy | High School Building Utilization in Scotland County R-1 School District | 1987 |
156 | Spratt, Marion Randel | A Study to Determine the Relationship Between Grades Assigned by Teachers and Percentile Rank Achievement Scores of Elementary Students | 1987 |
157 | Crawford, Christine M. | A Disaggregated Analysis of Missouri Mastery and Achievement Test Scores in the Palmyra R-1 School District | 1988 |
158 | Hines, Wayne C. | Putnam County School District Building Utilization and Vertical Grade Structure Analysis | 1987 |
159 | Mayfield, Jeanne E. | Selected Criteria for Rural Missouri Elementary School Principals | 1987 |
160 | Petterson, Phyllis S. | A Study of the Relationship Between Classroom Grades and Achievement Test Scores | 1988 |
161 | Gibson, Marjorie | Relationship of Scores on the Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development and the SRA Achievement Series | 1988 |
162 | Hartsock, Wanda Lindquist | A Study of the Relationship Between the Kindergarten Inventory of Developmental Skills Test and the Metropolitan Readiness Test | 1988 |
163 | Herst, Mary S. | An Analysis of Time Allotted and Definitions of Language Arts in Elementary School | 1988 |
164 | Hodges, O. Ercell | Language Arts Cross-Reference Between Iowa Tests of Basic Skills and Sequenced Language Arts and Math Skills | 1988 |
165 | Hunt, Cheryl | A Comparison of Instructional Management System and Traditional Methods of Mathematics Instruction in Putnam County R-I Elementary Schools | 1988 |
166 | Mayes, Cheryl Ann | A Comparison of the Effects of Mastery Learning Techniques and Traditional Methods in Reading and Language Arts on the Mastery of Tested Objectives | 1988 |
167 | Osier, Joseph M. | An Analysis of the Effects of Family Structure on Student Standardized Achievement Test Scores | 1988 |
168 | Sclair, Judith S. | A Comparative Study of School Discipline Policy Components | 1988 |
169 | Williams, Larkin A., Jr | A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of the Interdistrict Permissive Transfer Between the St. Louis Public Schools and the St. Louis County Public Schools | 1988 |
170 | Platt, K. Rollie | An Analysis of Attitude Toward a Career Compensation Program | 1987 |
171 | Brown, Lionel K. | The Relationship Between Student Achievement as Measured on the ACT English and Mathematics Subtests and Foreign Language Study, Length of Study, and Languages Studied | 1989 |
172 | Head, James C. | Teacher Awareness of Academic Achievement Problems of the Single-Parent Child in the Monroe City R-1 School District | 1989 |
173 | Lacey, Gary P. | A Comparative Study of CSI Scores in the Two Junior High Schools in the Francis Howell School District | 1989 |
174 | Maxson, Connie J. | A Study to Determine the Relationship Between Grades Assigend by Teachers and Iowa Tests of Basic Skills Scores in the Eddybille, Iowa na Blakesbrug, Iowa School Districts | 1989 |
175 | Fenton, James F. | A Study Concerning Alternative Education Programs: the Ten Guidelines for Establishing a Secondary Alternative Education Program and School | 1989 |
176 | Hauser, Thomas Jay | A Study to Determine the Relationship Between Selected Variables of School District Wealth and Effort and Students’ Scores on the Missouri Mastery and Achievement Tests | 1989 |
177 | Kopp, Judith R. | A Study to Determine the Relationship Between Assigned Grades and MMAT Achievement Test Scores | 1990 |
178 | Resse, Jay W. | A Comparative Study of Student Employment, Extracurricular Activities Participation and Academic Achievement in Marceline, Missouri | 1989 |
179 | Davis, Richard K. | An Analysis of Reading Achievement Using a Team Teaching Approach | 1990 |
180 | Otten, Carl W. | A Comparison of Instructional Leadership Practices of the Principals of “AA” Elementary Schools in the State of Missouri | 1990 |
181 | Stratton, Barbara E. | An Analysis of the Missouri Mastery and Achievement Test as an Instrument in Identifying Students for Inclusion in Gifted Programs | 1990 |
182 | Williams, Patrick | A Study of Selected Variables as Predictors of Student Dropout in the Kirksville Public School System | 1990 |
183 | Baskett, Teri Jan | An Analysis of the Relationship Between Preschool Education and Kindergarten Developmental Readiness Skills | 1990 |
184 | Steele, Nancy S. | A Study of Self-Concept of Secondary Student from Different Family Structures | 1990 |
185 | Casady, Jeanie | A Study of Achievement Gain by Selected Categories in Northeast Missouri State University Upward Bound Students, 1984-1988 | 1991 |
186 | Harris, Edward J. Jr | A Study of Peer Collaborative Learning Among Honors Students | 1990 |
187 | Mauser, William | An Assessment of Attitudes of Parents, Teachers, and Students of Arcadia Valley High School | 1991 |
188 | Mefford, Naomi R. | The Extent to Which the ITBS Assesses the Goals of the Iowa Language Arts Curriculum Guide | 1991 |
189 | Nuhn, Gary | An Analysis of Academic Achievement Comparing Athletes and Non-athletes in Selected Small, Rural Schools | 1991 |
190 | Roggentien, Ronald | An Analysis of Interview Questioning Techniques Among Iowa School Administrators | 1990 |
191 | Waters, Clinton R. | An Analysis of Missouri Mastery and Achievement Test Scores Based on Family Structure of Eighth Grade Students in Lincoln County, Missouri | 1991 |
192 | White, Johanna F. Miltner | Quincy Project Head Start 1968-1973: a Follow-Up Study | 1991 |
193 | Anderson, Gene V. | An Analysis of the Relationship Between Elementary Teacher Preparatory Credit in Science and Instruction Time | 1991 |
194 | Behrens, Anna K. | An Analysis of the Effects of Homogenous and Heterogeneous Grouping on Student Achievement in Ninth-Grade American History | 1991 |
195 | Eads, James Raymond | Classroom Teacher Mediated Generalization of a Sentence Writing Strategy to the Regular Classroom by Nine Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities | 1991 |
196 | Lewton, Michael D. | An Analysis of the Perceptions Held by Selected Missouri Educators in Regard to the Missouri Core Competencies and Key Skills and the Missouri Mastery and Achievement Tests | 1991 |
197 | Parrish, Margaret A. | A Study of Birth Ordinal Position and Achievement in High School | 1991 |
198 | Smoot, Larry J. | A Study of the Relationship Between High School Academic Achievement and High School Leadership Activities and Subsequent Post Graduate Job Satisfaction and Post Graduate Leadership Activities | 1991 |
199 | Troester, Dyana Lynn | Locus of Control Beliefs of Management and Non-management Groups: Relationships Between Perceived Stress and Health | 1991 |
200 | Neighbors, C. Erwin | A Study of Attitudes and Perceptions Relating to School Climate of Superintendents, Teachers’ Organization Presidents, and School Board Presidents in Union and Non-union School Districts | 1991 |
201 | Pipkin, Michael J. | In-Service Training Procedures and In-Service Training Needs of School Districts in the Traditional Northeast Missouri State University Service Area | 1991 |
202 | Beeler, Elaine | A Study to Determine if Self-Esteem Can Be Affected by a Self-Esteem Program at the Fifth and Sixth Grade Levels | 1991 |
203 | DelaRoche, Earl s. | The Effectiveness of the Criterion-Referenced Testing Program in Biology I at Hazelwood East High School | 1992 |
204 | McCurdy, Susan Replogle | A Study to Determine the Relationship Between Selected Variables and Fiscal Health in Iowa Local Education Agencies | 1992 |
205 | Nuhn, Stephen L. | Comparative Study of the Academic Achievement of Older vs. Younger Students at the Macon R-I Middle School | 1991 |
206 | Brooks, Linda Dill | An Analysis of the Perceived Value of Thesis Preparation in the Program for the Specialist of Education Degree at Northeast Missouri State University | 1992 |
207 | Cory, Kevin | A Study to Evaluate the Effects of Teacher Training on the Differences in Classroom Environments, Student Absenteeism, and Student Achievement, of Two Classrooms Serving At-risk Students | 1992 |
208 | Delarm, Saundra Whitsell | A Comparison of MMAT Reading Scores for Students Whose Traditional Reading Instruction was Supplemented With Computer-Assisted Reading Instruction | 1992 |
209 | Reynolds, Diana L. | Perceptions of Female Graduates of the Education Specialist Program at Northeast Missouri State University | 1992 |
210 | Farley, Janet Coleen | A Comparison of Traditional and Computer Assisted Reading Programs in the Field of Adult Literacy | 1992 |
211 | Bergman, Sharon L. | A Study of the Attitudes and Influences on Vocational Education | 1993 |
212 | Karpen, Bruce A. | A Study of the Relationship Between Student Iowa Tests of Basic Skills Scores at the Third Grade Level and Student Grade Averages at the Eighth Grade Level | 1993 |
213 | Morrow, Terry | A Study of Missouri Secondary School Principals’ Time Usage | 1993 |
214 | Noe, Katherine Gail | A Study to Determine if Differences Exist in the Nature of Jobs (Blue Collar or White Collar) and Pay Between Vocational and Non-vocational Program Completers | 1993 |
215 | Quinn, Graham F. | A Comparison of the Professional Knowledge Base of William Penn College Preservice Secondary Teachers and Other Inservice Teachers with Varying Degrees of Experience | 1993 |
216 | Sundstrom, Karen Olive | Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Scores in Fifth Graders | 1993 |
217 | Van Ingen, Daniel J. | A Study to Determine the Relationship Between Teacher-Assigned Grades and MMAT Achievement Tests Scores | 1993 |
218 | Voorhees, Thomas | The Effects of Test-taking Strategies on Achievement Scores of Students in Grades 3-8 on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills in Walcott School, Walcott, Iowa | 1993 |