Objectionable Content
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Statement Regarding Objectionable Content
Truman State University Special Collections and University Archives, Pickler Memorial Library, serves as a repository of historical materials, some of which may be considered prejudiced, stereotyped, or offensive. Historical materials are important resources in the study of contemporary and past cultures. As such, we take seriously our responsibilities in preserving and cataloging such material and in providing access for the purpose of scholarly research and study. Thus, these materials are made broadly and publicly accessible as part of the historical record and for educational purposes.
We recognize that users may encounter some items within these collections that contain offensive language, imagery, or other forms of objectionable content. Such materials document the past and were created within the context of their original time-period.
Providing access to these historical materials does not endorse any attitudes, prejudices, or behaviors depicted therein. We are committed to upholding the principle of equal and free access to unaltered historical information and support the Truman State University’s commitment to inclusion and diversity.