Additional Study Rooms

PML 312 - Study Rooms, third floor

Twelve study rooms with a computer and webcam are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Click to check Study Room Availability

PML 202 and PML 302 Study Rooms

Six group study rooms (without computers) are available on a first-come, first-served basis. No key check-out is required. Three rooms are located on the south end of both the second and third floors.

Videoconferencing Rooms

Two rooms outfitted with a large display and videoconferencing capabilities are located on the second floor near the Juvenile/Curriculum Collection.

Collaborative Spaces and Technologies

Several collaborative workstations are located on the west side of the 1st floor, just north of Starbucks. Each station features a large central display with screen sharing capabilities for up to four devices. Adapters are available for checkout at the Service Desk.

Lounge seating and group tables are also located in the area, along with many mobile whiteboards.