Course Reserves
Find reserve material by: Professor or Course Name.
Course reserves are course-related materials that your professors make available for a class, either electronically or physically, through the Library such as books, chapters, articles, CDs, Videos, and practice exams etc…
Loan periods for Reserves vary; they can be 2 hour, 4 hour, 24 hour, or 72 hour depending on the item. Check your due date email and return items promptly. Fines for Reserve materials are 60 cents an hour. All physical reserves are located at the Library Service Desk near the entrance.
Looking for more online content to use as e-reserves?
The Library has access to online content through numerous resources, suggestions include:
In some cases, the library may be able to acquire a digital version of the requested material depending on the license agreement and funds available. When a digital version is not available, a Fair Use assessment should be done to determine if a small portion of the material may be digitized.
Copyright questions may be directed to either:
Janet Romine, Associate Dean of Libraries: jiromine@truman.edu
Diane Richmond, Director of Learning Technologies: dianer@truman.edu