This is a list of guides for the microfilm collections housed in Pickler Memorial Library. Use the buttons to view the collections by subject or time period.
- Abolition & Emancipation
- Acts of the Privy Council of England: Colonial Series
- Acts of the Privy Council of England: New Series A.D. 1542-1628
- Adair County Circuit Court Case Files
- Africa Through Western Eyes
- Alexander’s Magazine 1905-1909
- America, 1935-1946
- American Indian Oral History : The Duke Collection
- American Periodical Series
- American State Papers 1789-1838
- American Statistics Index
- American Women’s Diaries
- Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts
- Annals of Congress, 1789-1824
- Architecture of Washington, D. C.
- Calendar of letters and papers, Foreign and Domestic of the reign of Henry VIII, 1509-1545
- Calendar of state papers : Colonial series
- Calendar of state papers and manuscripts, … existing in the archives and collections of Venice
- Calendar of state papers, Domestic series [of the Commonwealth] 1649-1660
- Calendar of state papers, Domestic series, of the reign of Charles I, 1625-1649
- Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Charles II, 1660-1677
- Calendar of state papers, Domestic series, of the reign of William and Mary
- Calendar of state papers, Foreign series, of the reigns of Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth I, 1547-1582
- CBS News Transcripts, 1975 – October 1987
- Census Records
- Chaucer Society, London. Publications
- Church Missionary Society Archive – Africa Missions
- Civil Rights During the Johnson Administration, 1963-1969
- Civil Rights During the Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963
- Civil War, 1861-1865
- Civil War, Society and Political Transition in Guatemala : the Guatemala News and Information Bureau Archive, 1963-2000.
- Cobbett’s Complete Collection of State Trials, 1163-1858
- Cobbett’s Parliamentary History of England, 1066-1803
- Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1792-1941
- Colonial Discourses – Series 1: Women, Travel & Empire, 1660-1914
- Columbia University Oral History Collection
- Complete State Papers Domestic: series one, 1547-1625
- Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records : Russia and the Soviet Union ; from Czar to commissars, 1914-1918
- Congressional Globe, 1833-1873
- Congressional Publications Indexed by the Congressional Information Service
- Congressional Record, 1873-
- Conspiracy Trials in America, 1919-1953
- Contributions to Education
- Corefiche: Books Listed in the Essay and General Literature Index
- Corefiche: Poetry in Granger
- Corefiche: Short Stories
- Council Meetings of the Major American Indian Tribes, 1907-1971
- Declassified Documents
- Democratic Campaign Book, 1876-1940
- Democratic Party National Convention, 1832-1968a
- Dictionary of American Hymnology: First Line Index
- Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution
- Documenting the Peruvian insurrection
- Documents on British Policy Overseas
- Draper Manuscripts
- FBI File on Eleanor Roosevelt
- FBI File on Joseph McCarthy
- FBI File on Malcolm X
- FBI File on the Black Panther Party, North Carolina
- FBI File on the Fire Bomb and Shooting at Kent State
- FBI File on the House Committee on Un-American Activities
- FBI File on the NAACP
- FBI File on the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- FBI File on the Students for a Democratic Society and the Weatherman Underground Association
- Landmarks of Science
- Legislative Histories, 1969-
- Letter Book, 1688-1761 of the Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England
- Letters Received by the Attorney General, 1809-1879 Western Law and Order
- Letters Sent by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881
- Los Angeles Riots
- Lyndon B. Johnson National Security Files. Latin America, 1963-1969
- Madrigals of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
- Major Studies and Issue Briefs of the Congressional Research Service
- Manhattan Project
- Marburger Index
- Martin Luther King, Jr. FBI File
- Mexico Foreign Affairs, 1950-1959
- Microfilm Edition of the Benjamin Colman Papers 1641-1763
- Microfilm Edition of the Pre-Revolutionary Diaries
- Microfilm of the Herndon-Weik Collection of Lincolniana
- Mission of Apollo 11
- Musicache
- Pamphlets in American History
- Pamphlets on Socialism, Communism, Bolshevism, etc.
- Papers of Eleanor Roosevelt, 1933-1945
- Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789
- Papers of the League of Women Voters, 1918-1974
- Papers of the NAACP
- Papers of the National War Labor Board, 1918-1919
- Papers of the St. Louis Fur Trade
- Papers of William and Helen Sunday
- Parish Register Typescripts
- Parker Society Publications
- Peers Inquiry of the Massacre at My Lai
- Plains and Rockies
- Plymouth Court Records, 1686-1859
- President Harry S. Truman’s Office Files, 1945-1953
- President Truman’s Committee on Civil Rights
- President’s Mediation Commission, 1917-1919
- Princeton University Latin American Pamphlet Collection
- Princeton University Libraries Latin American Microfilm Collection Supplement VI
- Princeton University Libraries Latin American Microfilm Collection Supplements I-II
- Published Colonial Records of the American Colonies: CR 1-70
- Records of the British Colonial Office, Class 5 Files
- Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs: Central Classified Files, 1907-1939
- Records of the Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of Palestine, 1945-1949
- Records of the Department of State relating to Political Relations between the United States and Russia
- Records of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1954-1970
- Records of the U. S. Department of State relating to Internal Affairs of Ecuador, 1960-1963
- Records of the U. S. Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Japan
- Records of the U. S. Marine Corps in the Vietnam War
- Register of Debates in Congress, 18th Congress Second Session, 1824 – 25th Congress, First Session 1837
- Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts
- Reports of Inspection of the Field Jurisdictions of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1873-1900
- Republican Campaign Text Book
- Republican Party National Convention
- Robert Jackson Alexander Papers: the Interview Collection
- Russia in transition : the diplomatic papers of David R. Francis, U.S. Ambassador to Russia
- Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
- Scopes Case
- Shakespeare Society Publications
- Slave Narratives, a Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves
- Social Welfare Forum: Official Proceedings 1874-1969
- Southern Frontier, 1940-1945
- Spiro T. Agnew Case. Investigative and Legal Documents
- State Papers (Foreign) of Edward VI, 1547-1553
- State Papers (Foreign) of Mary I, 1553-1558
- Statutes of the Realm: 1225-1713
- Survey of Conditions of the Indians in the United States
- U. S. Army Build-up and Activities in South Vietnam, 1965-1972
- U.S. Congressional Committee Hearings, 1833+
- U.S. Congressional Committee Prints, mid 1800s +
- U.S. Military Intelligence Reports: Surveillance of Radicals in the United States, 1917-1941
- United States Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. Policy Reports on Microfiche
- United States Army in the World War, 1917-1919
- United States Serial Set
- United States Statutes at Large – Public Laws
- Unpublished U. S. Senate Committee Hearings, 1823-1968